.NET Framework

  1. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' is specified as two-way, but is missing a SendReply. Please add a SendReply activity for ...
  2. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' specifies an 'out' or 'ref' parameter. Operations with 'out' or 'ref' parameters are not ...
  3. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' specifies Method '{2}' on the WebGetAttribute/WebInvokeAttribute, but the only allowed ...
  4. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses a MessageContract that has SOAP headers. SOAP headers are not supported by the None ...
  5. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses GET, but also has a parameter of MessageContract type '{2}'. GET operations cannot ...
  6. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses GET, but also has body parameter '{2}'. GET operations cannot have a body. Either ...
  7. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses UriTemplate parameters, but also uses a Message parameter. Message and UriTemplate ...
  8. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses UriTemplate parameters, but also uses a MessageContract parameter. MessageContract ...
  9. Operation '{0}' of contract '{1}' specifies at least one response body parameter that is not a return value of the operation. ...
  10. Operation '{0}' of contract '{1}' specifies MessageContract type '{2}' which has IsWrapped as false but has multiple request ...
  11. Operation '{0}' of contract '{1}' specifies multiple request body parameters to be serialized without any wrapper elements. ...
  12. Operation '{0}' on service instance with identifier '{1}' cannot be performed at this time. Please ensure that the operations ...
  13. Operation '{0}', belonging to contract ('{1}', '{2}') has an XmlSerializerFormatAttribute configured with OperationUse Encoded ...
  14. Operation '{1}' on service instance '{0}' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service ...
  15. Operation cannot be completed because the command that created the SqlResultSet has been dissociated from the original connection. ...
  16. Operation cannot be completed since the request context cannot be signaled at this time. Make sure workflow is not unloaded ...
  17. Operation is not valid while ItemCollection has no inner collection. ItemCollection is uninitialized or binding on ItemsControl.ItemSource ...
  18. Operation name overloading in a wsdl:portType is disallowed by the Profile. A wsdl:portType in a DESCRIPTION MUST have operations ...
  19. Operation requires a transformation of the image from GDI+ to GDI. GDI does not support images with a width or height greater ...
  20. OperationBehaviorAttribute can only go on the service class, it cannot be put on the ServiceContract interface. Method '{0}' ...
  21. OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' does not properly implement the async pattern, as more than one corresponding ...
  22. OperationContract method '{0}' in type '{1}' does not properly implement the async pattern, as no corresponding method '{2}' ...
  23. OperationDescription '{0}' is invalid because its Messages property contains an invalid number of MessageDescription instances. ...
  24. OperationFormatter encountered an invalid Message body. Expected to find an attribute with name 'type' and value 'null'. ...
  25. OperationFormatter encountered an invalid Message body. Expected to find an attribute with name 'type' and value 'object'. ...
  26. OperationFormatter encountered an invalid Message body. Expected to find node type 'Element' with name '{0}' and namespace ...
  27. Operations cannot contain more than one parameter when using MessageContracts for operation '{0}' in contract '{1}'. Please ...
  28. Operator '{0}' is ambiguous on operands of type '{1}' and '{2}'. Cannot mix signed and unsigned types. Please use explicit ...
  29. Operator '|1' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result ...
  30. Operator '|1' is not defined for types '|2' and '|3'. You can use the 'Value' property to get the string value of the first ...
  31. Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, >, =, , >=, CType, IsTrue, IsFalse. ...
  32. Operator is not overloadable. Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, >, =, ...
  33. Optimizes performance of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications by caching commonly used font data. WPF applications ...
  34. Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from '|1' to '|2'; the Visual Basic 6.0 collection type is not compatible ...
  35. Option Strict On disallows narrowing from type '|2' to type '|3' in copying the value of 'ByRef' parameter '|1' back to the ...
  36. Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between extension method '|1' defined in '|3' and ...
  37. Option Strict On requires each lambda expression parameter to be declared with an 'As' clause if its type cannot be inferred. ...
  38. Optional' cannot be applied to the first parameter of an extension method. The first parameter specifies which type to extend. ...
  39. Optionally, you can specify a CAB file that contains the required redistributable software. You can download this cab file ...
  40. Options for installing a Service Application: /username=name Sets the user account to run the service under. You must also ...
  41. Options for installing a Service Application: /username=name Sets the user account to run the service under. You must also ...
  42. Options for installing any assembly: /AssemblyName The assembly parameter will be interpreted as an assembly name (Name, ...
  43. Options for installing any assembly: /AssemblyName The assembly parameter will be interpreted as an assembly name (Name, ...
  44. Options for installing any assembly: /AssemblyName The assembly parameter will be interpreted as an assembly name (Name, ...
  45. Outgoing reply message for operation '{0}' specified Action='{1}', but contract for that operation specifies ReplyAction='{2}'. ...
  46. Outgoing request message for operation '{0}' specified Action='{1}', but contract for that operation specifies Action='{2}'. ...
  47. Output caching and response filtering are only compatible with memory and file based response buffers. A native module in ...
  48. Overload group '{0}' is already configured. It is an error to have property '{1}' in overload group '{2}' also configured. ...
  49. Overloaded shift operator must have the type of the first operand be the containing type, and the type of the second operand ...
  50. Override {0} has the following LinkDemand that is not present on base method {1}: {2}. If possible, apply the same LinkDemand ...
  51. Overriding the BuildingInParallel property by setting it to false. This is due to the system being run in single process ...
  52. P/Invoke and COM interop methods with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute result in a LinkDemand being done against ...
  53. P/Invoke method {0} is marked safe-critical. Since P/Invokes may only be called by critical code, this declaration should ...
  54. Package object was closed and disposed, so cannot carry out operations on this object or any stream opened on a part of this ...
  55. PackagePart subclass must implement GetContentTypeCore method if passing a null value for the content type when PackagePart ...
  56. Page.IsValid cannot be called before validation has taken place. It should be queried in the event handler for a control ...
  57. PageSetupDialog needs a PageSettings object to display. Set PageSetupDialog.Document (preferred), PageSetupDialog.PrinterSettings, ...
  58. ParamArray' cannot be applied to the first parameter of an extension method. The first parameter specifies which type to ...
  59. Parameter '{0}' in method '{1}' and parameter '{2}' in implemented interface method '{3}' must both be input parameters or ...
  60. Parameter '{0}' is not in the correct order for operation '{1}' in contract '{2}'. Please move it to position '{3}' in the ...
  61. Parameter '{0}' of operation '{1}' in contract '{2}' is a Stream, and is also a ref or out parameter. Stream cannot be a ...
  62. Parameter '{0}' requires additional schema information that cannot be captured using the parameter mode. The specific attribute ...
  63. Parameter '{1}' of method '{0}' has a specified default value that is not of a type ({2}) recognized by the ActiveX Importer. ...
  64. parameter cannot be specified in the datasvcmap file with 'true' value, since the data service collection feature is not ...
  65. parameter is not valid. Valid values are FigureUnitType.Auto, FigureUnitType.Pixel, FigureUnitType.Column, FigureUnitType.Content, ...
  66. parameter is specified more than once in the datasvcmap file. Please make sure that the parameter is only specified once. ...
  67. Parameter Mapping specified is not valid. The type '{0}' of member '{1}' in type '{2}' is not compatible with '{3}' of parameter ...
  68. parameter must be null if the '{0}' parameter value is '{2}' and '{1}' parameter cannot be null if the '{0}' parameter value ...
  69. Parameter name '|1' does not match the name of the corresponding parameter, '|2', defined on the partial method declaration ...
  70. Parameter type '{0}' of operation '{1}' (contract '{2}' with namespace '{3}') is not of type Stream. Ensure that the parameter ...
  71. Parameter {0} is not valid for this operation. It cannot be NotSet, None or Fill but needs to indicate a sizing criteria. ...
  72. ParameterDirection '{0}' specified for parameter '{1}' is not supported. Table-valued parameters only support ParameterDirection.Input. ...
  73. Parameters as arguments to a SKIP sub-clause in a query, or a SkipExpression in a command tree, are not supported in versions ...
  74. Parameters as arguments to a TOP sub-clause and a LIMIT sub-clause in a query, or a LimitExpression in a command tree, are ...
  75. Parameters cannot be added or removed from the parameter collection, and the parameter collection cannot be cleared after ...