.NET Framework

  1. The command is still associated with an open data reader. Changes cannot be made on this command and this command cannot ...
  2. The command set for this design surface is not available. Either the design surface has not been loaded or the view hasn't ...
  3. The common language runtime uses code access security to control applications' access to protected resources. Each application's ...
  4. The common language runtime's code access security system determines an assembly's permissions to access protected resources. ...
  5. The communication object, {0}, has overridden the virtual function {1} but it does not call version defined in the base class. ...
  6. The communication object, {0}, is in the {1} state. Communication objects cannot be used for communication unless they are ...
  7. The communication object, {0}, is not part of WCF and is in an unsupported state '{1}'. This indicates an internal error ...
  8. The compiler process was not given arguments or was given an invalid set of arguments. When invoking the process the expected ...
  9. The complex member '{0}' in type '{1}' and the complex member '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they have a different ...
  10. The component '{0}' cannot be created. Apartment threaded components can only be created on pages with an page directive. ...
  11. The components listed above must be installed in the same language version as the operating system. You must manually install ...
  12. The composable function import '{0}' is mapped to the non-composable store function '{1}'. Composable function imports can ...
  13. The composable part definition '{0}' was ignored because the export '{1}' has different generic parameters than the part ...
  14. The ComposablePart of type '{0}' cannot be recomposed because it is in an invalid state. It can only be recomposed if it ...
  15. The composition failed because it did not complete within '{0:N0}' iterations. This is most likely caused by a cycle in the ...
  16. The computed key algorithm specified in the RSTR {0} is not supported. Only http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust/CK/PSHA1 ...
  17. The computer joined the domain, but Message Queuing will continue to run in workgroup mode because it failed to register ...
  18. The conceptual side property '{0}' has already been mapped to a storage property with type '{1}'. If the conceptual side ...
  19. The condition value specified for {0} is not compatible with the type returned by the storage provider. Column name: '{1}', ...
  20. The Conditional attribute is not valid on '%1!ls!' because it is a constructor, destructor, operator, or explicit interface ...
  21. The config element '{0}' is invalid because the attribute '{1}' and the sub element '{2}' were both specified. These are ...
  22. The configSource '{0}' is invalid. It must refer to a file in the same directory or in a subdirectory as the configuration ...
  23. The configuration file specified type '{0}' for the '{1}' property of '{2}', but that type does not have a public default ...
  24. The configuration file specified type '{0}' for the '{1}' property of '{2}', but that type is not a subtype of '{3}'. The ...
  25. The configuration parameter '{0}' found in the persistenceProvider element was not understood. Valid parameters are '{1}', ...
  26. The configuration schema is insufficient to describe the non-standard configuration of the following security binding element: ...
  27. The configuration system has detected a duplicate key in a different configuration scope and is overriding with the more ...
  28. The Configure an Assembly wizard allows you to add or remove permissions from this permission set. This wizard also allows ...
  29. The configured policy specifies more than one TransactionProtocol across the operations. A single TransactionProtocol for ...
  30. The configured Role Provider (WindowsTokenRoleProvider) relies upon Windows authentication to determine the groups that the ...
  31. The connection is already in a transaction and cannot participate in another transaction. EntityClient does not support parallel ...
  32. The connection string specified is invalid: You cannot specify a database using the AttachDBFilename or Initial File Name ...
  33. The connection string specifies a local Sql Server Express instance using a database location within the application's App_Data ...
  34. The connection string specifies a local Sql Server Express instance using a database location within the applications App_Data ...
  35. The console buffer size must not be less than the current size and position of the console window, nor greater than or equal ...
  36. The constraint entry '{0}' on the route with URL '{1}' must have a string value or be of a type which implements IRouteConstraint. ...
  37. The constraint for route parameter '{0}' on the route with URL '{1}' must have a string value in order to use an HttpMethodConstraint. ...
  38. The constraints for type parameter '%1!ls!' of method '%2!ls!' must match the constraints for type parameter '%3!ls!' of ...
  39. The constructor call needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because it is part of a constructor initializer. Consider ...
  40. The constructor stores the views for the extents and also the hash values generated based on the metadata and mapping closure ...
  41. The consumer connection point '{0}' on '{1}' does not support a connection with no secondary interfaces, so it cannot be ...
  42. The consumer connection point '{0}' on '{1}' does not support connecting on the secondary interfaces provided by connection ...
  43. The content model must be deterministic. Wildcard declaration along with a local element declaration causes the content model ...
  44. The content model of a complex type must consist of 'annotation' (if present); followed by zero or one of the following: ...
  45. The content type of an incoming message is unknown or not supported. The message cannot be received. Ensure that the sender ...
  46. The content type of the base type must be a simple type definition or it must be mixed, and simpleType child must be present. ...
  47. The content type specified in not valid for batch requests. Content type must be 'multipart/mixed' and there must be a valid ...
  48. The content type {0} of the response message does not match the content type of the binding ({1}). If using a custom encoder, ...
  49. The content you are trying to access requires the Microsoft .NET Framework. Do you want to open a page that has information ...
  50. The contract '{0}' has at least one operation annotated with '{1}', but the binding used for the contract endpoint at address ...
  51. The contract '{0}' is not self-consistent - it has one or more IsTerminating or non-IsInitiating operations, but it does ...
  52. The contract ('{0}','{1}') contains some unknown header ('{2}','{3}') which cannot be secured. Please choose ProtectionLevel.None ...
  53. The contract name 'IMetadataExchange' could not be found in the list of contracts implemented by the service {0}. Add a ServiceMetadataBehavior ...
  54. The contract name 'IMetadataExchange' could not be found in the list of contracts implemented by the service {0}. Add a ServiceMetadataBehavior ...
  55. The contract operation '{0}' requires Windows identity for automatic impersonation. A Windows identity that represents the ...
  56. The contract specified by type '{0}' is ambiguous. The type derives from at least two different types that each define its ...
  57. The contract type {0} is not attributed with ServiceContractAttribute. In order to define a valid contract, the specified ...
  58. The ContractDescriptions in contracts must all have unique Name and Namespace pairs. More than one ContractDescription had ...
  59. The control containing the group placeholder with ID '{1}' in ListView '{0}' must have its own ID. The group placeholder ...
  60. The control containing the item placeholder with ID '{1}' could not be found on ListView '{0}' while saving the template. ...
  61. The control containing the item placeholder with ID '{1}' in ListView '{0}' must have its own ID. The item placeholder container's ...
  62. The control does not support property editing while it is in template editing mode. You must complete template editing before ...
  63. The control does not support property editing while it is in template editing mode. You must first exit out of template editing ...
  64. The control does not support property editing while it is in template editing mode. You must first exit out of template editing ...
  65. The control implicitly uses a resource specified in its meta: attribute, and a value for this property is defined in the ...
  66. The control returned from WebPartTransformer.CreateConfigurationControl() must implement ITransformerConfigurationControl. ...
  67. The control with ID '{0}' requires a ScriptManager on the page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need ...
  68. The control with id {1} contains newline characters in its inner text. A {0} control cannot contain newline characters in ...
  69. The ControlFilterExpression belonging to '{0}' could not find a control with ID '{1}'. Please check the value of the ControlID ...
  70. The Controls property of UpdatePanel with ID '{0}' cannot be modified directly. To change the contents of the UpdatePanel ...
  71. The conversion could not be completed because the supplied DateTime did not have the Kind property set correctly. For example, ...
  72. The correlation initializer attribute is not defined for any interface member in '{0}'. At least one member should have the ...
  73. The correlation token "{0}" has an owner activity name which does not match with the initializer activity's correlation token ...
  74. The Counter layout for the Category specified is invalid, a counter of the type: AverageCount64, AverageTimer32, CounterMultiTimer, ...
  75. The Create Permission Set wizard allows you to create a new permission set. A new permission set can be built from the permissions ...