Visual Studio 2010

  1. Make {0} sealed (a breaking change if this class has previously shipped), implement the method non-explicitly, or implement ...
  2. Makes the ALT+ key combinations that allowed access to the menus of Office 2003 and prior continue to work in Office 2007 ...
  3. Makes the local file writable and changes its pending Change status to "edit" in the workspace. Edit is an alias for the ...
  4. Manage the configuration of Team Foundation Server, including SharePoint Products, SQL Server, and machines for build and ...
  5. Managed code profiling component was not registered - fixing. This session may not have correct results for managed/mixed ...
  6. Manifest File : Specifies the name of the manifest file to generate. Only used if Generate Manifest is true. (/MANIFESTFILE:[file]) ...
  7. Many developers use the Test Driven Development pattern to produce quality software. Visual Studio now has integrated support ...
  8. Many formatted paragraphs Pastes all of the text into a preformatted text ( ) tag set that maintains all of the paragraph, ...
  9. Many sequences of error codes are included with the Visual C++ development environment. The languages, compiler, assembler, ...
  10. Maps a team project collection to a PWA instance. The PWA instance must be registered before mapping the collection to it. ...
  11. Mark interface {0} as InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch) because it is specified in the ComSourceInterfaces ...
  12. Mark package scope as assembly scope in metadata. Package-scoped items are public by default. (/securescoping[+|- or /ss[+|-]) ...
  13. Marking all methods '_declspec(noinline)' prevents the warning. Changing the static constructor to an explicitly called static ...
  14. Marks an executable as having been tested to be compatible with Windows Data Execution Prevention feature. (/NXCOMPAT[:NO]) ...
  15. Marks the selected text for inclusion in the TOC. You specify at which level in the TOC the selected text should appear. ...
  16. Marshaling Session or Host object to secondary AppDomain failed. Check that Host and all types in Session dictionary are ...
  17. Mask : The mask string specifies what type of characters can be written and where. Possible mask symbols: 'a', 'A', 'c', ...
  18. Master Pages cannot contain Web Part Zones on this Web site. However, you may insert Web Part Zones in ASPX pages attached ...
  19. Match Fields allows you to tell Word the meaning of different fields in your recipient list. For example, you can indicate ...
  20. Max Cached Translation Units : The maximum number of translation units that will be kept active at a time for IntelliSense ...
  21. Maximum concurrent C++ compilations : The maximum number of CPU cores to use for parallel C++ compilation. A value of 0 causes ...
  22. Maximum number of profiled processes exceeded. Some data may have been lost. Check the MaxProcesses setting in the registry. ...
  23. Maximum packet length exceeded. If the problem continues, reduce the number of network host names or network addresses that ...
  24. MC1001: The LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile property value is not valid and must be changed to None, CommentsOnly, or All ...
  25. MC3001: TypeConverter syntax error encountered while processing initialization string '{0}'. Property elements are not allowed ...
  26. MC3010: '{0}' Name property value is not valid. Name must start with a letter or an underscore and can contain only letters, ...
  27. MC3014: The object being added to an array property is not a valid type. The array is of type '{0}' but the object being ...
  28. MC3016: Two new namespaces cannot be compatible with the same old namespace using an XmlnsCompatibility attribute. '{0}' ...
  29. MC3020: The dictionary key '{0}' is already used. Key attributes are used as keys when inserting objects into a dictionary ...
  30. MC3041: Markup extensions require a single '=' between name and value, and a single ',' between constructor parameters and ...
  31. MC3042: Name/value pairs in MarkupExtensions must have the format 'Name = Value' and each pair is separated by a comma. '{0}' ...
  32. MC3046: Unknown attribute '{0}' in the '{1}' namespace. Note that only the Key attribute is currently supported in this namespace. ...
  33. MC3048: '{0}' value is not a valid MarkupExtension expression. Cannot resolve '{1}' in namespace '{2}'. '{1}' must be a subclass ...
  34. MC3054: The type '{0}' cannot have a Name attribute. Value types and types without a default constructor can be used as items ...
  35. MC3077: The class '{0}' does not implement IXmlLineInfo. This is required to get position information for the XAML being ...
  36. MC3081: '{0}' is a read-only property of type IList or IDictionary and cannot be set because it does not have a public or ...
  37. MC3082: '{0}' cannot be set as the value of a Trigger's Property attribute because it does not have a public or internal ...
  38. MC3083: Cannot access the delegate type '{0}' for the '{1}' event. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does ...
  39. MC3086: Parent element or property '{0}' requires an XML data island. To distinguish an XML island from surrounding XAML, ...
  40. MC3087: Cannot set content property '{0}' on element '{1}'. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does not allow ...
  41. MC3090: TypeConverter syntax error encountered while processing initialization string '{0}'. Element attributes are not allowed ...
  42. MC3091: '{0}' is not valid. Markup extensions require only spaces between the markup extension name and the first parameter. ...
  43. MC3093: Cannot set Name attribute value '{0}' on element '{1}'. '{1}' is under the scope of element '{2}', which already ...
  44. MC4003: Cannot resolve the Style {0} '{1}'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property ...
  45. MC4104: The property '{0}' cannot be set as a property element on template. Only Triggers and Storyboards are allowed as ...
  46. MC4106: Cannot resolve the Template Property '{0}'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property ...
  47. MC4108: The root of a Template content section cannot contain an element of type '{0}'. Only FrameworkElement and FrameworkContentElement ...
  48. MC4111: Cannot find the Trigger target '{0}'. (The target must appear before any Setters, Triggers, or Conditions that use ...
  49. MC4610: '{0}' element is not a valid child of AlternateContent. Only Choice and Fallback elements are valid children of an ...
  50. MC4640: Namespace '{0}' is marked as compatible with itself using XmlnsCompatibilityAttribute. A namespace cannot directly ...
  51. MC6002: Unrecognized tag '{0}:{1}' in namespace ''. Note that tag names are case ...
  52. MC6005: {0}="{1}" is not valid. '{1}' is not a valid event handler method name. Only instance methods on the generated or ...
  53. MC6006: {0}.{1}="{2}" is not valid. '{1}' must be a RoutedEvent registered with a name that ends with the keyword "Event". ...
  54. MC6009: {0}:ClassModifier attribute cannot be specified on the root tag because a {0}:Class attribute is also required. Either ...
  55. MC6011: '{0}' event has a generic event handler delegate type '{1}'. The type parameters of '{1}' cannot be bound with an ...
  56. MC6012: '{0}' event has a generic event handler delegate type '{1}'. The type parameter '{2}' on '{1}' does not match any ...
  57. MC6020: {0}:TypeArguments='{1}' is not valid on the tag '{2}'. Either '{2}' is not a generic type or the number of Type arguments ...
  58. MC6021: {0}:FieldModifier cannot be specified on this tag because it has either no {0}:Name or Name attribute set, or the ...
  59. MC6023: Because '{0}' is implemented in the same assembly, you must set the {1}:Name attribute rather than the Name attribute. ...
  60. MC6024: '{0}' root element requires a {1}:Class attribute to support event handlers in the XAML file. Either remove the event ...
  61. MC6025: '{0}' root element is a generic type and requires a {1}:Class attribute to support the {1}:TypeArguments attribute ...
  62. MC6026: '{0}' root element requires a {1}:Class attribute because '{2}' contains a {1}:Code tag. Either remove {1}:Code and ...
  63. MC6028: {0}:TypeArguments="{1}" is not valid. '{2}' is not a valid type name reference for the generic argument at position ...
  64. MC6031: {0}:FieldModifier attribute cannot be specified because a {0}:Class attribute is also required to generate a Name ...
  65. Me keyword Provides a way to refer to the current instance of a class or structure, that is, the instance in which the code ...
  66. Member '%1!ls!' from assembly '%2!ls!' cannot be used across assembly boundaries because it contains a type which has a generic ...
  67. Member '%1!ls!' implements interface member '%2!ls!' in type '%3!ls!'. There are multiple matches for the interface member ...
  68. Member '%2!ls!' on embedded interop type '%1!ls!' cannot be evaluated while debugging since it is never referenced in the ...
  69. Member '%2!ls!' overrides '%1!ls!'. There are multiple override candidates at run-time. It is implementation dependent which ...
  70. Member '|1' cannot be found in class '|2'. This condition is usually the result of a mismatched 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll'. ...
  71. Member '|1' cannot override member '|2' defined in another assembly/project because the access modifier 'Protected Friend' ...
  72. Member '|1.|2' that matches this signature cannot be implemented because the interface '|1' contains multiple members with ...
  73. Member '|1.|2' that matches this signature cannot be overridden because the class '|1' contains multiple members with this ...
  74. Member constraints with the name '{0}' are given special status by the F# compiler as certain .NET types are implicitly augmented ...
  75. Member {0} is marked with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute. Make sure this does not result in a security vulnerability. ...