Visual Studio 2010

  1. Member {0} uses member {1}. Because this member was introduced in {2}, which was not included in the project's target framework, ...
  2. Member {0} uses type {1}. Because this type was introduced in {2}, which was not included in the project's target framework, ...
  3. Members of property '%1!ls!' of type '%2!ls!' cannot be assigned with an object initializer because it is of a value type ...
  4. Members of readonly field '%1!ls!' of type '%2!ls!' cannot be assigned with an object initializer because it is of a value ...
  5. Members of this group can bypass these restrictions by using Code view. Modify the General Category settings if you want ...
  6. Members of this group have service-level permissions for the Team Foundation Application Instance. For service accounts only. ...
  7. Members of this group should include the service accounts used by the test controllers set up for this project collection. ...
  8. Members that extend interface, delegate or enum types must be placed in a module separate to the definition of the type. ...
  9. Memory requirement of the virtual machine(s) exceeds the available host resources. The placement policy for this host group ...
  10. Menu Keys : Specifies the additional string that will be displayed when element has subitems and key tip navigation enabled. ...
  11. Menus : Demonstrates how to use MenuStrip controls in Windows Forms applications to create menus at runtime and handle menu ...
  12. Merge encountered {0} error(s) and {1} warning(s). First error/warning encountered: {2} See output tool window for information ...
  13. Merge multiple subdocuments into a single subdocument. Content from all subdocuments is merged into the first subdocument. ...
  14. Merge Sections : Causes the linker to merge section 'from' into section 'to'; if section 'to' does not exist, section 'from' ...
  15. Merge the application Web files into a single assembly with the given name. This option cannot be combined with the -o or ...
  16. Merge the contents of the data sources. Choose this option if you'd like to sort, group, and filter the sources as one long ...
  17. Merge the entire application into a single assembly with the given name. This option cannot be combined with the -prefix ...
  18. Merged IDL Base File Name : Specifies the basename of the .IDL file that contains the contents of the merged IDLSYM sections. ...
  19. Message's involved lifeline {0} is different from the passed in lifeline {1}. InsertionPoint cannot be created as expected. ...
  20. Message: {0} You can save the build definition anyway, but this issue may cause builds to fail or produce unexpected results. ...
  21. MetaClassInfo {0} should not register a RolePlayerChangeRule. Only MetaRelationships are allowed to register RolePlayerChangeRules. ...
  22. MetaClassInfo {0} should not register a RolePlayerPositionChangeRule. Only MetaRelationships are allowed to register RolePlayerPositionChangeRule. ...
  23. Metadata files that belong to projects cannot be edited. If you wish to use this metadata file, please import it into the ...
  24. Method '%1!ls!' cannot implement interface accessor '%2!ls!' for type '%3!ls!'. Use an explicit interface implementation. ...
  25. Method '|1' cannot implement partial method '|2' because '|3' already implements it. Only one method can implement a partial ...
  26. Method '|1' has a link demand, but overrides or implements the following methods which do not have a link demand. A security ...
  27. Method implementations should not contain more than 64 local variables. In order for the run-time to enregister local variables ...
  28. Method {0} called GetLastWin32Error but the immediately preceding call to {1} is not a P/Invoke statement. Move the call ...
  29. Method {0} calls {1} with a format string that contains an unexpected character '{2}' at index '{3}'. The provided format ...
  30. Method {0} passes '{1}' as the {2} argument to a {3} constructor. Replace this argument with one of the method's parameter ...
  31. Method {0} passes a literal string as parameter '{1}' of a call to {2}. Retrieve the following string(s) from a resource ...
  32. Method {0} passes a literal string as parameter '{1}' of a call to {2}. Retrieve the string argument from a resource table ...
  33. Method {0} passes parameter name '{1}' as the {2} argument to a {3} constructor. Replace this argument with a descriptive ...
  34. Method, operator, or accessor '%1!ls!' is marked external and has no attributes on it. Consider adding a DllImport attribute ...
  35. MethodInstance with name '{0}' and type '{1}' must specify Return Parameter name along with Return TypeDescriptor path. Specifying ...
  36. Methods decorated with the DllImport attribute should point to existing unmanaged entry points. There is no compile-time ...
  37. Methods decorated with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute have an implicit LinkDemand placed upon all of their callers. ...
  38. Methods in the same type that differ only by return type can be difficult for developers and tools to properly recognize. ...
  39. Methods marked with OnSerializing, OnSerialized, OnDeserializing, or OnDeserialized, must be non-generic, private, return ...
  40. Methods where the type parameter cannot be inferred from the parameters and therefore has to be defined in the method call ...
  41. Methods which do not access instance data or call instance methods can be marked as static (Shared in Visual Basic). After ...
  42. Methods with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute that call methods without that attribute might unintentionally expose ...
  43. Methods/Functions/Operators/Properties/Fields/Variables/Events/Constants/Enum Items/Typedefs/Map Items/External Declarations/Macros/Unknowns ...
  44. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is not installed on this system. Visual Studio SharePoint projects require Microsoft .NET ...
  45. Microsoft cannot guarantee that offensive content will not be returned since the extent of a service's filtering capabilities ...
  46. Microsoft cares about your privacy. For more information about how %ApplicationName% helps to protect your privacy, please ...
  47. Microsoft Diff and Merge Tool Microsoft Corporation. . Compare two files: diffmerge.exe Original Modified OriginalLabel ModifiedLabel ...
  48. Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 Redist for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. This redist contains the tools required to view ...
  49. Microsoft Document Explorer cannot be shown because no valid help collection has been specified. If Microsoft Document Explorer ...
  50. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the environment because it could not find an active or stored environment ...
  51. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the environment because it could not find an active or stored snapshot ...
  52. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the following virtual machine because computer name of the VM is not available: ...
  53. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the following virtual machine because information of the machine is not ...
  54. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the following virtual machine because IP address of the VM is not yet available: ...
  55. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the following virtual machine because it is not connected to an external ...
  56. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the following virtual machine because network isolation configuration is ...
  57. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the following virtual machine because network isolation is not ready: {0}. ...
  58. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not connect to the virtual machine: {0}. Remote desktop connection might not be enabled ...
  59. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not take a snapshot of the environment {0}. Team Foundation Server returned the following ...
  60. Microsoft Environment Viewer could not take a snapshot of the following environment within the expected time. Environment: ...
  61. Microsoft Help and Support site for Knowledge Base articles on troubleshooting the installation of Team Foundation Server ...
  62. Microsoft Help and Support site for Knowledge Base articles on troubleshooting the installation of Visual Studio 2010. To ...
  63. Microsoft is interested in collecting information about the error message you just saw. We have created a report that you ...
  64. Microsoft Office 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) is not installed on this computer. You must install an edition of Office ...
  65. Microsoft Office can check the workspace periodically to get updates of the document and the Document Management task pane. ...
  66. Microsoft Office cannot complete the operation because the network is unavailable. Check your network connection and try ...
  67. Microsoft Office cannot open this file because it is either corrupted or has parts that are blocked by your administrator. ...
  68. Microsoft Office cannot run Detect and Repair on a Terminal Server. For more information, contact your system administrator. ...
  69. Microsoft Office could not publish your document back to its source location. The site may not exist, you may not have permission ...
  70. Microsoft Office digital signatures combine the familiarity of a paper signing experience with the convenience of a digital ...
  71. Microsoft Office has detected a problem with your Information Rights Management (IRM) configuration. To create or access ...
  72. Microsoft Office has detected a problem with your Information Rights Management configuration. Contact your administrator ...
  73. Microsoft Office has detected a problem with your Information Rights Management configuration. If this problem continues, ...
  74. Microsoft Office has detected a problem with your Information Rights Management configuration. You have pending changes to ...
  75. Microsoft Office has determined that you have multiple options for signing this document. Select the signing software that ...