.NET Framework

  1. The following filters have been applied multiple times with the same argument: '{0}'. Please remove the duplicate filters ...
  2. The following filters have been applied multiple times with the same argument: '{0}'. Please remove the duplicate filters ...
  3. The following internal error has occurred: The event '{0}' was unexpected in state '{1}'. The state machine history is as ...
  4. The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values. ...
  5. The following keys from the input dictionary do not map to arguments and must be removed: {0}. Please note that argument ...
  6. The following list shows the known objects that are associated with this remote application. To edit the type for any known ...
  7. The following list shows the well-known objects that are exposed by this application. To edit the URI for any well-known ...
  8. The following overload groups are a subset of group '{0}': {1}. It is an error to have an overload group as a subset of another. ...
  9. The following platform components are missing and cannot be automatically installed on this computer because their language ...
  10. The following platform components failed to install and will need to be manually installed before setup can proceed: %1 Check ...
  11. The following products are not compatible with the product you are attempting to install. To uninstall these products, click ...
  12. The following programs are causing vertical integration to occur: %1 To change the file path, you must uninstall the programs ...
  13. The following programs are causing vertical integration to occur: %1 To change the file path, you must uninstall the programs ...
  14. The following two commands are equivalent, and rely on the IIS metabase. The compiled application is deployed to c:\MyTarget: ...
  15. The foreign key '{0}' is not being enforced in the model. An Association or inheritance relationship needs to be created ...
  16. The form referred to itself during construction from a default instance, which led to infinite recursion. Within the Form's ...
  17. The form with id {0}, referenced by the ValidationSummary control '{1}', does not exist. Change the FormToValidate property ...
  18. The format of the following URL is invalid: {0}. This often occurs when a protocol such as http:// or https:// is not provided ...
  19. The format string applied to the parameter names of the old values passed in an update command when old data values are being ...
  20. The formatting applied to the value bound to the AlternateText property of the image when using the DataAlternateTextField. ...
  21. The Framework at path "{0}" tried to include the framework at path "{1}" as part of its reference assembly paths but there ...
  22. The framework identifier '{0}' is not supported in the workflow designer. Please use '.NET Framework' or '.NETFramework' ...
  23. The full URI '{0}' is not allowed. Full URIs are not allowed for the ServiceHostingEnvironment.EnsureServiceAvailable API. ...
  24. The fully qualified name for '%1!ls!' exceeds the debug information size limit. Some operations may not succeed when debugging ...
  25. The function '{0}' has a parameter '{1}' at parameter index {2} that has a data type '{3}' which is currently not supported ...
  26. The function '{0}' has a parameter '{1}' that has a parameter direction value '{2}', which is not valid. Please use 'IN', ...
  27. The function '{0}' has a return data type '{1}' that is currently not supported for the target .NET Framework version. The ...
  28. The function '{0}' has no defining expression. A user-defined function needs a defining expression for successful execution. ...
  29. The function '{0}' has the parameter '{1}' at the parameter index {2} that has the data type '{3}' which is not supported ...
  30. The function '{0}' returns the data type '{1}' that is not supported for the target .NET Framework version. The function ...
  31. The function import '{0}' can be mapped only to a store function that returns rows with one column. The store function '{1}' ...
  32. The function import '{0}' has a parameter of a collection or reference type. Parameters of a collection or reference type ...
  33. The function import '{0}' is declared as composable and side-effecting. A function import can be either composable or side-effecting, ...
  34. The function import '{0}' is not mapped to a store function. A function import needs to be mapped for successful execution. ...
  35. The function import '{0}' specifies an entity set and an entity set path. A function import may only specify one of these ...
  36. The function import mapping cannot produce an entity from the '{0}' type hierarchy. Ensure that conditions unambiguously ...
  37. The function import mapping cannot produce an entity of type '{0}'. Ensure that conditions unambiguously imply the type. ...
  38. The function or function import '{0}' is not composable. A non-composable function or function import cannot be called in ...
  39. The GAC membership condition is true for all assemblies, which are installed in the GAC. Assemblies that meet this membership ...
  40. The generic type '{0}' is not compatible with the real item type '{1}' of Array operand in MultidimensionalArrayItemReference. ...
  41. The get-only collection of type '{0}' returned a null value. The input stream contains collection items which cannot be added ...
  42. The given component of type '{0}' does not have an associated installer. (Installers are associated through an InstallerTypeAttribute ...
  43. The given culture name '{0}' cannot be used to locate a resource file. Resource filenames must consist of only letters, numbers, ...
  44. The given name '{0}' matches at least two names in the collection object with different cases, but does not match either ...
  45. The given System.Uri cannot be converted into a Windows.Foundation.Uri. Please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=215849 ...
  46. The given Task instance has not yet been started. Task instances must be started before they are returned from operations. ...
  47. The global element found in the schema with same name references a different type '{0}' in namespace '{1}'. Data contract ...
  48. The global XML attribute '{0}' from namespace '{1}' references distinct types {2} and {3}. Use XML attributes to specify ...
  49. The global XML item '{0}' from namespace '{1}' has mismatch default value attributes: '{2}' and '{3}' and cannot be mapped ...
  50. The handle argument to InstanceStore.Execute or InstanceStore.BeginExecute must have been created by a call to CreateInstanceHandle ...
  51. The handle is not initialized. Handles must be created and initialized by the runtime and are only valid inside the scope ...
  52. The HandleProcessCorruptingExceptions attribute may only be used by security critical methods, and will not be honored if ...
  53. The Handler for an ActivityDelegate, ActivityAction, or ActivityFunc must not be a reference to an activity already existing ...
  54. The handler must be granted Script or Execute permission in order to execute. This is set via system.webServer>\ configuration. ...
  55. The Hash membership condition is true for all assemblies with a hash that matches the algorithm below. Assemblies that meet ...
  56. The header '{0}' from the namespace '{1}' was not understood by the recipient of this message, causing the message to not ...
  57. The Header ('{0}', '{1}') was encrypted but not signed. All encrypted headers outside the security header should be signed. ...
  58. The header property/field {0}.{1} must be of type SoapHeader or a derived type, or an array of SoapHeader or SoapUnknownHeader. ...
  59. The Help namespace (for example HTML 1.0 Help file) that will be used. It is only used for controls that have the HelpKeyword ...
  60. The host adapter "{0}" defined an unusable constructor. Parameter must be an interface that extends System.AddIn.IContract. ...
  61. The host adapter "{0}" defined an unusable constructor. Parameter must be an interface that extends System.AddIn.IContract. ...
  62. The host adapter "{0}" defined an unusable constructor. The constructor must take one parameter that implements IContract. ...
  63. The host in the CustomDeadLetterQueue URI is not "localhost" or the local machine name. A custom DLQ must reside on the sender's ...
  64. The host name specified ("{0}") is not a supported System.UriHostNameType. Supported UriHostNameType values are Dns, IPv4 ...
  65. The HTTP proxy authentication credential specified an impersonation level restriction ({0}) that is stricter than the restriction ...
  66. The HTTP proxy authentication credential specified an mutual authentication requirement ({0}) that is stricter than the requirement ...
  67. The HTTP request context was aborted while writing the response. As a result, the response may not have been completely written ...
  68. The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme '{0}'. The authentication header received from the server ...
  69. The HTTP request to '{0}' has exceeded the allotted timeout of {1} while reading the response. The time allotted to this ...
  70. The HTTP request to '{0}' has exceeded the allotted timeout of {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion ...
  71. The HTTP request to '{0}' was aborted. This may be due to the local channel being closed while the request was still in progress. ...
  72. The HTTP response from the '{0}' operation that is being added to the ASP.NET output cache is from an authenticated request. ...
  73. The HTTP service located at {0} is unavailable. This could be because the service is too busy or because no endpoint was ...
  74. The HttpBrowserCapabilities string '{1}' evaluated to '{2}'. {0} Check the browserCaps section of machine.config or web.config ...
  75. The HttpGetEnabled property of ServiceMetadataBehavior is set to true and the HttpGetUrl property is a relative address, ...