.NET Framework

  1. Remove all scriptmaps to any version of ASP.NET from the specified path, recursively (not supported on Windows Vista and ...
  2. Remove all scriptmaps to any version of Windows Communication Foundation from the specified path, recursively. E.g. ServiceModelReg.exe ...
  3. Remove the web admin tool from the site specified by , where is the path of the site defined in IIS. If the argument is used, ...
  4. Remove the web admin tool from the site specified by , where is the path of the site defined in IIS. If the argument is used, ...
  5. Removes the ability for the default ASP.NET account (based on O/S) to automatically create databases in Sql Server Express ...
  6. Represents only the portion of a print preview that shows the document being previewed. Does not contain any dialog boxes ...
  7. Represents the average of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  8. Represents the cells that the header applies to. Renders the HTML SCOPE attribute. Possible values are from the TableHeaderScope ...
  9. Represents the data point axis label. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the AxisLabel property of the associated ...
  10. Represents the data point index in the series. This zero-based data point index can be used to uniquely identify the point ...
  11. Represents the data point label. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the Label property of the associated data ...
  12. Represents the legend text. This keyword will be replaced with the value of the LegendText property of the associated object. ...
  13. Represents the maximum of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  14. Represents the minimum of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  15. Represents the total (or sum) of all Y values in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify ...
  16. Represents the X value of the series data point. If a series is populated with Y values only, all X value points are set ...
  17. Represents the Y value of the first point in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify ...
  18. Represents the Y value of the last point in the series. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which ...
  19. Represents the Y value of the series data point. If a chart type supports more than one Y value, you can specify which Y ...
  20. Request for ConfigurationPermission failed while attempting to access configuration section '{0}'. To allow all callers to ...
  21. Request timed out after {0} while establishing a transport connection to {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have ...
  22. Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted. ...
  23. Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted. ...
  24. Requested locale information was not available for the specified culture. This may indicate a machine configuration problem. ...
  25. Requested operation is not allowed when the owner of this RelatedEnd is null. RelatedEnd objects that were created with the ...
  26. RequestReplyCorrelationInitializer should not be specified on a one way Send or Receive activity. When initializing RequestReply ...
  27. Required message property '{0}' is missing from the IncomingProperties collections of the received message. Ensure that when ...
  28. Required runtime property '{0}' is not initialized on DispatchRuntime. Do not remove ServiceBehaviorAttribute from ServiceDescription.Behaviors ...
  29. requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. ...
  30. Resolve the conflicts, click Refresh to verify that the conflicts have been resolved, and then click Next to continue with ...
  31. Resolved KeyTime for key frame at index {1} cannot be greater than resolved KeyTime for key frame at index {4}. KeyFrames[{1} ...
  32. Resolver must be specified. The default resolver (PNRP) is not available. Please refer to the documentation with your system ...
  33. Resource key {0} is not valid, it must contain a valid class name and key pair. For example, $resources:'className','key' ...
  34. Resource lookup fell back to the ultimate fallback resources in a satellite assembly, but that satellite either was not found ...
  35. Resource type '{0}' was registered by DataServiceConfiguration.EnableAccess(), however it no longer exists in the data service ...
  36. Resource type in the ResourceScope enum is going from a more restrictive resource type to a more general one. From: "{0}" ...
  37. Resource type in the ResourceScope enum is going from a more restrictive resource type to a more general one. From: "{0}" ...
  38. ResourceAssociationSets '{0}' and '{1}' have a ResourceAssociationSetEnd referring to the same EntitySet '{2}' through the ...
  39. ResourceManager base name should not end in '.resources'. It should be similar to 'MyResources', which the ResourceManager ...
  40. ResourceSet derived classes must provide a constructor that takes a String file name and a constructor that takes a Stream. ...
  41. Restarts MSDTC to make changes active immediately. If not specified, the changes will take effect when MSDTC is next started. ...
  42. restriction' or 'extension' child is required for complexType '{0}' in namespace '{1}', because it has a simpleContent or ...
  43. Rethrow activity '{0}' cannot be used in a private child of a TryCatch activity. Rethrow is only allowed under the public ...
  44. Rethrow activity '{0}' cannot find the FaultContext set by the TryCatch activity. To resolve the issue, do not modify or ...
  45. Retrieving the COM class factory for remote component with CLSID %2 from machine %3 failed due to the following error: %1 ...
  46. Retrieving the COM class factory for remote component with CLSID %2 from machine %3 failed due to the following error: %1. ...
  47. Return type is not valid in FunctionImport '{0}'. The FunctionImport can have no return type or return a collection of scalar ...
  48. Return type is not valid in FunctionImport '{0}'. The FunctionImport must return a collection of scalar values or a collection ...
  49. Return type of method '{0}' on type '{1}' is of type '{2}' but a type assignable to '{3}' is required for a query interceptor. ...
  50. Return' statements in this Async method cannot return a value since the return type of the function is 'Task'. Consider changing ...
  51. Returns the native handle for this process. The handle is only available if the process was started using this component. ...
  52. Review the card data and the sites where this card is used. If you delete this card, you may lose access to sites where you ...
  53. Rewriting child expression from type '{0}' to type '{1}' is not allowed, because it would change the meaning of the operation. ...
  54. Rewritten expression calls operator method '{0}', but the original node had no operator method. If this is is intentional, ...
  55. RG1002: ResourcesGenerator can generate only one .resources file at a time. The OutputResourcesFile property in the project ...
  56. Right-click and choose the Edit Styles command to define styles. Use the Edit Template command to edit templates for the ...
  57. Right-click on the Access Database file (by default, the file is named "ASPNetDB.mdb") and select the "Properties" menu item. ...
  58. Rollback is in progress. Click this message or double click on the installer icon for more detailed progress information. ...
  59. Root activity has empty DisplayName. Please do not set root activity's DisplayName to null or empty string, or provide a ...
  60. root element must implement IProvideCustomContentState, or a Navigating event handler must set NavigatingCancelEventArgs.ContentStateToSave ...
  61. Root type '{0}' is not supported at the top level by NetDataContractSerializer since it is IXmlSerializable with IsAny=true ...
  62. RoutedEvent/EventPrivateKey limit exceeded. Routed events or EventPrivateKey for CLR events are typically static class members ...
  63. Row member '{0}' in type '{1}' and row member '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they have a different number of ...
  64. Rows cannot be programmatically removed unless the DataGridView is data-bound to an IBindingList that supports change notification ...
  65. Rows collection cannot be programmatically cleared when the DataGridView control is data-bound to anything else than an IBindingList ...
  66. RunSynchronously may not be called on a task not bound to a delegate, such as the task returned from an asynchronous method. ...
  67. RuntimeArgument '{0}' refers to an Argument which in turn is bound to RuntimeArgument named '{1}'. Please ensure that the ...
  68. Satellite assembly "{2}" was built improperly. The manifest resource "{0}" will not be found by the ResourceManager. It must ...
  69. Satisfying a LinkDemand is a security sensitive operation which can cause unintentional elevation of privilege. Security ...
  70. Save is not enabled in XmlDataSource '{0}' when either an XSL transform is specified, the content was specified using the ...
  71. SaveStateInOperationTransaction can only be set to true if all operations have either TransactionScopeRequired set to true ...
  72. Saving a general Func to XAML is not supported. To convert an object to a serializable Func, serialize the object to XAML ...
  73. Saving DynamicActivity or Activity.Implementation to XAML is not supported. If you are attempting to construct a parameterized ...
  74. Saving only public key information is not supported by this cryptographic storage class. A private key must also be saved. ...
  75. Schema could not be retrieved for this stored procedure. Please make sure the connection settings are correct and that the ...