.NET Framework

  1. Navigation properties can only be selected from a single resource. Specify a key predicate to restrict the entity set to ...
  2. Navigation property '{0}' on type '{1}' cannot be used because the entity set '{2}' does not have an association set specified ...
  3. NavigationProperty '{0}' is not valid. Type '{1}' of FromRole '{2}' in AssociationType '{3}' must exactly match with the ...
  4. Nested ComplexType property '{0}' in the ReturnType '{1}' of the function '{2}' is not supported, please consider flattening ...
  5. NET Framework 2.0 Configuration allows you to configure assemblies, remoting services, and code access security policy specific ...
  6. NET Framework components already installed on this computer are incompatible with the version that is being installed. Install ...
  7. NET Framework components already installed on this computer are incompatible with the version that is being installed. Install ...
  8. NET Framework Manifest Generation and Editing Tool Version {0} Copyright (C) 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ...
  9. NET Framework version "{0}" is not supported when explicitly targeting the Windows SDK, which is only supported on .NET 4.5 ...
  10. NET Framework version "{0}" is not supported. Please specify a value from the enumeration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion. ...
  11. NET Framework-reliant components run in a protected environment with limited access to private data and system settings. ...
  12. NET Resource Generator Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {0} {1} Usage: ResGen inputFile.ext outputFile.ext /str:lang[,namespace[,class[,file ...
  13. NET Resource Generator Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {0} {1} Usage: ResGen inputFile.ext outputFile.ext /str:lang[,namespace[,class[,file ...
  14. NetDataContractSerializer cannot deserialize type '{0}' because it has been type forwarded from an assembly with a lesser ...
  15. Network access for Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) has been disabled. Please enable DTC for network access in the ...
  16. Newer Version Available You are trying to install an outdated version of the product. Click here to download the latest version. ...
  17. Newer Version Available You are trying to install an outdated version of the product. Click here to download the latest version. ...
  18. No "APPX" attributes indicating app package locations were found in the SDK manifest. If an app package is required at runtime ...
  19. No audio input is supplied to this recognizer. Use the method SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice if a microphone is connected to ...
  20. No default constructor found for type '{0}'. You can use the Arguments or FactoryMethod directives to construct this type. ...
  21. No duplex session listener was listening at {0}. This could be due to an incorrect via set on the client or a binding mismatch. ...
  22. No files were specified for the argument '{0}' which requires exactly one file to be specified. If the current argument value ...
  23. No files were specified for the argument '{0}'. The mode '{1}' requires the argument specify exactly one file. If the current ...
  24. No generic method '{0}' on type '{1}' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should ...
  25. No Infocard token was found in the ChannelParameters. Infocard requires that the security token be created during channel ...
  26. No IPageableItemContainer was found. Verify that either the DataPager is inside an IPageableItemContainer or PagedControlID ...
  27. No key property values were found during an update or delete operation. Check to ensure that key properties specified as ...
  28. No known PII is being logged: logging of known PII is not allowed. To allow logging of known PII, please set "enableLoggingKnownPii" ...
  29. No known PII is being logged: logging of known PII is not allowed. To allow logging of known PII, please set "enableLoggingKnownPii" ...
  30. No matching constructor found on type '{0}'. You can use the Arguments or FactoryMethod directives to construct this type. ...
  31. No modifications to connection are permitted after the metadata has been registered either by opening a connection or constructing ...
  32. No network adapter with MulticastInterfaceId {0} could be found. The identifier specified on the binding element must match ...
  33. No overload of canonical aggregate function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with the argument types in '{2}'. Consult provider-specific ...
  34. No overload of canonical function '{0}.{1}' is compatible with the argument types in '{2}'. Consult provider-specific function ...
  35. No product was specified. Please use the '/Product' switch on the command line followed by the name of the product to install. ...
  36. No protocol binding matches the given address '{0}'. Protocol bindings are configured at the Site level in IIS or WAS configuration. ...
  37. No recipients have been specified for the {0} instance named {1}. If you would like to disable this provider, please remove ...
  38. No registered JIT debugger was specified. Click on Retry to have the process wait while attaching a debugger manually. Click ...
  39. No schema encountered with '{0}' namespace. Make sure the namespace is correct or the schema defining the namespace is specified. ...
  40. No service name check because the client did not provide a service name and the server was configured for PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported. ...
  41. No service names could be determined from the registered prefixes. Either add prefixes from which default service names can ...
  42. No TargetFramework profile exclusion list will be generated. No TargetFrameworkSubsets were provided and no additional profile ...
  43. No TargetFramework subset exclusion list will be generated. IgnoreDefaultInstalledAssemblySubsetTables is true and no additional ...
  44. No TargetFramework subset exclusion list will be generated. IgnoreDefaultInstalledAssemblySubsetTables is true and no additional ...
  45. No TargetFramework subset exclusion list will be generated. No TargetFrameworkSubsets were provided and no additional subset ...
  46. No Type can satisfy the constraints on generic parameter {0} on Type {1} and so no value for its BaseType can be inferred. ...
  47. No valid options were specified, so no action will be taken. Specify an appropriate option. This error can be caused by trying ...
  48. No version of the CardSpace service was found to be installed on the machine. Please install CardSpace and retry the operation. ...
  49. No visible ResourceAssociationSet found for navigation property '{0}' on type '{1}'. There must be at least one ResourceAssociationSet ...
  50. No web service found at: {0}. This error can occur if a ServiceReference to a WCF service has InlineScript set to 'true'. ...
  51. Non COM visible value type '%s' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base ...
  52. None of the accessible 'Main' methods with the appropriate signatures found in '|1' can be the startup method since they ...
  53. None of the binding elements in binding '{0}' define a message version. At least one binding element must define a message ...
  54. NonSerialized' attribute will not have any effect on this member because its containing class is not exposed as 'Serializable'. ...
  55. Not all delayed fixup objects could be resolved. Such objects could be cyclic IObjectReferences, IObjectReferences that return ...
  56. NOTATION cannot be used directly in a schema; only data types derived from NOTATION by specifying an enumeration value can ...
  57. Note Be careful when you create a rule with the All users option. Because rules are applied in order, you can unintentionally ...
  58. Note If you install an SMTP server on the computer, you must take security precautions to make sure that the SMTP server ...
  59. Note When you are finished troubleshooting the Web site, disable debugging and tracing to get maximum performance from your ...
  60. Note You can create and manage user accounts, if you chose the From the Internet option for your authentication type (if ...
  61. Note: Applications can use assemblies in a way that prevents them from showing up in this list. Therefore, this list is not ...
  62. Note: Custom format strings are not guaranteed to successfully complete a round trip between the data source and the bound ...
  63. Note: The .NET Framework Configuration tool does not list all managed applications installed on this computer, nor does it ...
  64. Note: the service name must match the configuration name for the service implementation. 3. Add the following endpoint to ...
  65. Note: This application can still use assemblies; however, the application itself is not an assembly and therefore does not ...
  66. Note: This utility has limited capabilities on the Windows Vista operating system. It is recommended that you use the "Turn ...
  67. Note: This version of the .NET Framework Configuration tool will not adjust settings for previous or later versions of the ...
  68. Note: To configure the database for additional features such as session state or SQL cache dependency, run aspnet_regsql ...
  69. Note: To configure the database for additional features such as session state or SQL cache dependency, run aspnet_regsql ...
  70. Note: your service must have an http base address to add this endpoint. The following is an example service configuration ...
  71. Notifies a subscribing client when a specified process is initializing the CLR. If this service is stopped, the client will ...
  72. Nullable types are not supported because the current version of 'mscorlib.dll' does not define the type 'Nullable(of T)'. ...
  73. Number of active instances and messages waiting for instances as a percentage of max instances throttle. http://go.micro ...
  74. Number of active sessions and messages waiting for sessions as a percentage of max sessions throttle. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=222542 ...
  75. Number of calls waiting to be or being processed in the dispatcher as a percentage of max calls throttle. http://go.micr ...