.NET Framework

  1. Setup was unable to access the installation source. Please insert the correct media and ensure that setup can access the ...
  2. Setup was unable to configure the autologon features for your machine. Automatic logon may not function correctly after a ...
  3. shadows an overloadable member declared in the base |3 '|4'. If you want to overload the base method, this method must be ...
  4. shadows an overridable method in the base |3 '|4'. To override the base method, this method must be declared 'Overrides'. ...
  5. Shared assembly '{0}' could not be loaded. If this is a referenced project, please make sure that you have built the project ...
  6. Shared attribute in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml' can be used only in compiled resource dictionaries. ...
  7. Shared' method '{0}' is declared 'Protected'. 'Shared' methods exposed to Windows Runtime must be 'Public'. 'Shared' methods ...
  8. Sharing GridViewColumn among multiple GridViewColumnCollections or adding the same GridViewColumn into one GridViewColumnCollection ...
  9. Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. ...
  10. Showing a service notification message box with an owner window is not a valid operation. Use the Show method that does not ...
  11. SideBarTemplate must contain a ListView control or a DataList control with ID {0} to enable the side bar navigation feature. ...
  12. SigningCredentials have not been set on the SamlAssertion. SamlAssertions must be signed, please set a valid SigningCredentials ...
  13. Similar ServiceEndpoints were exported. The WSDL export process was forced to suffix wsdl:binding names to avoid naming conflicts. ...
  14. Similar ServiceEndpoints were exported. The WSDL export process was forced to suffix wsdl:binding names to avoid naming conflicts. ...
  15. Simple content restriction must have a simple type child if the content type of the base type is not a simple type definition. ...
  16. SimpleType restriction should have either the base attribute or a simpleType child to indicate the base type for the derivation. ...
  17. Since '%1!ls!' is an async method that returns 'Task', a return keyword must not be followed by an object expression. Did ...
  18. Since entity type '{0}' has one or more etag properties, If-Match HTTP header must be specified for DELETE/PUT operations ...
  19. Since P/Invokes may not be called by transparent code, they should not be marked as safe-critical methods. Doing so can lead ...
  20. Since the namespace configured for this service reference in Visual Studio is different from the one indicated in the server ...
  21. site site-name-or-ID The site of the virtual path specified in -app. If not specified, the default web site will be used. ...
  22. site site-name-or-ID The site of the virtual path specified in -app. If not specified, the default web site will be used. ...
  23. Sites to request information from you. You to review the identity of a site. You to manage your information by using cards. ...
  24. Skipping because the "$(AspNetConfiguration)" configuration is not supported for this web project. You can use the AspNetConfiguration ...
  25. SlipBehavior.Slip is supported only on root ParallelTimelines that do not reverse, accelerate, decelerate, or have a RepeatBehavior ...
  26. SMSvcHost.exe could not be located. Required registry values are corrupted. Please repair your .NET Framework installation. ...
  27. SOAP-ENC:arrayType with multidimensional array found at {0}. Only single-dimensional arrays are supported. Consider using ...
  28. Some command line switches were read from the auto-response file "{0}". To disable this file, use the "/noautoresponse" switch. ...
  29. Some command line switches were read from the auto-response file "{0}". To disable this file, use the "/noautoresponse" switch. ...
  30. Some context on the correlation handler was not consumed properly. Make sure that the handler was initialized properly by ...
  31. Some features of the Web site require that your application be able to send e-mail. To send e-mail, the application must ...
  32. Some messages did not display because they were not associated with any ProjectStarted events. Use diagnostic verbosity to ...
  33. Some of the binding elements in this binding were not used when building the ChannelFactory / ChannelListener. This may be ...
  34. Some of the calendar values are changed. Please use AvailableCalendars property or LoadDataFromCultureInfo method to set ...
  35. Some overloads here take an Async Function rather than an Async Sub. Consider either using an Async Function, or casting ...
  36. Sometimes, you might have to create multiple rules for the same folder in order to establish the correct permissions. For ...
  37. Spatial types and functions are not available for this provider because the assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types' version ...
  38. Specification of entity set page size is mutually exclusive with the specification of MaxResultsPerCollection property in ...
  39. Specified addresses can not be registered with PNRP because either PNRP is not enabled or the specified addresses do not ...
  40. Specified addresses can not be registered with PNRP because either PNRP is not enabled or the specified addresses do not ...
  41. Specified class name '{0}' doesn't match actual root instance type '{1}'. Remove the Class directive or provide an instance ...
  42. specified for CompensateActivity '{2}' is not valid, either the activity is not in current compensatable scope or it does ...
  43. Specified index is out of range or child at index is null. Do not call this method if VisualChildrenCount returns zero, indicating ...
  44. Specified is not valid. Check that the path to the entrypoint is well-formed and the entrypoint exists in the deployment. ...
  45. Specified resolver settings are not enough to create a valid resolver. Please ensure that a ResolverType and an Address is ...
  46. Specified time is not supported in this calendar. It should be between {0} (Gregorian date) and {1} (Gregorian date), inclusive. ...
  47. Specified type library importer callback was invalid because it did not support the ITypeLibImporterNotifySink interface. ...
  48. Specifies a type that can be constructed for Update, Insert, and Delete operations when the method takes this type rather ...
  49. Specifies the Class or Module that contains Sub Main. It can also be a Class that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Form. ...
  50. Specifies the comma-separated list of thumbprint or Issuer\SubjectName identifiers for the certificates that can participate. ...
  51. Specifies the maximum duration the channel is going to allow the other communicating party not to send any messages before ...
  52. Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a request is allowed to execute before being automatically shut down by ASP.NET. ...
  53. Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a request is allowed to execute before being automatically shut down by ASP.NET. ...
  54. Specifies the name of a file into which documentation comments will be processed. Path must be relative to the project directory ...
  55. Specifies the number of seconds the TCP/IP network connection between the Web server and the state server can be idle before ...
  56. Specifies the page that will launch within the browser when you begin debugging a web project or URL. This option is valid ...
  57. Specifies the primary MenuStrip for the Form. This property is used for keyboard activation and automatic merging in MDI. ...
  58. Specifies the properties that are going to be used by default when sending messages to the queue referenced by this object. ...
  59. Specifies the type of acknowledgment messages the system posts (in the administration queue) and when acknowledgments are ...
  60. Specifies whether an item will always be sent to the overflow, never be sent to the overflow, or sent to the overflow as ...
  61. Specifies whether the image on the item will size to fit on the ToolStrip. To control the image size, use the 'ToolStrip.ImageScalingSize' ...
  62. Specifies whether the item will always move to the overflow, move to the overflow as needed, or never move to the overflow. ...
  63. Specifies whether to include managed exception information in the detail of SOAP faults returned to the clients for debugging ...
  64. Specifies whether to reset and skip the current position if editable, when the input character has the same value as the ...
  65. Specifies whether to skip the current position if non-editable and the input character has the same value as the literal ...
  66. Specifies whether to store original data values in ViewState. This property is used for conflict detection during Update ...
  67. Specifies whether to store original data values in ViewState. This property must be true for Update and Delete operations. ...
  68. Specify name of chart area inside which the legend is drawn. Legend Position must be set to 'Auto' for this property to work. ...
  69. Specify the duration of delay. Timeout duration can be used with 'OnInitializeTimeout' handler to specify the timeout relative ...
  70. Specify the path of the activity member for binding. Examples: MemberName, MemberName.PropertyName, MemberName.PropertyName[0].PropertyName ...
  71. Specify the SQL Server name, database name to create or remove, and the credentials to use when connecting to the database. ...
  72. Specify the XML data file to use as the source for this control. You can optionally specify additional files that will be ...
  73. Specify whether to use the same provider for all application features or to use a different provider for each application ...
  74. Specifying a type for use=literal messages is not supported. Type name='{0}' from targetNamespace='{1}' cannot be used as ...
  75. SQL Cache Dependencies are not supported by the data source '{0}'. If this control is derived from SqlDataSource and has ...