.NET Framework

  1. System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail is not supported on this version of Windows. The recommended alternative is System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient. ...
  2. System.Xaml.Hosting section has invalid handler '{0}' configured for the type '{1}' hosted in path '{2}'. The '{0}' does ...
  3. t: temporary. Session state data is stored in the "tempdb" database. Stored procedures for managing session are installed ...
  4. Table 'ReserveCost' does not exist. We cannot cost disk space without ReserveCost table. Please add the table and try again. ...
  5. TableAdapterManager contains no connection information. Set each TableAdapterManager TableAdapter property to a valid TableAdapter ...
  6. Target type is invalid. Specify 'exe', 'winexe', or 'library';;Target '{0}' is invalid. Specify 'exe', 'winexe', or 'library' ...
  7. Task attempted to find "{0}" using the SdkToolsPath value "{1}". Make sure the SdkToolsPath is set to the correct value and ...
  8. Template property '{0}' has a TemplateContainer attribute set to '{1}', but that type does not implement INamingContainer. ...
  9. Thank you for participating in the Beta program. You must uninstall all pre-release products in a specific order before you ...
  10. Thank you for participating in the Visual Studio Beta program. Setup has detected that previous versions of the following ...
  11. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata for the resolved SDK with path "{0}" was empty. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata must be set. ...
  12. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata for the resolved SDK with path "{0}" was empty. The "OriginalItemSpec" metadata must be set." ...
  13. The "{0}" task has not registered its resources. In order to use the "TaskLoggingHelper.FormatResourceString()" method this ...
  14. The #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) #(loc.Branding_MajorMinor) and this update are already installed on your computer as part of ...
  15. The #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) requires the #(loc.Branding_ProductName). Please install the #(loc.Branding_ProductName) ...
  16. The #(loc.Branding_LPProductName_Short) redistributable does not apply to this operating system. Please download the #(l ...
  17. The #(loc.Branding_LPProductName_Short_NoKB) language pack doesn't match the language of the Windows operating system on ...
  18. The #(loc.Branding_LPProductName_Short_NoKB) language pack is already installed on your computer. To enable it, install the ...
  19. The #(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) redistributable does not apply to this operating system. Please download the #(loc ...
  20. The $select query option cannot be used to define a projection when the MaxProtocolVersion of the data service is set to ...
  21. The %1!ls! compiler cannot be used with a %2!ls! IDE. This is usually caused by installing different flavors of VS and NDP, ...
  22. The %2!ls! '%1!ls!' is not a generic method. If you intended an expression list, use parentheses around the < expression. ...
  23. The '%1' method threw an unhandled exception when invoked by the OperationInvoker. The method call duration was '%2' ms. ...
  24. The 'ActivityProperties' dictionary for the Interop activity '{0}' contains '{1}' which does not correspond to a bindable ...
  25. The 'ActivityType' property for the Interop activity '{0}' cannot reference a System.Type corresponding to a {1} at a nested ...
  26. The 'ActivityType' property for the Interop activity '{0}' cannot reference a System.Type corresponding to a {1} at the root ...
  27. The 'ActivityType' property for the Interop activity '{0}' is not set. This property must be set before the Interop activity ...
  28. The 'ActivityType' property for the Interop activity '{0}' must reference a System.Type that has a public, parameterless ...
  29. The 'address' property cannot be specified for an endpoint of kind '{0}'. To configure the multicast address and port, use ...
  30. The 'AddressOf' expression has no effect in this context because the method argument to 'AddressOf' requires a relaxed conversion ...
  31. The 'allowDefinition' attribute must be one of the following values: Everywhere, MachineOnly, MachineToWebRoot, MachineToApplication. ...
  32. The 'allowExeDefinition' attribute must be one of the following values: MachineOnly, MachineToApplication, MachineToRoamingUser, ...
  33. The 'await' operator can only be used when contained within a method or lambda expression marked with the 'async' modifier ...
  34. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async anonymous method. Consider marking this anonymous method with the 'async' ...
  35. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async lambda expression. Consider marking this lambda expression with the ...
  36. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and ...
  37. The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and ...
  38. The 'await' operator may only be used in a query expression within the first collection expression of the initial 'from' ...
  39. The 'EndValidation' method cannot not be called when all the elements have not been validated. 'ValidateEndElement' calls ...
  40. The 'ID' property on ScriptControlDescriptor is not settable. The client ID of a script control is always equal to its element ...
  41. The 'listenUri' property cannot be set for an endpoint of kind '{0}'. To configure the multicast address and port, use 'multicastAddress' ...
  42. The 'maximum bytes per Read operation' quota ({0}) has been exceeded while reading XML data. Long element start tags (consisting ...
  43. The 'maximum size in bytes' quota ({0}) has been exceeded while writing MTOM data. This quota may be increased by changing ...
  44. The 'provider' argument to the InstanceKey constructor must be a non-empty string which identifies the source of the key ...
  45. The 'scopeName' argument to the InstanceKey constructor must be a non-empty string which indicates the scope of uniqueness ...
  46. The 'startEventCode' and 'endEventCode' attributes are invalid. 'startEventCode' must be equal or less than 'endEventCode'. ...
  47. The 'To' header on the message is set to Anonymous Uri '{0}'. Please set the 'To' header to a non-anonymous address as message ...
  48. The 'Username' was set but no password was supplied. You must set the password when changing the 'Username' to anything other ...
  49. The 'Via' property on the message is set to Anonymous Uri '{0}'. Please set the 'Via' property to a non-anonymous address ...
  50. The 'xsl:apply-imports' instruction cannot be included within the content of an 'xsl:for-each' instruction or within an 'xsl:template' ...
  51. The '{0}' attribute in the element of the Web.config file is used only to target version 4.0 and later of the .NET Framework ...
  52. The '{0}' attribute in the element of the Web.config file is used only to target version 4.0 and later of the .NET Framework ...
  53. The '{0}' attribute is ignored, because the value of 'prohibited' for attribute use only prevents inheritance of an identically ...
  54. The '{0}' authentication scheme has been specified for the proxy on the HTTP factory. However, the factory only supports ...
  55. The '{0}' authentication scheme has been specified on the HTTP factory. However, the factory only supports specification ...
  56. The '{0}' binding with the '{1}' namespace is configured to issue cookie security context tokens. COM+ Integration services ...
  57. The '{0}' configuration section cannot be created. The machine.config file is missing information. Verify that this configuration ...
  58. The '{0}' event on associated control '{1}' for the trigger in UpdatePanel '{2}' does not match the standard event handler ...
  59. The '{0}' expression with an input of type '{1}' and a check of type '{2}' is not supported. Only entity types and complex ...
  60. The '{0}' method failed because the '{1}' property, meant to contain a '{2}' object, was not assigned and was not able to ...
  61. The '{0}' method threw an unhandled exception when invoked by the OperationInvoker. The method call duration was '{1}' ms. ...
  62. The '{0}' operation timed out after '{1}'. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. ...
  63. The '{0}' property can only be set in or before the Page_PreInit event for static controls. For dynamic controls, set the ...
  64. The '{0}' property cannot be changed dynamically if Page has a stylesheet theme. For dynamic controls, set the property before ...
  65. The '{0}' property of '{1}' is not a valid Personalizable property. It must have a public get and set accessor, and take ...
  66. The '{0}' property on the conceptual model type '{1}' is of type '{2}'. The property '{3}' on the CLR type '{4}' is of type ...
  67. The '{0}' property on the type specified by the DataObjectTypeName property in ObjectDataSource '{1}' is readonly and its ...
  68. The '{0}' property was read-only, or the consumer attempted to set values of properties in the Initialization property group ...
  69. The '{0}' property with a string value of '{1}' was converted and a null value returned. TypeConverter might not be able ...
  70. The '{0}' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '{1}'. However, the current database schema is not compatible ...
  71. The '{0}' service is configured with EnsureOrderedDispatch set to true, but the ConcurrencyMode is not set to Single. EnsureOrderedDispatch ...
  72. The '{0}' service is configured with ReleaseServiceInstanceOnTransactionComplete set to true, but the ConcurrencyMode is ...
  73. The '{0}' SqlDependency attribute for OutputCache directive is invalid. For SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, the valid ...
  74. The '{0}' SqlDependency attribute for OutputCache directive is invalid. For SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, the valid ...
  75. The '{0}' table in the database '{1}' is not enabled for SQL cache notification. Please make sure the table exists, and the ...