Visual Studio 2013

  1. The specified base address '{0}' is an invalid IPv4 base address because it contains {1} segments. An IPv4 base address must ...
  2. The specified collection database was exported from Visual Studio Online. Use the /mappingFile option to supply a mapping ...
  3. The specified database is not a valid repository, or is still being constructed. Please try again later. Connection string: ...
  4. The specified destination workitem type '{0}' does not exist in destination project '{1}'. Ensure the workitem type exists ...
  5. The specified directory, file name, or both are too long. The full file path must be less than 260 characters, and the directory ...
  6. The specified entity container member does not exist on the entity container referenced by this entity container mapping. ...
  7. The specified file name contains characters that are not permitted. File names cannot be named '.' or '.', cannot contain ...
  8. The specified Include path '{0}' for the Entity '{1}' is not valid. Include paths can only contain non-virtual reference ...
  9. The specified isolated storage root folder is not valid. Allowed values for the root folder are "Local", "Roaming" or "Temp". ...
  10. The specified name conflicts with another symbol currently accessible in this project. Changing the name could potentially ...
  11. The specified process cannot be spied upon. Windows will not allow access to the message stream(s) for the window(s) owned ...
  12. The specified project path is for non-C# project which does not exist yet. Please specify a C# project path or create the ...
  13. The specified run is already being published or removed. Wait for the other operation to complete before publishing or removing ...
  14. The specified service user either does not exist or is not configured as a service user in the Release Management server. ...
  15. The specified subnet mask '{0}' is an invalid IPv4 subnet mask because it contains {1} segments. An IPv4 subnet mask must ...
  16. The specified thread cannot be spied upon. Windows will not allow access to the message stream(s) for the window(s) owned ...
  17. The specified URL is the entry point for your app. Before uploading the app to the Microsoft Seller Dashboard or to an app ...
  18. The specified user token s not recognized: '{0}'. You can use only a token that was previously specified to call RunAsync. ...
  19. The spelling services are not available. Make sure that the spell checker components are installed and that a locale is specified. ...
  20. The SQL database project or the SQL package that defines the database to be provisioned by SharePoint. Only available in ...
  21. The SQL instance used does not meet the minimum requirements for compression support. You must be running Enterprise Edition, ...
  22. The SQL server specified by these connection properties does not support managed objects. Please choose a different server. ...
  23. The start date is not valid. You must specify a start date that is on or between the start and end dates for the current ...
  24. The start date you specified is not valid. The Cumulative Flow Diagram will only show the last 30 weeks of data. You must ...
  25. The start operation for build {0} has been terminated because the build definition {1} could not be read from the server. ...
  26. The Starter Kit Project you are attempting to create requires SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify ...
  27. The state of all the tool windows and document windows in the environment, including their floating and docked positions. ...
  28. The static coercion from type {0} to {1} involves an indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. ...
  29. The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized. ...
  30. The static parameter '{0}' of the provided type '{1}' requires a value. Static parameters to type providers may be optionally ...
  31. The step '{0}' cannot be located in the active deployment configuration '{1}'. Ensure the deployment configuration is correctly ...
  32. The stored procedure or scalar function cannot be specified as a FROM clause reference or as a target for an UPDATE, INSERT ...
  33. The strictest floating-point model. /fp:strict causes fp_contract to be OFF and fenv_access to be ON. /fp:except is implied ...
  34. The string argument contains a character that is not valid:'{0}'. Correct the argument, and then try the operation again. ...
  35. The string must be a complete URL beginning with 'http' or 'https', for example "". ...
  36. The string must be a fully qualified URL or UNC path, for example "" or "\server\myapplication". ...
  37. The string must be a fully qualified URL or UNC path, for example "" or "\server\myapplication". ...
  38. The string passed to function '%s' exceeds the default maximum length of %d. To override this limit, use '%s' and pass in ...
  39. The string types below (if present) reflect the actual data type of the database field - CStringA for ANSI datatypes and ...
  40. The strong name signature from the binary will be removed in order to be processed. It will need to be resigned before it ...
  41. The struct, record or union type '{0}' does not support structural equality because the type '{1}' does not satisfy the 'equality' ...
  42. The struct, record or union type '{0}' does not support structural equality because the type parameter {1} does not satisfy ...
  43. The struct, record or union type '{0}' has an explicit implementation of 'Object.Equals'. Consider implementing a matching ...
  44. The struct, record or union type '{0}' has an explicit implementation of 'Object.GetHashCode' or 'Object.Equals'. You must ...
  45. The struct, record or union type '{0}' has an explicit implementation of 'Object.GetHashCode'. Consider implementing a matching ...
  46. The struct, record or union type '{0}' has the 'StructuralComparison' attribute but the component type '{1}' does not satisfy ...
  47. The struct, record or union type '{0}' has the 'StructuralComparison' attribute but the type parameter '{1}' does not satisfy ...
  48. The struct, record or union type '{0}' has the 'StructuralEquality' attribute but the component type '{1}' does not satisfy ...
  49. The struct, record or union type '{0}' has the 'StructuralEquality' attribute but the type parameter '{1}' does not satisfy ...
  50. The struct, record or union type '{0}' implements the interface 'System.IComparable ' explicitly. You must apply the 'CustomComparison' ...
  51. The struct, record or union type '{0}' implements the interface 'System.IComparable' explicitly. You must apply the 'CustomComparison' ...
  52. The struct, record or union type '{0}' implements the interface 'System.IEquatable ' explicitly. Apply the 'CustomEquality' ...
  53. The struct, record or union type '{0}' implements the interface 'System.IStructuralComparable' explicitly. Apply the 'CustomComparison' ...
  54. The struct, record or union type '{0}' implements the interface 'System.IStructuralEquatable' explicitly. Apply the 'CustomEquality' ...
  55. The struct, record or union type '{0}' is not structurally comparable because the type '{1}' does not satisfy the 'comparison' ...
  56. The struct, record or union type '{0}' is not structurally comparable because the type parameter {1} does not satisfy the ...
  57. The supplied connection string should be either a valid provider-specific connection string or a valid connection string ...
  58. The surface normal of the current pixel in object space. You can use this to calculate lighting contributions and reflections ...
  59. The surface normal of the current pixel in world space. You can use this to calculate lighting contributions and reflections ...
  60. The symbol '%1!ls!' has a definition in a referenced assembly. Rename can result in build errors. Do you want to continue? ...
  61. The symbol cache directory cannot be created. Make sure that the path name is correct and that you have the permissions to ...
  62. The syntax 'type X with .' is reserved for augmentations. Types whose representations are hidden but which have members are ...
  63. The syntax for calling static members on generic types is complex as the type parameter has to be specified for each call. ...
  64. The System Health Check has detected a problem that may cause Setup to fail. Description %1 Workaround / Remedy %2 More information ...
  65. The System Health Check has detected a problem that will cause Setup to fail. Description %1 Workaround / Remedy %2 More ...
  66. The System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible attribute indicates whether COM clients can use the library. Good design dictates ...
  67. The System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable interface allows the type to customize its serialization, while the Serializable ...
  68. The table being loaded into memory has a user-defined data type (' ') that is not recognized. Close all of your open database ...
  69. The table selected cannot be parameterized. Only tables that are connected to the database can be. Additionally, no valid ...
  70. The TableAdapter "{0}" is not completely configured. To resolve this problem, configure the TableAdapter by setting the SelectCommand's ...
  71. The TableAdapter "{0}" is not completely configured. To resolve this problem, configure the TableAdapter by using the TableAdapter ...
  72. The tag is no longer supported as a child of the element. Place this tag within a target, and add the name of the target ...
  73. The target element {0} was not found, so all intermediate elements were ignored. As a result, an incorrect element that matches ...
  74. The Target Framework version for the project '%1' is higher than the current project Target Framework version. Would you ...
  75. The target item you have selected for the merge operation does not exist in your workspace. If the item does exist in source ...