.NET Framework

  1. Member '%1!ls!' from assembly '%2!ls!' cannot be used across assembly boundaries because it contains a type which has a generic ...
  2. Member '%1!ls!' implements interface member '%2!ls!' in type '%3!ls!'. There are multiple matches for the interface member ...
  3. Member '%1' in class '%2' is not present in the serialized stream and is not marked with System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute. ...
  4. Member '%2!ls!' on embedded interop type '%1!ls!' cannot be evaluated while debugging since it is never referenced in the ...
  5. Member '%2!ls!' overrides '%1!ls!'. There are multiple override candidates at run-time. It is implementation dependent which ...
  6. Member '{0}' cannot be encoded using the XmlText attribute. You may use the XmlText attribute to encode primitives, enumerations, ...
  7. Member '{0}' implements more than one interface member. Please make sure this method only implements one interface member. ...
  8. Member '{0}' of type {1} cannot be serialized. Members with names ending on 'Specified' suffix have special meaning to the ...
  9. Member '{0}' on the data context type '{1}' of LinqDataSource '{2}' is not a valid table. For Insert, Update and Delete the ...
  10. Member '{0}.{1}' cannot be serialized since it is neither a field nor a property, and therefore cannot be marked with the ...
  11. Member '|1' cannot be found in class '|2'. This condition is usually the result of a mismatched 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll'. ...
  12. Member '|1' cannot override member '|2' defined in another assembly/project because the access modifier 'Protected Friend' ...
  13. Member '|1.|2' that matches this signature cannot be implemented because the interface '|1' contains multiple members with ...
  14. Member '|1.|2' that matches this signature cannot be overridden because the class '|1' contains multiple members with this ...
  15. Member AutoSync failure. For members to be Auto-Synced after insert, the type must either have an auto-generated identity, ...
  16. Member AutoSync failure. For members to be AutoSynced after insert, the type must either have an auto-generated identity, ...
  17. Member element {0}'s type cannot be derived by restriction or extension from head element {1}'s type, because it has block='restriction' ...
  18. Member Mapping specified is not valid. The type '{0}' of member '{1}' in type '{2}' is not compatible with '{3}' of member ...
  19. Member or Type '{0}' contains a metadata entry with the name '{1}', which is a reserved metadata key name. Either remove ...
  20. Member or Type '{0}' contains multiple metadata entries with the name '{1}'. The metadata entries could be coming from the ...
  21. Member {0} in type {1} cannot be serialized. This exception is usually caused by trying to use a null value where a null ...
  22. Member {0}.{1} of type {2} hides base class member {3}.{4} of type {5}. Use XmlElementAttribute or XmlAttributeAttribute ...
  23. Members of property '%1!ls!' of type '%2!ls!' cannot be assigned with an object initializer because it is of a value type ...
  24. Members of readonly field '%1!ls!' of type '%2!ls!' cannot be assigned with an object initializer because it is of a value ...
  25. Memory gates checking failed because the free memory ({0} bytes) is less than {1}% of total memory. As a result, the service ...
  26. MemoryMappedFileAccess.Write is not permitted when creating new memory mapped files. Use MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite ...
  27. Message contract type is specified for operation '{0}' in contract '{1}', please use ReceiveMessageContent for Receive activity, ...
  28. Message Logging has been turned on. Sensitive information may be logged in the clear, even if it was encrypted on the wire: ...
  29. Message Logging has been turned on. Sensitive information may be logged in the clear, even if it was encrypted on the wire: ...
  30. Message priority affects how MSMQ handles the message while it is in route, as well as where the message is placed in the ...
  31. Message retransmission requires WS-Addressing but the message being sent is using {0}. Please disable message retransmission ...
  32. Message security policy for the '{0}' action requires confidentiality without integrity. Confidentiality without integrity ...
  33. Message that the cursor is currently pointing to has been removed from the queue by another process or by another call to ...
  34. Message {0}was dropped, because pending messages total size limit ({1}) was exceeded. Use {2}.MaxPendingMessagesTotalSize ...
  35. Metadata can only contain values with a type that is available to be embedded at compile-time into attributes. For more details ...
  36. Metadata Exchange retrieval at {0} found more than one service endpoint. Specify an issuer to enable resolution of endpoints. ...
  37. Metadata information for the relationship '{0}' could not be retrieved. If mapping attributes are used, make sure that the ...
  38. MetadataEndpoint of contract type '{0}' cannot be added at this time. Make sure 'ServiceMetadataBehavior' is present in ServiceDescription ...
  39. Method '%1!ls!' cannot implement interface accessor '%2!ls!' for type '%3!ls!'. Use an explicit interface implementation. ...
  40. Method '%1$s' calls RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions() at IL offset 2$04X. This is invalid since it does not coincide ...
  41. Method '%1$s', which contains at least one constrained execution region, cannot be prepared automatically since it has one ...
  42. Method '%1$s', while executing within a constrained execution region, makes a call at IL offset 2$04X to '%3$s', which does ...
  43. Method '%1$s', while executing within a constrained execution region, makes a call at IL offset 2$04X to '%3$s', which is ...
  44. Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to explicitly implement a local method with weaker type parameter constraints. ...
  45. Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to explicitly implement a parent method with weaker type parameter constraints. ...
  46. Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to explicitly implement an interface method with weaker type parameter ...
  47. Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to implicitly implement an interface method with weaker type parameter ...
  48. Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to implicitly override a method with weaker type parameter constraints. ...
  49. Method '{0}' can not be created. Ensure that the type '{1}' does not contain an Activity, Field, Property or Event with same ...
  50. Method '{0}' has a generic type parameter of type '{1}' in its signature. Generic type parameters cannot appear in method ...
  51. Method '{0}' has a multi-dimensional array of type '{1}' in its signature. Arrays in Windows Runtime method signatures must ...
  52. Method '{0}' has a nested array of type '{1}' in its signature. Arrays in Windows Runtime method signatures cannot be nested. ...
  53. Method '{0}' has a parameter '{1}' of type '{2}' which is not supported for service operations. Only primitive types are ...
  54. Method '{0}' has a parameter named '{1}' whereas the corresponding parameter in the implemented interface method '{2}' is ...
  55. Method '{0}' has a parameter of type '{1}' in its signature. Although this generic type is not a valid Windows Runtime type, ...
  56. Method '{0}' has a parameter of type '{1}' in its signature. Although this type is not a valid Windows Runtime type, it implements ...
  57. Method '{0}' has a parameter of type '{1}' in its signature. Instead of using a managed Task type, use Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction, ...
  58. Method '{0}' has a return value named '{1}' whereas the implemented interface method '{2}' has a return value named '{3}'. ...
  59. Method '{0}' has an array of type '{1}' with non-zero lower bound in its signature. Arrays in Windows Runtime method signatures ...
  60. Method '{0}' has an output parameter '{1}' which is an array, but which has {2}. In the Windows Runtime, the contents of ...
  61. Method '{0}' has OperationContractAttribute, but enclosing type '{1}' does not have ServiceContractAttribute. OperationContractAttribute ...
  62. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' which is an array, and which has both {2} and {3}. In the Windows Runtime, the contents ...
  63. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' which is an array, and which has either a System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute or ...
  64. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' which is an array. In the Windows Runtime, the contents of array parameters must be either ...
  65. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' which is an array. In the Windows Runtime, the contents of array parameters must be either ...
  66. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' which is not an array, and which has either a {2} or a {3}. Windows Runtime does not support ...
  67. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' which takes variable number of arguments. Windows Runtime methods cannot have variable number ...
  68. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' with 'ByRef' modifier. Windows Runtime methods cannot use parameters for both input and ...
  69. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' with 'ref' modifier. Windows Runtime methods cannot use parameters for both input and output. ...
  70. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' with a System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute or System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute. ...
  71. Method '{0}' has parameter '{1}' with a System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute or System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute. ...
  72. Method '{0}' has pointer type '{1}' in its signature. Windows Runtime methods cannot have pointer types in their signatures. ...
  73. Method '{0}' in class '{1}' has bad parameter metadata: a pass-by-reference parameter is marked with the 'in' but not the ...
  74. Method '{0}' in class '{1}' has bad parameter metadata: a pass-by-value parameter is marked with the 'out' parameter mode. ...
  75. Method '{0}' is a public Overridable method on an inheritable class. The Windows Runtime requires Overridable methods on ...