SQL Server 2016

  1. Returns a new DT_DBTIMESTAMP value after adding a number that represents a date or time interval to the specified datepart ...
  2. Returns a one column table that contains the distinct (unique) values in a column, for a column argument. Or multiple columns ...
  3. Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, evenly distributed. Random numbers change on recalculation. ...
  4. Returns a set generated by dynamically totaling child members in a specified set, optionally using a pattern for the name ...
  5. Returns a set of counters associated with the Logical Disk performance object. The event occurs once every 15 seconds for ...
  6. Returns a set of counters associated with the Process performance object. The event occurs once every 15 seconds for both ...
  7. Returns a set of counters associated with the Processor performance object. The event occurs once every 15 seconds for each ...
  8. Returns a set of members (periods) from a specified level starting with the first member and ending with a specified member. ...
  9. Returns a set of members from the Month level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified ...
  10. Returns a set of members from the Quarter level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified ...
  11. Returns a set of members from the Week level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified ...
  12. Returns a set of members from the Year level in a Time dimension starting with the first period and ending with a specified ...
  13. Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no ...
  14. Returns a string which contains a delimited list of IDs, starting with the top/root of a hierarchy and ending with the specified ...
  15. Returns a table of zero or more rows for those columns containing character-data types for precise or fuzzy matches to single ...
  16. Returns a table of zero, one, or more rows for those columns containing character-data types for values that match the meaning, ...
  17. Returns a table which represents the semijoin of two tables supplied and for which the common set of columns are replaced ...
  18. Returns a value generated by rolling up the values of the children of a specified member using the specified unary operator. ...
  19. Returns all the rows except blank row in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been ...
  20. Returns all the rows in a table, or all the values in a column, ignoring any filters that might have been applied inside ...
  21. Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable. ...
  22. Returns an XML document containing information specific to this event. The document conforms to the schema at http://go. ...
  23. Returns information about a computer system using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Query Language. For example, ...
  24. Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer. You can use this function for processing items that come in twos. ...
  25. Returns returns the number of items in a particular path string. This function returns 1 for the path generated for an ID ...
  26. Returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of a number. The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is number. The returned angle ...
  27. Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number. The arcsine is the angle whose sine is number. The returned angle is given ...
  28. Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number. The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is number. The returned ...
  29. Returns the beta distribution. The beta distribution is commonly used to study variation in the percentage of something across ...
  30. Returns the chi-squared distribution. The chi-squared distribution is commonly used to study variation in the percentage ...
  31. Returns the current change tracking version for the database, which can be used with the CHANGETABLE function as the last_sync_version. ...
  32. Returns the current database system timestamp as a datetimeoffset value with the database time zone offset being perserved. ...
  33. Returns the exponential distribution. Use EXPON.DIST to model the time between events, such as how long an automated bank ...
  34. Returns the greatest common divisor of two integers. The greatest common divisor is the largest integer that divides both ...
  35. Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. The number must be greater than or equal to 1. The inverse hyperbolic ...
  36. Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. The inverse hyperbolic sine is the value whose hyperbolic sine is number, ...
  37. Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. Number must be between -1 and 1 (excluding -1 and 1). The inverse hyperbolic ...
  38. Returns the inverse of the beta cumulative probability density function (BETA.DIST). If probability = BETA.DIST(x,.TRUE), ...
  39. Returns the inverse of the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The chi-squared distribution is commonly ...
  40. Returns the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. If probability = CHISQ.DIST.RT(x,.), ...
  41. Returns the largest numeric value in a column, or the larger value between two scalar expressions. Ignores logical values ...
  42. Returns the least common multiple of integers. The least common multiple is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple ...
  43. Returns the location of the specified occurrence of a string within a character expression. The string parameter must evaluate ...
  44. Returns the member that is a specified number of positions following a specified member along the dimension of the member. ...
  45. Returns the member that is a specified number of positions prior to a specified member along the dimension of the member. ...
  46. Returns the nth item in the delimited list produced by the Path function, counting backwards from the last item in the path. ...
  47. Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items. Use COMBIN to determine the total possible number of groups ...
  48. Returns the number of date and time boundaries crossed between two specified dates. The datepart parameter identifies which ...
  49. Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be selected from number objects. A permutation ...
  50. Returns the number of tokens in a string. A token may be marked by a delimiter in a specified set of delimiters. The string ...
  51. Returns the part of a character expression that starts at the specified position and has the specified length. The start ...
  52. Returns the Poisson distribution. A common application of the Poisson distribution is predicting the number of events over ...
  53. Returns the property value for a given table identification number, index identification number, key identification number, ...
  54. Returns the rank of a number in a column of numbers. If more than one value has the same rank, the top rank of that set of ...
  55. Returns the rank of a specified tuple within a specified set, where the rank is based on the position of the tuple within ...
  56. Returns the rank of a specified tuple within a specified set, with the rank determined by the value of a specified numeric ...
  57. Returns the rank of an expression evaluated in the current context in the list of values for the expression evaluated for ...
  58. Returns the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. The chi-squared distribution is associated with a chi-squared ...
  59. Returns the seed value specified during the creation of an identity column in a table or a view that has an identity column. ...
  60. Returns the set of descendants of a member at a specific distance away in the hierarchy, optionally including or excluding ...
  61. Returns the set of descendants of a member at a specified level, optionally including or excluding descendants in other levels. ...
  62. Returns the smallest numeric value in a column, or the smaller value between two scalar expressions. Ignores logical values ...
  63. Returns the specified occurrence of a token in a string. A token may be marked by a delimiter in a specified set of delimiters. ...
  64. Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using a biased population. (Alias for StdevP.) ...
  65. Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. (Alias for Stdev.) ...
  66. Returns the statistical variance for the population for all values in the given expression. Returns the current value of ...
  67. Returns the summation of all expression values in the most precise expression data type. If the expression result is integer, ...
  68. Returns the value of the current timestamp data type for the current database. This timestamp is guaranteed to be unique ...
  69. Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. (Alias for Var function.) ...
  70. returnType - Specifies the return type of data returned by the WQL. The valid literals are Numeric, String, Bool, DateTime, ...
  71. Reverting database '%1!s!' to the point in time of database snapshot '%2!s!' with split point LSN %3!s! ( 4!s!). This is ...
  72. Review and optionally edit the command line. The updated command line is not validated, and the options that are set on other ...
  73. Review open file properties. If you make any changes to the file definitions and then save the results to a different file ...
  74. Review open table properties. If you make any changes to the table definitions and then save the results to a different table ...
  75. Review selected events and event columns to trace when using this template. To see a complete list, select the "Show all ...