.NET Framework

  1. The '{0}' table in the database '{1}' is not enabled for SQL cache notification. Please make sure the table exists, and the ...
  2. The '{0}' user-defined type could not be found. Ensure that the correct type and type library are registered and specified. ...
  3. The '{0}' value for the 'dateTimeOption' parameter is not an allowed value for the 'XmlDateTimeSerializationMode' enumeration. ...
  4. The '{0}','{1}' binding for the '{2}','{3}' contract is configured with a security version that does not support external ...
  5. The '{0}'.'{1}' binding for the '{2}'.'{3}' contract is configured with an authentication mode that requires transport level ...
  6. The '{2}' property on '{1}' could not be set to a '{3}' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type '{0}'. ...
  7. The .NET Framework Configuration tool is currently generating the list of assembly dependencies for this application. Please ...
  8. The .Net Framework Data Provider for OLEDB (System.Data.OleDb) does not support the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers ...
  9. The .Net Framework Data Provider for OLEDB will not allow the OLE DB Provider to prompt the user in a non-interactive environment. ...
  10. The .Net Framework Data Providers require Microsoft Data Access Components(MDAC). Please install Microsoft Data Access Components(MDAC) ...
  11. The .Net Framework Odbc Data Provider requires Microsoft Data Access Components(MDAC) version 2.6 or later. Version {0} was ...
  12. The .Net Framework OleDb Data Provider requires Microsoft Data Access Components(MDAC) version 2.6 or later. Version {0} ...
  13. The .NET Framework version that will be used to compile the generated code. The supported versions are 4 and 4.5. Defaults ...
  14. The /project: value provided '{0}' creates an EntityContainer name of '{1}' which is not a valid EntityContainer name. If ...
  15. The /project: value provided '{0}' creates an namespace name of '{1}' which is not a valid namespace name. If you would like ...
  16. The Abort implementation of a persistence participant of type '{0}' threw an exception. Exceptions should not be thrown from ...
  17. The action {0} is not supported by this endpoint. Only WS-ReliableMessaging February 2005 messages are processed by this ...
  18. The ActiveStepIndex must be less than WizardSteps.Count and at least -1. For dynamically added steps, make sure they are ...
  19. The activity '{0}' cannot be referenced by activity '{1}' because the latter is not in another activity's implementation. ...
  20. The activity '{1}' cannot reference activity '{0}' because activity '{0}' is already referenced elsewhere in the workflow ...
  21. The activity author supplied RuntimeArgument named 'Result' must be bound to the argument returned by the activity's Result ...
  22. The activity author supplied RuntimeArgument named 'Result' must have ArgumentDirection Out and type {0}. Instead, it has ...
  23. The Activity declaring ActivityDelegate '{0}' was not found in the parent hierarchy of the currently executing activity '{1}'. ...
  24. The activity definition object for '{0}' appears to be shared between multiple nodes in the workflow. It is incorrect to ...
  25. The activity delegate with Handler '{0}' cannot be referenced by activity '{1}' because the latter is not in another activity's ...
  26. The activity delegate with Handler '{0}' cannot be referenced by activity '{1}' because the latter is not in the implementation ...
  27. The activity delegate with no Handler cannot be referenced by activity '{0}' because the latter is not in another activity's ...
  28. The activity delegate with no Handler cannot be referenced by activity '{0}' because the latter is not in the implementation ...
  29. The activity instance's initialization was incomplete. This error occurs when a variable default or argument expression faults ...
  30. The activity with display name '{0}' has already been associated with an instance. Once associated with an instance an activity's ...
  31. The ActivityContext which created this ExecutionProperties object has already been disposed. Properties can only be accessed ...
  32. The Add-In base assembly "{0}" is identical to the Host Host View of Add-In assembly except for the version number. The loader ...
  33. The address for acknowledgements must be the same as the address for application messages. Verify that your endpoint is configured ...
  34. The address of the security token issuer is not specified. An explicit issuer address must be specified in the binding for ...
  35. The Address property on ChannelFactory.Endpoint was null. The ChannelFactory's Endpoint must have a valid Address specified. ...
  36. The address specified ("{0}") is an {1} address, and support for this type of IP address is not enabled on your operating ...
  37. The AdRotator '{0}' is expecting the data type of the first item in the collection from the DataSource property to have advertisement ...
  38. The All Code membership condition is true for all assemblies that are evaluated against it. Assemblies that meet this membership ...
  39. The ambient transaction (System.Transactions.Transaction.Current) doesn't match the transaction in use for this execution ...
  40. The amount by which the scroll box position changes when the user clicks in the scroll bar or presses the PAGE UP or PAGE ...
  41. The amount of physical memory used by the machine divided by the physical memory limit for the cache, as a percentage. When ...
  42. The animation(s) applied to the '{0}' property calculate a current value of '{1}', which is not a valid value for the property. ...
  43. The API '{0}' cannot be used on the current platform. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248273 for more information. ...
  44. The AppID of the application does not match the AppID in the .svc file. Delete the .svc and .config files and rerun this ...
  45. The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required ...
  46. The application cannot be downloaded. Check for network connectivity issues or contact the application publisher for assistance. ...
  47. The application cannot find one of its required files, possibly because it was unable to create it in the folder. Please ...
  48. The Application Directory membership condition is true for all assemblies in the same directory or in a child directory of ...
  49. The application is configured to issue secure cookies. These cookies require the browser to issue the request over SSL (https ...
  50. The application manifest is signed, but the deployment manifest is unsigned. Both manifests must be either signed or unsigned. ...
  51. The application manifest specified does not include the HostInBrowser tag required for a Windows Presentation Foundation ...
  52. The Application membership condition is true for all assemblies that are contained within the application manifest of the ...
  53. The Application tab provides a simple Web interface for managing configuration settings that are stored in the Web.config ...
  54. The application type cannot be changed to Install Locally because its application manifest identifies it as a Windows Presentation ...
  55. The application type cannot be changed to Online Only because its application manifest identifies it as a Windows Presentation ...
  56. The application type cannot be changed to WPF Browser Application because its application manifest does not identify it as ...
  57. The application you've selected does not execute using the .NET Framework. Therefore, the .NET Framework Configuration tool ...
  58. The Argument '{0}' cannot be bound because of a direction mismatch. Interop expects the direction to be In but the Argument ...
  59. The argument '{0}' specifies {1} files. Exactly one file should be specified for argument '{0}'. If the argument is a directory ...
  60. The argument '{0}' specifies {1} files. The mode '{2}' requires the argument specify exactly one file. If the argument is ...
  61. The argument direction for the argument in collection '{0}' at position {1} is incorrect. The direction specified is '{2}' ...
  62. The argument named '{0}' could not be found on the activity owning these private children. ArgumentReference and ArgumentValue ...
  63. The argument provided for the delegate input named '{0}' had an invalid type. The delegate input is of type '{1}' and the ...
  64. The argument provided for the delegate input named '{0}' had an invalid type. The delegate input is of type '{1}' and the ...
  65. The argument provided for the delegate output named '{0}' had an invalid type. The delegate output is of type '{1}' and the ...
  66. The argument provided for the delegate output named '{0}' had an invalid type. The delegate output is of type '{1}' and the ...
  67. The Argument provided for the RuntimeArgument '{0}' cannot be bound because of a direction mismatch. The RuntimeArgument ...
  68. The Argument provided for the RuntimeArgument '{0}' cannot be bound because of a type mismatch. The RuntimeArgument declares ...
  69. The argument type must be compatible with the type of this ArgumentReference or ArgumentValue. Argument '{0}' is of type ...
  70. The array is multidimensional, or the type parameter for the set cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination ...
  71. The aspnet_regsql.exe executable is located in the WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber folder on the Web server. ...
  72. The assembly "{0}" says it is a satellite assembly, but it contains code. Main assemblies shouldn't specify the assembly ...
  73. The assembly %1 that the application tried to load has a known vulnerability. Please go to %2 to find a fix for this issue. ...
  74. The assembly '{0}' could not be found. Ensure that the assembly is referenced. If the assembly is part of the current development ...
  75. The assembly '{0}' does not contain a Web resource that has the name '{1}'. Make sure that the resource name is spelled correctly. ...