Visual Studio 2010

  1. TF207014: The text that you specified contains one or more unsupported characters in the following text box: '{0}'. You must ...
  2. TF207015: The current work item already contains links to the following work items: {0}. The duplicate links will be removed. ...
  3. TF208000: A work item has a duplicate title in Excel row {0}. There can be only one title per row when viewing the working ...
  4. TF208001: A child work item is disconnected from its parent. The title at Excel row {0} is in the wrong column or is empty. ...
  5. TF208002: The name that you specified for the column header is a reserved name for this work item list. Choose a different ...
  6. TF208003: Cannot refresh the work item list. Parent to child links were changed such that columns must be added or removed ...
  7. TF208008: Warning - The link type {0} used in the query for this work item list is disabled on the Team Foundation Server. ...
  8. TF208009: No link changes were published. The link type used in the query for this work item list and the links of this type ...
  9. TF208010: The following work items cannot be displayed: {0} They either no longer exist on the server, or you do not have ...
  10. TF208010: The following work items cannot be displayed: {0}. They either no longer exist on the server, or you do not have ...
  11. TF208011: Team Foundation could not insert the work item list because adding it at the selected location exceeds the row ...
  12. TF208012: Team Foundation could not insert additional rows in the list because there is data in the worksheet that cannot ...
  13. TF208013: Team Foundation could not insert the work items because adding them at the selected location exceeds the row limitations ...
  14. TF208015: You are trying to add work items that are not in the selected team project for this Microsoft Excel file. Only ...
  15. TF208016: Team Foundation could not insert the selected column(s) because the list would exceed the column limitations in ...
  16. TF208017: The first work item in the list must have a title in the level 1 title column. Correct the list so that the first ...
  17. TF208020: The recent change modified or deleted a column in a way that is not allowable for work item lists. The last action ...
  18. TF208021: The recent change modified or deleted a column in a way that is not allowable for work item lists. The last action ...
  19. TF208022: Cannot publish a sorted tree list. Before you can publish, you must clear any sort criteria applied to this work ...
  20. TF208023: Could not open files located in the XLStart folder. To troubleshoot this problem, try starting Microsoft Excel ...
  21. TF208024: Could not open one or more files located in the XLStart folder. To troubleshoot this problem, try starting Microsoft ...
  22. TF208026: To perform this operation, you must not have the header row selected. Select cells within the list, and retry the ...
  23. TF208027: To perform this operation, you must not have the totals row selected. Select cells within the list, and retry the ...
  24. TF208028: Before you can perform this action, the list must be converted to a tree. You made changes to work items that are ...
  25. TF208030: Before you can perform this action, all changes must be published. Publish your changes, and try the operation ...
  26. TF208031: This operation requires a type of link that uses a tree topology, but this Team Foundation server does not contain ...
  27. TF208034: Team Foundation could not find the query associated with this work item list. The query may have been deleted, ...
  28. TF208036: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The '{1}' field does not exist. ...
  29. TF208037: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The '{1}' field is not in the ...
  30. TF208038: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is unsupported. Click ...
  31. TF208039: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an AND expression ...
  32. TF208040: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. Multiple filters for the same ...
  33. TF208041: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. Multiple filters for the same ...
  34. TF208042: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an AND expression ...
  35. TF208043: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an OR expression ...
  36. TF208044: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an OR expression ...
  37. TF208044: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an OR expression ...
  38. TF208045: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an OR expression ...
  39. TF208047: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an OR expression ...
  40. TF208048: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an OR expression. ...
  41. TF208051: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is not valid in a work ...
  42. TF208052: One or more filters that use the {0} operator will not be added to the PivotTable report because that operator ...
  43. TF208053: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter uses the {1} macro ...
  44. TF208054: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter uses the {1} arithmetic ...
  45. TF208055: An error occurred while the command was retrieving the names of the Analysis Services server and databases from ...
  46. TF208057: The query that you specified did not generate any reports. Open the query in Team Explorer, and use Column Options ...
  47. TF208059: The filter that uses the '{0}' field uses values that will not be used in the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. ...
  48. TF208062: The work item list cannot be converted to a tree at this time. The Team Foundation Add-in is trying to connect ...
  49. TF208063: A PivotTable and PivotChart report for the '{0}' field will not be created. The field does not exist. Click Finish ...
  50. TF208064: A PivotTable and PivotChart report for the '{0}' field will not be created. The field is not reportable. Click ...
  51. TF208065: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The '{1}' field is not reportable. ...
  52. TF208066: A PivotTable and PivotChart report for the '{0}' field will not be created. The field is not in the Analysis Services ...
  53. TF208067: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter uses the '{1}' field, ...
  54. TF208067: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter uses the à â Ëœ{1}à ...
  55. TF208068: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The date is not valid. Click Finish ...
  56. TF208069: The PivotTable and PivotChart reports will not be created. SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 Service Pack 2 must ...
  57. TF208070: One or more PivotTable and PivotChart reports cannot be created. Filters might use a combination of field values ...
  58. TF208071: The following error occurred when the command was generating PivotTable and PivotChart reports. Close the Microsoft ...
  59. TF208072: The PivotTable and PivotChart reports cannot be created because the query that you specified is a query on links. ...
  60. TF208073: The PivotTable and PivotChart reports cannot be created because the query that you specified would have generated ...
  61. TF208074: The '{0}' field will not be used to create PivotTable and PivotChart Trend Reports because it is not related to ...
  62. TF208075: You cannot create a list in Office Excel when multiple cells are selected or if a cell is in Edit mode. Click any ...
  63. TF208077: Before you can generate PivotTable and PivotChart reports from a query for work items, you must install Microsoft ...
  64. TF208078: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an OR expression ...
  65. TF208079: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The filter is part of an AND expression ...
  66. TF208080: The following filter will not be added to the PivotTable and PivotChart reports. The Field Comparison operator ...
  67. TF208081: The '{0}' field will not be used to create PivotTable and PivotChart Current Reports because it is not related ...
  68. TF208082: Unable to update reporting metadata of the following work item list: {0}. To update the metadata, you must be able ...
  69. TF208083: This computer has been configured for a new locale by using the Regional and Language Options item in Control Panel. ...
  70. TF208084: Office Excel cannot refresh a worksheet in which a Date filter applies to a column. Click OK to refresh the worksheet ...
  71. TF208086: You cannot indent a work item that is already a subtask of the work item above it. The work item in row {0} was ...
  72. TF208089: You cannot indent the first work item in the list. The first work item defines the root of the hierarchical tree. ...
  73. TF208092: You cannot use work item queries to generate reports in Excel on this server. To use this feature, the server must ...
  74. TF208093: You cannot use work item queries to generate reports in Excel on this server because it is not configured for reporting. ...
  75. TF208094: Project Portal cannot be launched. Determine if a portal is associated with the team project that the document ...