.NET Framework

  1. Project property 'SkipWorkflowValidation' is set to an invalid value and will be defaulted to FALSE. The 'SkipWorkflowValidation' ...
  2. Proof key type returned from IP/STS is not as expected. The current version of the product does not support the IP/STS overriding ...
  3. Properties referred by the Dependent Role {0} must be a subset of the key of the EntityType {1} referred to by the Dependent ...
  4. Properties referred by the Principal Role {0} must be exactly identical to the key of the EntityType {1} referred to by the ...
  5. Property '{0}' and '{1}' are IQueryable of types '{2}' and '{3}' and type '{2}' is an ancestor for type '{3}'. Please make ...
  6. Property '{0}' has '{1}' Get property and '{2}' Set property accessibility specified. Internal and protected modifiers cannot ...
  7. Property '{0}' has '{1}' Get property and '{2}' Set property accessibility specified. {1} and {2} modifiers cannot be combined ...
  8. Property '{0}' has a get method that has an invalid signature. The Windows Runtime does not support properties with parameters. ...
  9. Property '{0}' has a MimeTypeAttribute indicating that '{1}' contains its mime type. However, this type does not have a property ...
  10. Property '{0}' has a set method that has an invalid signature. The Windows Runtime does not support properties with parameters. ...
  11. Property '{0}' has type '{1}' which is an invalid metadata type. Metadata can only contain values with a type that is available ...
  12. Property '{0}' is declared 'WriteOnly' or its 'Get' method is not 'Public'. Windows Metadata does not support such properties. ...
  13. Property '{0}' on DynamicActivity '{1}' has more than one ImportAttribute. Only one ImportAttribute is allowed per property. ...
  14. Property '|1' cannot be initialized in an object initializer expression because all accessible overloads require arguments. ...
  15. Property '|1' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result ...
  16. Property being set to false will not raise MouseEnter and MouseLeave events until the mouse leaves the client area and the ...
  17. property cannot use markup extensions or property element syntax on Setter. Only the Value property can use markup extensions ...
  18. property is not a valid DependencyProperty on the type '{1}'. Verify that the property has a DependencyProperty defined with ...
  19. property is not animatable on '{1}' class because the IsAnimationProhibited flag has been set on the UIPropertyMetadata used ...
  20. property is set to element of type '{0}', but instance of '{0}' cannot be created. It might be the default type for that ...
  21. Property with same name '{0}' already exists in type '{1}'. Please make sure that there is no property with the same name ...
  22. Property, indexer, or event '%1!ls!' is not supported by the language; try directly calling accessor methods '%2!ls!' or ...
  23. Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection ...
  24. Protocols other than HTTP/HTTPS are not supported under ASP.NET compatibility. Remove the endpoint '{0}' or disable ASP.NET ...
  25. Provided filter string is not valid. Filter string should contain a description of the filter, followed by a vertical bar ...
  26. Provided filter string is not valid. Filter string should contain a description of the filter, followed by a vertical bar ...
  27. Provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP.NET. If this service is stopped, out-of-process requests will ...
  28. Provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP.NET. If this service is stopped, out-of-process requests will ...
  29. Provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP.NET. If this service is stopped, out-of-process requests will ...
  30. Provides support for out-of-process session states for ASP.NET. If this service is stopped, out-of-process requests will ...
  31. Provides toolbars and other user interface elements that support many appearance options, and that support overflow and run-time ...
  32. Query builder methods are not supported for LINQ to Entities queries. For more information, see the Entity Framework documentation. ...
  33. Query results contain entities from EntitySet '{0}' but only entities from EntitySet '{1}' were expected. Results from multiple ...
  34. Range specified for 'Case' statement is not valid. Make sure that the lower bound is less than or equal to the upper bound. ...
  35. Range variable '|1' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression. ...
  36. Range variable '|1' hides a variable in an enclosing block, a previously defined range variable, or an implicitly declared ...
  37. Rate at which threads in the runtime attempt to acquire a managed lock unsuccessfully. Managed locks can be acquired in many ...
  38. Re-authentication failed because the remote party continued to encrypt more than {0} bytes before answering re-authentication. ...
  39. ReadContentAsBase64 and ReadContentAsBinHex method calls cannot be mixed with calls to ReadChars, ReadBase64, and ReadBinHex. ...
  40. ReadContentAsBase64 and ReadContentAsBinHex method calls cannot be mixed with calls to ReadElementContentAsBase64 and ReadElementContentAsBinHex. ...
  41. Reads on paused streams will not block, and this return code indicates that all of the data has been removed from the stream. ...
  42. ReadValueChunk method is not supported on this XmlReader. Use CanReadValueChunk property to find out if an XmlReader implements ...
  43. Receive is in TransactedReceiveScope while the operation '{0}' in implemented contract '{1}' has TransactionFlowOption set ...
  44. Receive on local address {0} timed out after {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer ...
  45. Receive request on local address {0} timed out after {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of ...
  46. Receive specified a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message type in ReceiveMessageContent which is different from the message ...
  47. Received a null reply message from the server. This could be due to a Contract mismatch between the client and the server ...
  48. Receives activation requests over the net.msmq and msmq.formatname protocols and passes them to the Windows Process Activation ...
  49. Redirect failed because authentication ticket could not be stored in a cookie or URL due to configuration restrictions. Set ...
  50. Reference assemblies for target .NET Framework version not found; please ensure they are installed, or select a valid target ...
  51. Reference expressions cannot end with Conversion. The provided expression's type must exactly match the type T of VisualBasicReference ...
  52. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to ambiguity between ...
  53. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to ambiguity between ...
  54. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to ambiguity between ...
  55. Reference required to assembly '|1' containing type '|2', but a suitable reference could not be found due to possible circular ...
  56. Referenced type '{0}' with data contract name '{1}' in namespace '{2}' cannot be used since it does not match imported DataContract. ...
  57. Referenced type is defined in managed component, which is imported from a type library that could not be loaded (type: '%ls'; ...
  58. References to type '{0}' are exported as type '{1}'. However, no Windows metadata file provides a definition for '{1}'. Supply ...
  59. Register for verification skipping (with an optional, comma separated list of usernames for which this will take effect and ...
  60. RegisterBookmarkScope can only be called when there are no existing bookmarks in the scope of the corresponding ExclusiveHandle. ...
  61. Registered JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error ...
  62. Registered relativeAddress '{0}' in configuration file is not a valid one. Possible causes could be : You specified an empty ...
  63. Registered relativeAddress '{0}' in configuration file is not a valid one. Possible causes could be : You specified an empty ...
  64. Registering an unsigned assembly with /codebase can cause your assembly to interfere with other applications that may be ...
  65. Registration (version %1) will not register the DLL in the scriptmap properties of any IIS website because the version is ...
  66. Registration (version %1) will not register the DLL in the scriptmap properties of any IIS website because the version is ...
  67. Registration failed to find the highest installed version from the registry. As a result, registration will use the IIS Default ...
  68. Registration failed to find the highest installed version from the registry. As a result, registration will use the IIS Default ...
  69. Registration info can not be null. Please ensure that the Register operation is invoked with a valid RegistrationInfo object. ...
  70. Registry value contains an invalid SQLUserInstance.dll file path. Verify that the Local Database Runtime feature of SQL Server ...
  71. Reinstall this version of Windows Communication Foundation and update scriptmaps at the IIS metabase root and for all scriptmaps ...
  72. Related objects cannot be loaded using the {0} merge option. Relationships cannot be created when one object was retrieved ...
  73. RelativeSource.Mode is immutable after initialization; instead of changing the Mode on this instance, create a new RelativeSource ...
  74. Removal of "{1}" through WorkflowChanges from ConditionedActivityGroup "{0}" is not allowed. The activity is currently executing. ...
  75. Remove all scriptmaps to any version ASP.NET from the specified path, non-recursively (not supported on Windows Vista and ...