.NET Framework

  1. Object '{0}' assigned to directive '{1}' has properties which are references to named object(s) '{2}' which have not yet ...
  2. Object '{0}' cannot be used as an accessor parameter for a PropertyPath. An accessor parameter must be DependencyProperty, ...
  3. Object '{0}' cannot be used as an origin because it is already a workflow definition element (Activity, ActivityDelegate, ...
  4. Object graph of type '{0}' with Id '{2}' contains a reference to itself. The object has been replaced with a new object of ...
  5. Object type must be an enum with the flag attribute and may only contain powers of two for the flags enum values or a combination ...
  6. Object type must be an enum with the flag attribute. '{0}' is not an enum - or the flag attribute is not set. Please use ...
  7. Object with reference id '{0}' cannot be assigned to the collection property of type '{1}' since the property is get-only. ...
  8. Object {0} is being remoted by a proxy that does not support interface discovery. This type of remoted object is not supported. ...
  9. ObjectForScripting's class must be visible to COM. Verify that the object is public, or consider adding the ComVisible attribute ...
  10. Occurs when a value has been submitted for this column. The user can modify the proposed value and should throw an exception ...
  11. Occurs when an external data-parsing or validation operation throws an exception, or when an attempt to commit data to a ...
  12. Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control is true and the DataGridView needs to determine ...
  13. Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control is true and the DataGridView requires a value ...
  14. Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control is true and the DataGridViewRow.ErrorText property ...
  15. Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control is true, and a cell value has changed and requires ...
  16. Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView is true and the user navigates to the new row at the ...
  17. Occurs when the mouse drags an item and the user releases the mouse indicating that the item should be 'dropped' into this ...
  18. Occurs when the mouse drags an item. The system requests whether the drag-and-drop operation should be allowed to continue. ...
  19. Occurs when the row is being changed so that the event handler can modify or cancel the change. The user can modify values ...
  20. OdbcCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters failed because the OdbcCommand.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart name ...
  21. Offline and online settings, which take the Web site offline (shut it down) to perform maintenance or to bring a new Microsoft ...
  22. Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end ...
  23. OleDbCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters failed because the OleDbCommandBuilder.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart ...
  24. On CoreCLR, if a base type has a public or protected non-transparent default constructor than the derived type must obey ...
  25. On data context type '{1}', there is a top IQueryable property '{0}' whose element type is not an entity type. Make sure ...
  26. Once authentication is attempted as the client or server, additional authentication attempts must use the same client or ...
  27. Once the socket has been disconnected, you can only accept again asynchronously. BeginAccept must be called on a thread that ...
  28. Once the socket has been disconnected, you can only reconnect again asynchronously, and only to a different EndPoint. BeginConnect ...
  29. One of the attributeValues found in the SamlAttribute was found to be a null value. Ensure that lists are not null when creating ...
  30. One of the extensibility elements on Binding '{0}' from namespace '{1}' has more then one part listed in the '{2}' attribute. ...
  31. One of the InternalsVisibleToAttribute values in assembly '{0}' is not a valid assembly name. Use the format 'AssemblyShortName' ...
  32. One of the known types provided to the serializer via '{0}' argument was invalid because it was null. All known types specified ...
  33. One of the parameters in the EntityParameterCollection is null or empty. A name must begin with a letter and contain only ...
  34. One or more attributes specified on object of type '{0}' may have invalid parameters. Please make sure that attributes have ...
  35. One or more entries are not valid in the IDictionary parameter. Verify that all values match up to the object's properties. ...
  36. One or more modules were streamed in which did not match those specified by the manifest. The hash of one or more modules ...
  37. One or more of the components being installed are already registered as 32 bit components in the target application. You ...
  38. One or more of the components being installed are already registered as 64 bit components in the target application. You ...
  39. One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...
  40. One or more of the ssdl files are missing the ProviderManifestToken attribute, please use the /connectionstring: argument. ...
  41. One or more parameters have an invalid value for the specified type. Please make sure the value corresponds to the specified ...
  42. One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are you missing references to Microsoft.CSharp.dll ...
  43. Only .NET Framework version 4 and 4.5 are supported. To use another version use the tools that shipped with that version. ...
  44. Only activities which have been requested to cancel can call MarkCanceled. Check ActivityInstance.HasCancelBeenRequested ...
  45. Only EntityTypeMapping and QueryView elements are allowed when the EntityType name is not specified on the EntitySetMapping. ...
  46. Only enumeration or primitive types may be used as constant value types. DbConstantExpression cannot be created using an ...
  47. Only instances of HttpWebRequest are currently allowed for this property. Other subtypes of WebRequest are not supported. ...
  48. Only necessary to set for decimal and numeric parameters when using with Prepare, FillSchema and CommandBuilder scenarios. ...
  49. Only non-multicast delegates are allowed for WorkflowApplication events. The provided delegate has an invocation list with ...
  50. Only one command at a time can be executed for a single InstanceHandle. Do not call the method Execute or BeginExecute on ...
  51. Only one import specification convention can apply to a single Member. More than one convention specification applies to ...
  52. Only one of the following binding flags can be set: BindingFlags.SetProperty, BindingFlags.PutDispProperty, BindingFlags.PutRefDispProperty. ...
  53. Only the first eight characters of a custom log name are significant, and there is already another log on the system using ...
  54. Only the value AutoCompleteMode.None can be used when DropDownStyle is ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList and AutoCompleteSource ...
  55. Only the value AutoCompleteSource.ListItems can be used when DropDownStyle is ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList and AutoCompleteMode ...
  56. Only Windows Installer version 2.0 and Windows XP or later use this error code. If Windows Installer determines a product ...
  57. Open timed out after {0} while establishing a transport session to {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been ...
  58. Opening the channel timed out after {0}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. ...
  59. Opening the {0} channel timed out after {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. ...
  60. Opening Win32 devices other than file such as COM ports, printers, disk partitions and tape drives is not supported. Avoid ...
  61. Operating system does not support controlling a Windows service. A service can only be controlled on Windows NT, Windows ...
  62. Operation '%1' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service instance is ready to process ...
  63. Operation '%2' on service instance '%1' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service instance ...
  64. Operation '{0}' (in contract '{1}' with namespace '{2}') specifies the http body format to be JSON but the serialization ...
  65. Operation '{0}' cannot be performed at this time. Another attempt will be made when the service instance is ready to process ...
  66. Operation '{0}' could not be loaded as it uses an unsupported combination of Use and Style settings: Document with Encoded. ...
  67. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' already has a '{2}' behavior, so a new one cannot be added. This usually indicates that ...
  68. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a MessageContract parameter (of type '{2}') without a wrapper name and with more than ...
  69. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a parameter or message contract body part with name '{2}' which contains one or more ...
  70. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a path variable named '{2}' which does not have type 'string'. Variables for UriTemplate ...
  71. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a query variable named '{2}' of type '{3}', but type '{3}' is not convertible by '{4}'. ...
  72. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a Stream return value and also has out or ref parameters. When Stream is the return ...
  73. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has a UriTemplate that expects a parameter named '{2}', but there is no input parameter ...
  74. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has multiple parameters named '{2}' that vary only in uppercase versus lowercase. The parameter ...
  75. Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' has multiple request body parameters, one of which is a Stream. When the Stream is a parameter, ...