.NET Framework

  1. SQL cache notification is not enabled for the database '{0}' because the pollTime attribute is set to zero in the configuration. ...
  2. SQL cache notification is not enabled. To enable SQL cache dependency, please set the 'enabled' attribute to "true" in the ...
  3. SQL Server command notification for caching is only supported with the System.Data.SqlClient provider in SqlDataSource '{0}'. ...
  4. SQL Server Express is a basic version of Microsoft SQL Server that allows you to easily read, write, and deploy application ...
  5. SqlDbType.SmallDateTime overflow. Value '{0}' is out of range. Must be between 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM and 6/6/2079 11:59:59 ...
  6. SqlDependency does not support calling Start() with different connection strings having the same server, user, and database ...
  7. SqlDependency.Start has been called for the server the command is executing against more than once, but there is no matching ...
  8. SqlPersistenceProviderFactory.CreateProvider requires a non-empty GUID as the instance identifier. An empty GUID was passed ...
  9. SqlWebEventProvider: connectionString can only contain connection strings that use Sql Server authentication. Trusted Connection ...
  10. SqlWorkflowInstanceStore cannot process the command because store cleanup is currently in progress. Please wait for the cleanup ...
  11. SqlWorkflowInstanceStore does not support creating more than one lock owner concurrently. Consider setting InstanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner ...
  12. StandAlone is 'yes' and the value of the attribute '{0}' contains a definition in an external document that changes on normalization. ...
  13. Starting execution of a BookmarkWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. BookmarkName: %4, BookmarkScope: ...
  14. Starting execution of a BookmarkWorkItem for Activity '{0}', DisplayName: '{1}', InstanceId: '{2}'. BookmarkName: {3}, BookmarkScope: ...
  15. Starting execution of a CompletionWorkItem for parent Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. Completed Activity ...
  16. Starting execution of a CompletionWorkItem for parent Activity '{0}', DisplayName: '{1}', InstanceId: '{2}'. Completed Activity ...
  17. Starting execution of a FaultWorkItem for Activity '%1', DisplayName: '%2', InstanceId: '%3'. The exception was propagated ...
  18. Starting execution of a FaultWorkItem for Activity '{0}', DisplayName: '{1}', InstanceId: '{2}'. The exception was propagated ...
  19. StateMachine does not support Dynamic Update if the activity property in the original definition is reassigned to another ...
  20. StateMachine does not support Dynamic Update if the state is transitioning, and the current transition becomes conditional. ...
  21. StateMachine does not support Dynamic Update if the state is transitioning, and the current transition has been modified. ...
  22. StateMachine does not support Dynamic Update if the Trigger or Condition activity of the executing transition has been changed. ...
  23. StateMachine does not support Dynamic Update, if the Trigger of a conditional transition is removed, or a Condition activity ...
  24. StateMachine does not support Dynamic Update, if the Trigger of an existing Transition is modified, or the Condition or Action ...
  25. StickyNoteControl.InkCommand can only be processed on StickyNoteControl of type StickyNoteType.Ink with IsExpanded equal ...
  26. StopOnFirstFailure will have no effect when the following conditions are all present: 1) The system is running in multiple ...
  27. Storage EntityContainer name '{0}' specified in this mapping schema doesn't match with the storage EntityContainer name '{1}' ...
  28. Storage is isolated first by user and then by assembly. Data can be accessed by the assembly independent of the application ...
  29. Storage is isolated first by user and then by assembly. Data can be accessed by the assembly independent of the application ...
  30. Storage is isolated first by user and then by domain and assembly. Data can only be accessed within the context of the same ...
  31. Storage is isolated first by user and then by domain and assembly. Data can only be accessed within the context of the same ...
  32. Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows ({0}). Entities may have been modified or ...
  33. Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. Key column '{0}' has type '{1}', which is not a valid type ...
  34. Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. More than one key column is marked as server generated in table ...
  35. Storing connection strings in the application configuration file simplifies maintenance and deployment. To save the connection ...
  36. Stream Security is required at {0}, but no security context was negotiated. This is likely caused by the remote endpoint ...
  37. Strip or line start position offset. If drawing a single line/strip, specifies the absolute coordinate. For the series of ...
  38. Strong name signature could not be verified. The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully ...
  39. Strong name signature verification failed for assembly '%1'. The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed ...
  40. Strong name validation failed for assembly '%s'. The file may have been tampered with or it was delay signed, but not fully ...
  41. Strong name verification failure, can not load file or assembly '{0}'. If the assembly is delay-signed, make sure verification ...
  42. Struct or class fields cannot be of type StringBuilder. The same effect can usually be achieved by using a String field and ...
  43. Structure '{0}' has field '{1}' of type '{2}'. '{2}' is not a valid Windows Runtime field type. Each field in a Windows Runtime ...
  44. Structure '|1' must contain at least one instance member variable or at least one instance event declaration not marked 'Custom'. ...
  45. Style not found: {0}. Note that Styles will never be found on a System.Web.UI.UserControl. Use System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileUserControl ...
  46. Style properties are not supported on ListView. Apply styling or CSS classes to the elements inside ListView's templates. ...
  47. Style TargetType is a FrameworkElement, but the VisualTree root element '{1}' is a FrameworkContentElement. The root of the ...
  48. Stylesheet must start either with an 'xsl:stylesheet' or an 'xsl:transform' element, or with a literal result element that ...
  49. Support for {0} and {1} can not be enabled with {2} when the {3} of the {4} is '{5}'. Ensure the {4} used with the binding ...
  50. svc file. The constructor string must contain either a name of the *.xoml file or a CLR type name of the workflow service ...
  51. Switch '-c' requires a component to be specified for installation or uninstallation. Please specify which components to install ...
  52. Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. Cannot process more than one transaction ...
  53. Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. ConcurrencyMode for service is set to Single/Reentrant ...
  54. Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. UseSynchronizationContext property on ServiceBehaviorAttribute ...
  55. Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. Waiting for the completion of ReceiveContext ...
  56. SymbolResolver cannot be used as a per-instance extension. Use the singletonObject overload to add a SymbolResolver to your ...
  57. SymmetricSecurityBindingElement cannot build a channel or listener factory. The ProtectionTokenParameters property is required ...
  58. Syntax error in Lookup expression: Expecting keyword 'Parent' followed by a single column argument with possible relation ...
  59. Syntax error, bad array declarator. To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes the variable's identifier. To ...
  60. Syntax error: The IN keyword must be followed by a non-empty list of expressions separated by commas, and also must be enclosed ...
  61. Syntax: MSBuild.exe options project file Description: Builds the specified targets in the project file. If a project file ...
  62. System event notifications are not supported under the current context. Server processes, for example, may not support global ...
  63. System.AddIn.AddInStore.FindAddIn(s) warning: The type "{0}" is a generic type, and therefore cannot be used as a host view. ...
  64. System.AddIn.ContractBase warning: The following error occurred while unloading AppDomain '{0}' : '{1}'. The AppDomain was ...
  65. System.Array fields without a SafeArraySubType cannot be used from COM. For legacy reasons, they are exported as SAFEARRAYs ...
  66. System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute does not affect 'Get' or 'Set' when applied to the Property definition. Apply ...
  67. System.EnterpriseServices failed to install. Please fix the problem (see exception below) and run 'regasm System.EnterpriseServices.dll' ...
  68. System.Nullable' does not satisfy the 'Structure' constraint for type parameter '|1'. Only non-nullable 'Structure' types ...
  69. System.ObsoleteAttribute' cannot be applied to the 'AddHandler', 'RemoveHandler', or 'RaiseEvent' definitions. If required, ...
  70. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute' cannot be applied to '|1' because 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' ...
  71. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute' cannot be applied to '|1' because 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute' ...
  72. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute' cannot be applied to 'AddHandler', 'RemoveHandler' or 'RaiseEvent' method. ...
  73. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute' cannot be applied to a method that is generic or contained in a generic ...
  74. System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute' cannot be applied to a Sub, Function, or Operator with a non-empty body. ...
  75. System.ServiceModel.Activities.WorkflowServiceHost is incompatible with System.ServiceModel.Persistence.PersistenceProviderBehavior. ...