.NET Framework

  1. Schema could not be retrieved for this table. Please make sure the connection settings are correct and that the database ...
  2. Schema importer extension {0} returned invalid type information for xsd type {1} from namespace='{2}': '{3}' is not a valid ...
  3. Schema information could not be found for the node passed into Validate. The node may be invalid in its current position. ...
  4. Schema type '{2}' in namespace '{3}' must be imported as an XML type. Type '{0}' cannot be mapped to this schema type because ...
  5. Script control '{0}' is not a registered script control. Script controls must be registered using RegisterScriptControl() ...
  6. Script mappings are not supported on IIS7, instead IIS7 uses HTTP handlers to register which handlers affect a given path. ...
  7. Search pattern cannot contain "." to move up directories and can be contained only internally in file/directory names, as ...
  8. Section or group name '{0}' is already defined. Updates to this may only occur at the configuration level where it is defined. ...
  9. Secure channel cannot be opened because security negotiation with the remote endpoint has failed. This may be due to absent ...
  10. Security channel or listener factory creation failed. Secure conversation security token parameters do not specify the bootstrap ...
  11. Security checks are not performed and programs can access and use all resources on your machine. Avoid this setting unless ...
  12. Security credentials cannot be verified because the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) server cannot reproduce the client application. ...
  13. Security negotiation failed because the remote party did not send back a reply in a timely manner. This may be because the ...
  14. Security negotiation failure because an incorrect Context attribute specified in RequestSecurityToken/RequestSecurityTokenResponse ...
  15. Security Note When tracing is enabled for a page, trace information might appear on any browser that makes a request for ...
  16. Security policy export failed. The binding contains a TransportSecurityBindingElement but no transport binding element that ...
  17. Security policy export failed. The binding contains both a SymmetricSecurityBindingElement and a secure transport binding ...
  18. Security policy export failed. The binding contains both an AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement and a secure transport binding ...
  19. Security policy import failed. The security policy contains supporting token requirements at the operation scope. The contract ...
  20. Security policy is configured using a hierarchy of code groups at every policy level. Default security policy consists of ...
  21. Security processor was unable to find a security header in the message. This might be because the message is an unsecured ...
  22. Security processor was unable to find a security header with actor '{0}' in the message. This might be because the message ...
  23. Security settings for this service require '{0}' Authentication but it is not enabled for the IIS application that hosts ...
  24. Security settings for this service require Windows Authentication but it is not enabled for the IIS application that hosts ...
  25. Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) authentication failed. The server may not be running in an account with identity ...
  26. Security transparent code should not be responsible for verifying the security of an operation, and therefore should not ...
  27. Security transparent code should not be responsible for verifying the security of an operation, and therefore should not ...
  28. Security transparent method {0} calls {1} which is in non-APTCA assembly {2}. Non-APTCA assemblies have implicit LinkDemands ...
  29. Security transparent method {0} satisfies a LinkDemand for {2} on method {1}. {0} should become critical or safe-critical ...
  30. Security transparent method {0} satisfies a LinkDemand for {3} on type {1} when calling method {2}. {0} should become critical ...
  31. SecurityContext for the UltimateReceiver role is missing from the SecurityContextProperty of the request message with action ...
  32. SecurityVersion.WSSecurityJan2004 does not support header decryption. Use SecurityVersion.WsSecurity11 and above or use transport ...
  33. SecurityVersion.WSSecurityJan2004 does not support header encryption. Header with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' is configured ...
  34. Select "Automatically install the redistributable prerequisites from a CAB file" to install the components automatically ...
  35. Select "Automatically install the redistributable prerequisites from the web" to download and install the components automatically. ...
  36. Select "Download the redistributable prerequisites CAB file" to download a pre-built CAB file that you can install at a later ...
  37. Select "Manually install the redistributable prerequisites" to exit the installation wizard and install the components manually. ...
  38. Select a business object that can be used to retrieve or update data (for example, an object defined in the Bin or App_Code ...
  39. Select a rule condition to be assigned to the activity's condition. You can also add, edit, delete or rename existing conditions. ...
  40. Select one of the following user accounts to create or open content with restricted permission. To use an account not listed ...
  41. Select the property to bind to. You can then bind it by selecting a field. Alternatively, you can bind it using a custom ...
  42. Select the property to bind to. You can then bind it by selecting an expression type and setting the properties for that ...
  43. Select this option if users will access your web site from the public internet. Users will be required to log on using a ...
  44. Select this option if users will access your web site only from a private local network. The site will use built-in Microsoft ...
  45. Select this option to append tracing information to the bottom of Web pages on your site. If you do not display tracing information ...
  46. Select this option to display the most recent trace output and to discard older trace data beyond the limits that are indicated ...
  47. Select this option to enable this user account as an active (current) user of the site. If you do not select this option, ...
  48. Select this option to enable tracing for all pages in the Web site. If this check box is selected, the remaining options ...
  49. Select User , and then enter the name of the user account to which the access rule applies. If you are using ASP.NET membership ...
  50. Selected printer is not available, is in error or had been uninstalled. You can see what printers are installed and check ...
  51. Selected printer is not available, is in error or had been uninstalled. You can see what printers are installed and check ...
  52. Selecting a property of a project data source creates an instance of the data source on the form, and binds to that property ...
  53. SendKeys cannot run inside this application because the application is not handling Windows messages. Either change the application ...
  54. Serialization format of the instance did not match the SqlPersistenceProvider settings. Please make sure the SqlPersistenceProvider ...
  55. Serialization of global methods (including implicit serialization via the use of asynchronous delegates) is not supported. ...
  56. SerialPort does not support encoding '{0}'. The supported encodings include ASCIIEncoding, UTF8Encoding, UnicodeEncoding, ...
  57. Series '{0}' and Series '{1}' must be aligned to perform the operation. The series currently have a different number of data ...
  58. Series data points do not support values of type {0} only values of these types can be used: Double, Decimal, Single, int, ...
  59. Series group by parameter cannot be empty. It must specify the field in the data source which is used to group data into ...
  60. Server '{0}' sent back a fault indicating it is in the process of shutting down. Please see the inner exception for fault ...
  61. Server '{0}' sent back a fault indicating it is too busy to process the request. Please retry later. Please see the inner ...
  62. Server cannot access application directory '{0}'. The directory does not exist or is not accessible because of security settings. ...
  63. Service '{0}' does not conform to WS-I Basic Profile v1.1. Please examine each of the normative statement violations below. ...
  64. Service '{0}' has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints. This might be because no configuration file was found ...
  65. Service '{0}' implements multiple ServiceContract types, and no endpoints are defined in the configuration file. WebServiceHost ...
  66. Service authorization failed. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
  67. Service authorization failed. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
  68. Service authorization succeeded. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
  69. Service authorization succeeded. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
  70. Service behavior {0} requires that the binding associated with endpoint {1} listening on {2} supports the context protocol, ...
  71. Service implementation object invoked with wrong number of input parameters, operation expects {0} parameters but was called ...
  72. Service instance with the identifier '{1}' is currently in 'Suspended' state. Attempt to perform control operation '{0}' ...
  73. Service name check failed because the client did not provide a service name and the server was configured for PolicyEnforcement.Always. ...
  74. Service operation '{0}' cannot create instance because a one way operation cannot create an instance when the contract SessionMode ...
  75. Service operation '{0}' cannot create instance if IsInitiating is not set to true in the associated OperationContractAttribute. ...