The lab agent received instruction to start the build agent service but that instruction was ignored because startup mode for the build agent service is not set to automatic.
The lab agent received instruction to restart test agent but that instruction was ignored because test agent process is not ...
The lab agent received instruction to start test agent but that instruction was ignored because test agent is configured ...
The lab agent received instruction to start test agent service but that instruction was ignored because startup mode for ...
The lab agent received instruction to start test agent service but that instruction was ignored because test agent service ...
The lab agent received instruction to start the build agent service but that instruction was ignored because startup mode ...
The lab agent received instruction to start the build agent service but that instruction was ignored because the build agent ...
The label has been modified since it was opened in the editor and you no longer have the latest version. Please close the ...
The label name '{0}' is not supported. It must be less than 64 characters, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ...
The language for this file does not support the necessary code parsing and generation services. Please ensure the file you ...