.NET Framework

  1. Parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3' scheduled child Activity '%4', DisplayName: '%5', InstanceId: '%6'. ...
  2. Parent Activity '{0}', DisplayName: '{1}', InstanceId: '{2}' scheduled child Activity '{3}', DisplayName: '{4}', InstanceId: ...
  3. Parent element or property '{0}' requires an XML data island. To distinguish an XML island from surrounding XAML, wrap the ...
  4. Part '{0}' from message '{1}' in namespace '{2}' defines both the element and type attributes. Only the element attribute ...
  5. Part '{0}' from message '{1}' in namespace '{2}' defines both the element and type attributes. Only the type attribute is ...
  6. Part '{0}' from message '{1}' in namespace '{2}' is missing the element attribute. The element attribute is required for ...
  7. Part '{0}' from message '{1}' in namespace '{2}' is missing the type attribute. The type attribute is required for headers ...
  8. Partial binding information was supplied for an assembly. A partial bind occurs when only part of the assembly display name ...
  9. Passing '%1!ls!' as ref or out or taking its address may cause a runtime exception because it is a field of a marshal-by-reference ...
  10. Passport Sign-in Required Access Denied You must sign in with valid or different Microsoft reg; .NET Passport credentials ...
  11. Passport Sign-in Required Access Denied You must sign in with valid or different Microsoft reg; .NET Passport credentials ...
  12. Patch package cannot be processed by Windows Installer. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version ...
  13. Patch package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch ...
  14. Patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application ...
  15. path attribute must be a relative virtual path. It cannot contain any of ';' '?' ':' '@' ' '=' '+' '$' ',' '\' '*' '"' ' ...
  16. PerformanceCounterInstaller can only install multiple counters in the same category. To install this counter, create a new ...
  17. PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime.Process is not valid in the global shared memory. If your performance counter category ...
  18. Permission sets are comprised of zero or more permissions. Each permission expresses a specific level of authorization to ...
  19. Personalization is not enabled and/or modifiable. The Enabled property must be set to true, and a registered personalization ...
  20. Personalization is not enabled. The Enabled property must be set to true, a registered personalization provider must be selected, ...
  21. Pie/Doughnut chart type - 'CollectedThresholdUsePercent' custom attribute can be set to values \'true\' or \'false\' only. ...
  22. Pie/Doughnut chart type - When 'CollectedThreshold' custom attribute is expressed in percentages. The value should be in ...
  23. PII logging has been turned on. Sensitive information will be logged in the clear.%r Process Name: %1%r Process ID: %2%r ...
  24. PII logging has been turned on. Sensitive information will be logged in the clear.%r Process Name: %1%r Process ID: %2%r ...
  25. Platform Attribute '{0}' is either defined in an assembly that is not referenced or does not have the expected constructor. ...
  26. Platform is invalid. Specify 'x86', 'Itanium', 'x64', or 'anycpu';;Platform '{0}' is invalid. Specify 'x86', 'Itanium', 'x64', ...
  27. Please examine each of the normative statement violations below. Follow the recommendations to remedy it, or add setting ...
  28. Please examine your schema definitions and add explicit targetNamespace attribute. Requiring a targetNamespace on all xsd:schema ...
  29. Please overwrite the replacement token '$edmxInputFile$' with the actual name of the .edmx file you would like to generate ...
  30. Please restart your computer to complete the installation. If you choose Restart Later, applications that depend on .NET ...
  31. Please select workflow type and authoring mode. Workflow type defines the types of activities that can be included in your ...
  32. Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot to point to the .NET Framework install location ...
  33. Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot to point to the .NET Framework install location ...
  34. Please specify an error message. The value in " (quotes) will be treated as literal, otherwise it will be treated as the ...
  35. Please specify if the activity is enabled or not. If an activity is not enabled it will not participate in the execution ...
  36. Please specify the synchronization handles to be acquired before executing the activity. Synchronization handles needs to ...
  37. Please specify the Until condition for the activity. If not specified, the activity will execute until no more children are ...
  38. Please wait while setup scans your system for conditions that could cause setup to fail, or cause issues later during server ...
  39. Policy assemblies are assemblies used during policy evaluation of a policy level by the security system. If you add a custom ...
  40. Policy for multiple issuer endpoints was retrieved from '{0}' but the relying party's policy does not specify which issuer ...
  41. Policy level {0} has been changed but not saved. The policy displayed in this policy level no longer accurately represents ...
  42. PopulateOnDemand only supported when binding the TreeView to a data source control using the DataSourceID property or when ...
  43. PortType operation has duplicate names, the child elements (input or output) doesn't have a name attribute, operation: {0} ...
  44. Possible version mismatch: wrong type of member. Object '{0}' for member name '{1}' is type '{2}'; incoming type is type ...
  45. Possibly incorrect assignment to local '%1!ls!' which is the argument to a using or lock statement. The Dispose call or unlocking ...
  46. Post cache substitution is not compatible with modules in the IIS integrated pipeline that modify the response buffers. Either ...
  47. Potential runtime violation of table {0}'s keys ({2}): Columns ({1}) are mapped to EntitySet {3}'s properties ({4}) on the ...
  48. Precision '{0}' required to send all values in column '{1}' exceeds the maximum supported precision '{2}'. The values must ...
  49. Prefixes beginning with "xml" (regardless of whether the characters are uppercase, lowercase, or some combination thereof) ...
  50. Previous alpha version of this product is already installed. Please remove Device Emulator binaries from '[ProgramFilesFolder]\microsoft ...
  51. PrintDialog needs a PrinterSettings object to display. Set PrintDialog.Document (preferred) or PrintDialog.PrinterSettings. ...
  52. Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is not thread safe by default unless stated otherwise. ...
  53. Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is not thread safe by default. In multithreaded ...
  54. Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is not thread safe by default. In multithreaded ...
  55. Process metrics are available only when the ASP.NET process model is enabled. When running on versions of IIS 6 or newer ...
  56. ProductName cannot be installed because it will affect other applications that are installed. For more information, see ...
  57. ProductName cannot be installed because it will affect other applications that are installed. For more information, see ...
  58. ProductName cannot be uninstalled because it will affect other applications that are installed. For more information, see ...
  59. ProductName cannot be uninstalled because it will affect other applications that are installed. For more information, see ...
  60. ProductName is not supported on this operating system. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=149513. ...
  61. ProductName is not supported on this operating system. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=249112. ...
  62. Profiler timed out on waiting for concurrent GC to finish after '%d' milliseconds. Please configure your profiler to increase ...
  63. Profilers will not be loaded by the current version of the CLR because of the environment variable setting below. Please ...
  64. Program '%2!ls!' has more than one entry point defined: '%1!ls!'. Compile with /main to specify the type that contains the ...
  65. Programs might not be able to access most protected resources such as the registry or security policy settings, or access ...
  66. Programs might not be able to access protected resources such as the registry, environment variables, domain names, or security ...
  67. Project '|1' cannot generate a reference to file '|2'. You may need to delete and re-add this reference, and then do a full ...
  68. Project '|1' makes an indirect reference to assembly '|2', which contains '|3'. Add a file reference to '|4' to your project. ...
  69. Project '|1' makes an indirect reference to project '|2', which contains '|3'. Add a project reference to '|2' to your project. ...
  70. Project '|1' requires a reference to version '|2' of assembly '|3', but references version '|4' of assembly '|3'. Reference ...
  71. Project file contains ToolsVersion="4.0", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it ...
  72. Project file contains ToolsVersion="{0}", which is not supported by this version of MSBuild. Treating the project as if it ...
  73. Project file contains ToolsVersion="{0}". This toolset is unknown or missing. You may be able to resolve this by installing ...
  74. Project file contains ToolsVersion="{0}". This toolset may be unknown or missing, in which case you may be able to resolve ...
  75. Project property 'DisableWorkflowCompiledExpressions' is set to an invalid value and will be defaulted to FALSE. The 'Di ...