The item(s) %1 you are about to delete locally cannot be deleted in the source control database at this time because you're working disconnected. If you continue with the change, you may need to manually delete the item(s) in the source control database. Do you want to continue and delete only the local item(s)?
The item name, content and encoding have changed in a later version and there is a local pending change on the item being ...
The item this shortcut points to no longer exists or is unavailable. Choose "Remove" on the context menu for this item to ...
The item {0} has been renamed to {1}. Security changes will not be applied to {1}. Do you still want to apply security changes ...
The item {0} was renamed to a path that was previously deleted. This is a known data-lose scenario that the VSS converter ...
The item(s) %1 you are about to delete locally cannot be deleted in the source control database at this time because you're ...
The item(s) %1 you are about to rename locally cannot be renamed in the source control database at this time because you're ...
The items for this operation {0} and {1} cannot be located on different SharePoint sites. If you are moving an item, select ...
The items you selected cannot be checked out, so this modification cannot be completed. The items have probably been checked ...
The job '{0}' was associated with the upgraded server. This job could not be deleted, the job is no longer needed and can ...