SQL Server 2016

  1. Insert a new calculated column with a formula. Before you can insert new calculated column at least one table must exist ...
  2. Insert bulk failed because all the columns requested to be inserted into are either read-only or identity columns and KeepIdentity ...
  3. Inserted stored proc to disable constraint/triggers article '%1' during concurrent snapshot into the distribution database. ...
  4. Install ADOMD.NET on a standalone WFE that is configured for central admin. For more information about this rule, see ht ...
  5. Install ADOMD.NET on a standalone WFE that is configured for central admin. For more information about this rule, see ht ...
  6. Install patch examples: >> Patch a single SQL Server instance and all shared components. SetupPatch.exe /q /Action=Patch ...
  7. Install PowerPivot for SharePoint on a new or existing SharePoint 2010 server to add PowerPivot data access and management ...
  8. Install PowerPivot for SharePoint on a new or existing SharePoint server to support PowerPivot data access in the farm. Optionally, ...
  9. Install SQL Server Database Engine Services in a Matrix configuration. This process will create a new brick which will be ...
  10. Install SQL Server Database Engine Services in a Matrix configuration. This process will create a new Matrix and add this ...
  11. Install SQL Server Database Engine Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Integration Services, and other features. ...
  12. Install the SQL Server 2014 version of the Analysis Services OLE DB provider on this computer. For more information about ...
  13. Install the SQL Server 2016 version of the Analysis Services OLE DB provider on this computer. For more information about ...
  14. Install the SQL Server 2016 version of the Analysis Services OLE DB provider on this computer. For more information about ...
  15. Installation of ProductShortName failed because a higher version already exists on the machine. To proceed, uninstall the ...
  16. Installation of ProductShortName failed because it is already installed in a different language. To proceed, uninstall the ...
  17. Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, ...
  18. Installed engine version ({0}) is incompatible with the latest SQL Server Management Studio upgrade. Please install the compatible ...
  19. Installs only the components that you use to view and manage the documentation for SQL Server 2016. By default, the Help ...
  20. Installs the managed assembly containing Microsoft System CLR Types for %SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME_WITH_HTMLESCAPE% to the GAC. ...
  21. Installs the report server files. After installation use SharePoint Central Administration to complete the configuration. ...
  22. Installs the report server files. After installation, use Reporting Services Configuration Manager to configure the report ...
  23. Installs the SQL Server Business Intelligence projects for Analysis Services, Integration Services and Reporting Services. ...
  24. Installs the SQL server development environment, including the tool formerly named Business Intelligence Development Studio. ...
  25. Installs the SSIS packages in SQL Server. This option is typically used if you use SQL Server for sharing SSIS packages between ...
  26. Instance '{3}' of product '{1}' already has an instance ID '{2}' which is different than specified instance ID '{0}'. Specifying ...
  27. Instance '{3}' of product '{1}' already has an instance ID '{2}' which is different than specified instance ID '{0}'. Specifying ...
  28. Instance directory (or command line option /INSTANCEDIR) value for a cluster installation cannot be a directory on shared ...
  29. Instance ID cannot contain unsupported Unicode character(s) in current Microsoft Windows code page. See the setup help for ...
  30. Instance ID {0} for product {1} The instance being prepared on the local computer does not have the same instance ID as the ...
  31. Instance name cannot contain unsupported Unicode character(s) in current Microsoft Windows code page. See the setup help ...
  32. Instance name is required to install an instance-specific feature '{0}'. Specify a valid instance name to install this feature. ...
  33. Insufficient bytes transferred. Common causes are backup configuration, insufficient disk space, or other problems with the ...
  34. Insufficient mapping: Foreign key must be mapped to some AssociationSet or EntitySets participating in a foreign key association ...
  35. Insufficient permissions to perform Tabular Upgrade on database '%{DBName/}'. Server administrator permissions are required ...
  36. Insufficient priveleges to start collection set: '%1!s!'. Only a member of the 'sysadmin' fixed server role can start a collection ...
  37. Insufficient space available in directory {0}. {1}MB is required for this feature, and {2}MB is required for all features ...
  38. Insufficient space in tempdb to hold row versions. Need to shrink the version store to free up some space in tempdb. Transaction ...
  39. Integration Services managed object model cannot perform Alter on the specified object now, because the object is in a state ...
  40. Integration Services server cannot be configured because there are active operations. Wait until there are no active operations, ...
  41. Integration Services server cannot be configured because there are execution logs. Please cleanup all execution logs, and ...
  42. Integration Services server cannot perform the requested operation on the specified package now, because the package is in ...
  43. Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation is not in a consistent state and cannot be ...
  44. Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation with ID '%1!s!' is not valid or is not running. ...
  45. Intensity of dimming for the map control when the control doesn't have the focus.The value of this property must be in the ...
  46. Internal database error: The database uses Operating System features that are not supported on the current host. SQLite Error ...
  47. Internal error for database '%1!s!' (lookup for HkTruncationLsn failed). The operation will be retried. No user action is ...
  48. Internal error occured while flushing delete buffer database id %1!s!, table id %2!s!, index id %3!s!, partition number %4!s!. ...
  49. Internal error. An unsupported join type is in update mapping view ({0}). Only binary inner or left outer joins are supported. ...
  50. Internal error. An unsupported type ({0}) was used as an argument to cast an expression in the update mapping view. The argument ...
  51. Internal error. Buffer provided to write a fixed column value is too large. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for any corruption. ...
  52. Internal error. EntitySet ({0}) has unsupported type ({1}). Only EntitySets and AssociationSets can be processed in the update ...
  53. Internal error. Unsupported projection expression type ({0}). Only DBNewInstanceExpression projections are supported in update ...
  54. Internal error: An attempt was made to set the file position past the end of file for a sequential read or write operation. ...
  55. Internal error: An expression services limit has been reached. Please look for potentially complex expressions in your query, ...
  56. Internal error: Server stack limit has been reached. Please look for potentially deep nesting in your query, and try to simplify ...
  57. Internal error: The row cannot be full-text indexed. The protocol handler was invoked out of sequence. This is an informational ...
  58. Internal query notification table has an outdated schema and the table has been dropped. Query notification cleanup has not ...
  59. Internal Query Processor Error: The encryption scheme of certain parameters was incorrectly analyzed. For more information, ...
  60. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer ...
  61. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during the processing of a remote query ...
  62. Internal server error: the existing logical file cannot be overwritten. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...
  63. Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE ...
  64. Invalid %1!s! statement for article %2!s!. Verify that the stored procedures that propagate changes to Subscribers use the ...
  65. Invalid %1!s! value received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %2!s!. message_type_name: %3!s!. message body: ...
  66. Invalid '%{FlagName/}' modeling flag for the '%{ColumnName/}' mining structure column. Algorithm-specific modeling flags ...
  67. Invalid argument provided to MatchesRule method. Expected column name as first parameter, and search string as second parameter. ...
  68. Invalid attribute/option identifier (SQL_COPT_SS_INTEGRATED_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD is only available for Trusted Connections) ...
  69. Invalid characters in string: "%1!s!". This occurs when a string supplied for a property value contains unprintable characters. ...
  70. Invalid clone address syntax: IdxId %1!s!, DbFragId %2!s!, RowsetId 3!s!. (If you see this error, it implies there is a bug ...
  71. Invalid column alias '%1!s!' for formatting column as XML processing instruction in FOR XML PATH - it must be in 'processing-instruction(target)' ...
  72. Invalid command line argument. All command line arguments will be ignored. Please run 'profiler.exe -?' to see a list of ...
  73. Invalid compensation range: begin {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, end {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. ...
  74. Invalid component named '%1!s!' found in global scope. Only elements, attributes, types and groups can be defined in global ...
  75. Invalid credentials specified in impersonation mode for data source '{0}'. Unattended account is not a valid credential for ...