.NET Framework

  1. ls!' has a link demand, but overrides or implements '%2!ls!' which does not have a link demand. A security hole may exist. ...
  2. ls!' has no applicable method named '%2!ls!' but appears to have an extension method by that name. Extension methods cannot ...
  3. ls!' hides inherited member '%2!ls!'. To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. ...
  4. ls!' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are '%2!ls!'. ...
  5. ls!' is not a valid constraint. A type used as a constraint must be an interface, a non-sealed class or a type parameter. ...
  6. ls!' is not a valid named attribute argument. Named attribute arguments must be fields which are not readonly, static, or ...
  7. ls!' is of type '%2!ls!'. A default parameter value of a reference type other than string can only be initialized with null ...
  8. ls!' is of type '%2!ls!'. The type specified in a constant declaration must be sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ...
  9. ls!' must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter '%2!ls!' in the ...
  10. ls!' must declare a body because it is not marked abstract or extern. Automatically implemented properties must define both ...
  11. ls!': accessibility modifiers on accessors may only be used if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor ...
  12. Machine decryption key is invalid. It should be either "AutoGenerate", or 16 (for DES) or 48 (for 3DES and AES) Hex chars ...
  13. Machine validation key is invalid. It is '{0}' chars long. It should be either "AutoGenerate" or between 40 and 128 Hex chars ...
  14. Mage does not have the security permissions necessary to run. Ensure that mage is not running from an untrusted source such ...
  15. Main assembly "{1}" was built improperly. The manifest resource "{0}" ends in .en-US.resources, when it should end in .resources. ...
  16. Make sure that the class defined in this code file matches the 'inherits' attribute, and that it extends the correct base ...
  17. Make sure that the ConformanceLevel setting is set to ConformanceLevel.Fragment or ConformanceLevel.Auto if you want to write ...
  18. MakeColumnsDistinct flag can only be placed within a container that does not generate update views. Mark GenerateUpdateViews ...
  19. Manual addressing is not supported with message level security. Configure the binding ('{0}', '{1}') to use transport security ...
  20. Mapping fragments cannot be joined. Ensure every mapping fragment maps a key on which it should be joined with one of the ...
  21. Mapping of the function import '{0}' is not valid. ComplexTypeMapping is supported only for function imports returning a ...
  22. Mapping of the function import '{0}' is not valid. EntityTypeMapping is supported only for function imports returning a collection ...
  23. Mapping of the function import '{0}' is not valid. Mapped type '{1}' is not compatible with the return type of the function ...
  24. MasterPage cannot be applied to this page because the control collection is read-only. If the page contains code blocks, ...
  25. Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '{0}'. Change the object graph or increase ...
  26. Maximum number of pending WebSocket connections ({0}) has been reached. Consider increasing the '{1}' quota on the '{2}' ...
  27. Maximum value '{0}' for Scale facet must be less than or equal to the maximum value '{1}' for Precision Facet in '{2}' type. ...
  28. maxNumberOfServerInstances must either be a value between 1 and 254, or NamedPipeServerStream.MaxAllowedServerInstances (to ...
  29. MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint quota ({0}) has been reached, so connection was closed and not stored in this connection ...
  30. MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint quota ({0}) has been reached, so the connection was closed and not reused by the listener. ...
  31. MaxSize is not defined for this store. An operation was performed that requires access to MaxSize. Stores obtained using ...
  32. MC1001: The LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile property value is not valid and must be changed to None, CommentsOnly, or All ...
  33. MC3001: TypeConverter syntax error encountered while processing initialization string '{0}'. Property elements are not allowed ...
  34. MC3010: '{0}' Name property value is not valid. Name must start with a letter or an underscore and can contain only letters, ...
  35. MC3014: The object being added to an array property is not a valid type. The array is of type '{0}' but the object being ...
  36. MC3016: Two new namespaces cannot be compatible with the same old namespace using an XmlnsCompatibility attribute. '{0}' ...
  37. MC3020: The dictionary key '{0}' is already used. Key attributes are used as keys when inserting objects into a dictionary ...
  38. MC3041: Markup extensions require a single '=' between name and value, and a single ',' between constructor parameters and ...
  39. MC3042: Name/value pairs in MarkupExtensions must have the format 'Name = Value' and each pair is separated by a comma. '{0}' ...
  40. MC3046: Unknown attribute '{0}' in the '{1}' namespace. Note that only the Key attribute is currently supported in this namespace. ...
  41. MC3048: '{0}' value is not a valid MarkupExtension expression. Cannot resolve '{1}' in namespace '{2}'. '{1}' must be a subclass ...
  42. MC3054: The type '{0}' cannot have a Name attribute. Value types and types without a default constructor can be used as items ...
  43. MC3077: The class '{0}' does not implement IXmlLineInfo. This is required to get position information for the XAML being ...
  44. MC3081: '{0}' is a read-only property of type IList or IDictionary and cannot be set because it does not have a public or ...
  45. MC3082: '{0}' cannot be set as the value of a Trigger's Property attribute because it does not have a public or internal ...
  46. MC3083: Cannot access the delegate type '{0}' for the '{1}' event. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does ...
  47. MC3086: Parent element or property '{0}' requires an XML data island. To distinguish an XML island from surrounding XAML, ...
  48. MC3087: Cannot set content property '{0}' on element '{1}'. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does not allow ...
  49. MC3090: TypeConverter syntax error encountered while processing initialization string '{0}'. Element attributes are not allowed ...
  50. MC3091: '{0}' is not valid. Markup extensions require only spaces between the markup extension name and the first parameter. ...
  51. MC3093: Cannot set Name attribute value '{0}' on element '{1}'. '{1}' is under the scope of element '{2}', which already ...
  52. MC4003: Cannot resolve the Style {0} '{1}'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property ...
  53. MC4104: The property '{0}' cannot be set as a property element on template. Only Triggers and Storyboards are allowed as ...
  54. MC4106: Cannot resolve the Template Property '{0}'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property ...
  55. MC4108: The root of a Template content section cannot contain an element of type '{0}'. Only FrameworkElement and FrameworkContentElement ...
  56. MC4111: Cannot find the Trigger target '{0}'. (The target must appear before any Setters, Triggers, or Conditions that use ...
  57. MC4610: '{0}' element is not a valid child of AlternateContent. Only Choice and Fallback elements are valid children of an ...
  58. MC4640: Namespace '{0}' is marked as compatible with itself using XmlnsCompatibilityAttribute. A namespace cannot directly ...
  59. MC6002: Unrecognized tag '{0}:{1}' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml'. Note that tag names are case ...
  60. MC6005: {0}="{1}" is not valid. '{1}' is not a valid event handler method name. Only instance methods on the generated or ...
  61. MC6006: {0}.{1}="{2}" is not valid. '{1}' must be a RoutedEvent registered with a name that ends with the keyword "Event". ...
  62. MC6009: {0}:ClassModifier attribute cannot be specified on the root tag because a {0}:Class attribute is also required. Either ...
  63. MC6011: '{0}' event has a generic event handler delegate type '{1}'. The type parameters of '{1}' cannot be bound with an ...
  64. MC6012: '{0}' event has a generic event handler delegate type '{1}'. The type parameter '{2}' on '{1}' does not match any ...
  65. MC6020: {0}:TypeArguments='{1}' is not valid on the tag '{2}'. Either '{2}' is not a generic type or the number of Type arguments ...
  66. MC6021: {0}:FieldModifier cannot be specified on this tag because it has either no {0}:Name or Name attribute set, or the ...
  67. MC6023: Because '{0}' is implemented in the same assembly, you must set the {1}:Name attribute rather than the Name attribute. ...
  68. MC6024: '{0}' root element requires a {1}:Class attribute to support event handlers in the XAML file. Either remove the event ...
  69. MC6025: '{0}' root element is a generic type and requires a {1}:Class attribute to support the {1}:TypeArguments attribute ...
  70. MC6026: '{0}' root element requires a {1}:Class attribute because '{2}' contains a {1}:Code tag. Either remove {1}:Code and ...
  71. MC6028: {0}:TypeArguments="{1}" is not valid. '{2}' is not a valid type name reference for the generic argument at position ...
  72. MC6031: {0}:FieldModifier attribute cannot be specified because a {0}:Class attribute is also required to generate a Name ...
  73. MDI Applications do not support the SplitContainer. A Splitter control will be added to the Form instead of a SplitContainer. ...
  74. MDI Applications do not support the SplitContainer. A Splitter control will be added to the Form instead of a SplitContainer. ...
  75. Media link object of type '{0}' is configured to use the MIME type specified in the property '{1}'. However, that property's ...