Visual Studio 2013

  1. The Settings Providers Add-Ins installed through a VSIX installation are ignored. Use the /UseVsixExtensions parameter to ...
  2. The setup must update files or services that cannot be updated while the system is running. If you choose to continue, a ...
  3. The Setup project "{1}" cannot be created, but the add-in project "{0}" was created successfully. The development process ...
  4. The Setup project "{1}" cannot be created, but the add-in project "{0}" was created successfully. Visual Studio closed the ...
  5. The setup was unable to automatically close all requested applications. Please ensure that the applications holding files ...
  6. The shared parameter with id {0} does not exist or it's area path is not owned by the default project team. Include it in ...
  7. The SharePoint Central Administration URL is not valid. This URL was provided during the following upgrade of SharePoint ...
  8. The SharePoint installer (SharePoint.exe) and the config file (SharePoint.config.xml) are not in the tools directory. These ...
  9. The SharePoint Single Sign On provider could not be accessed. Contact your SharePoint site administrator to correct the problem. ...
  10. The SharePoint site at {0} is missing a '{1}' list, which is required to create a workflow template. An attempt to create ...
  11. The SharePoint site at {0} is missing a target, task, or history list. Each of these lists is required to associate a workflow ...
  12. The SharePoint site URL is not valid. This URL was provided during the following SharePoint Products upgrade: {0}. The upgrade ...
  13. The SharePoint site URL usually has the following format: http://ServerName/Sites http://ServerName is the SharePoint Web ...
  14. The SharePoint solution import operation completed, but with errors. As a result, the project may not deploy successfully. ...
  15. The SharePoint solution import operation was stopped before completing. As a result, the project may not deploy successfully. ...
  16. The shelveset associated with the gated check-in ticket does not exist or does not match the value provided in the request. ...
  17. The signature and implementation are not compatible because the declaration of the type parameter '{0}' requires a constraint ...
  18. The signature and implementation are not compatible because the type parameter '{0}' has a constraint of the form {1} but ...
  19. The signature and implementation are not compatible because the type parameter in the class/signature has a different compile-time ...
  20. The signature file '{0}' does not have a corresponding implementation file. If an implementation file exists then check the ...
  21. The signature for this external function contains type parameters. Constrain the argument and return types to indicate the ...
  22. The Silverlight project you are about to debug uses WCF RIA services. WCF RIA services will fail unless the Silverlight project ...
  23. The Silverlight project you are about to debug uses web services. Calls to the web service will fail unless the Silverlight ...
  24. The single-threaded run-time library switches (/MLd, /ML) have been removed from the C++ compiler. The project has been automatically ...
  25. The site for the URL '{0}', exists on both the local IIS web server and the IIS Express web server. To use LightSwitch project ...
  26. The Site URL property of the following project was modified while one or more project files were open in a Web designer: ...
  27. The Site URL property of the project does not contain a valid URL. To ensure that designers work as expected, set the Site ...
  28. The Site URL property of the project has not been set. In the Properties window, enter the URL for a SharePoint server and ...
  29. The size of the AT VM(s) to which to deploy instances of your role. The size of the VM determines the number of CPU cores, ...
  30. The size of the JobAgent VM(s) to which to deploy instances of your role. The size of the VM determines the number of CPU ...
  31. The Smart Device host requires that test assemblies, the code under test, and related files are deployed to the device before ...
  32. The solution '%s' has been modified outside the environment, and there are unsaved changes to the solution. Press Save As ...
  33. The solution '%s' has been modified outside the environment. Press Reload to load the updated solution from disk. Press Ignore ...
  34. The solution '%s' requires migration and therefore cannot be added to the currently opened solution. Either open the solution ...
  35. The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. Because it is not possible ...
  36. The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. It is possible that the %0 ...
  37. The solution contains a document that must be upgraded to a 2007 Microsoft Office system file format. Which file format would ...
  38. The solution contains unloaded projects. Any changes you make will not affect the unloaded projects. It is strongly recommended ...
  39. The solution file '%s' was not written successfully. Check that the location is available, the file is writeable and there ...
  40. The solution file cannot be edited, possibly because it is checked out exclusively to another user, consequently these projects ...
  41. The solution file cannot be saved at the specified location '%s' because it is a web location. The solution file must be ...
  42. The Solution Folder '%s' cannot be added to the solution because a Solution Folder with the same unique identifier already ...
  43. The solution includes one or more projects that could not be mapped to a local directory. These projects could not be retrieved ...
  44. The solution is in a directory mapped to team server {0}. Continuing will close the existing team server {1} and open team ...
  45. The solution or project file name %1 is incompatible with the current system ANSI codepage. Source control will not be enabled ...
  46. The solution or project file name is incompatible with the current system ANSI codepage. To open it under source control ...
  47. The solution or project you are opening must be converted. It was either created in a previous version of Visual Studio, ...
  48. The solution or project you want to open is located in a directory that this application does not have permission to work ...
  49. The solution you are opening from source control contains a web project that resides in the same folder as the solution. ...
  50. The solution you are opening is bound to source control on the following Team Foundation Server: {0}. Would you like to contact ...
  51. The solution you have loaded is bound to the source control server at {0}, but no workspace on that server could be located. ...
  52. The solution you have opened is under source control but not currently configured for integrated source control in Visual ...
  53. The solution you just merged into the active solution was under source control and had solution items. Source-controlled ...
  54. The solution {0} already contains a metadata file {1}. A solution may only contain one metadata file. Please remove {1} before ...
  55. The solution {0} already contains a metadata file {1}. A solution may only contain one metadata file. What would you like ...
  56. The solution's source code database is not currently available. If you have just opened a solution, class view will display ...
  57. The solution's source code database may not have been opened. Please make sure the solution is not open in another copy of ...
  58. The solutions merge is still in progress but you can start working now. If the solution contains projects unavailable locally, ...
  59. The source code cannot be sufficiently parsed for Code Generation. Please try to compile your project and fix any issues. ...
  60. The source code file contains a parsing error. You must fix the code before you can edit this shape on the diagram. Double-click ...
  61. The source code is different from the original version. To allow the breakpoint to be hit when the source code is different, ...
  62. The source control binding information has been removed for project %0. The project will be opened without source control. ...
  63. The source control bindings for the Visual Studio 6.0 projects you are opening cannot be converted. All the new projects ...
  64. The source control bindings for this project do not match the bindings reported by your source control provider. This solution, ...
  65. The source control connections for some projects in the solution cannot be restored. These projects will be set to temporarily ...
  66. The source control operation failed because some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. When you have the chance, ...
  67. The source control operation failed because some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. You will need to perform ...
  68. The source control provider associated with this solution could not be found. The projects will be treated as not under source ...
  69. The source control proxy '{0}' is not responding, so the request will be sent to the main server. Please verify your settings. ...
  70. The source control proxy '{0}' is not responding, so the request will be sent to the main server. Please verify your settings. ...
  71. The source file has been changed after the code clone analysis. The code snippet might be different from the original one. ...
  72. The source installation package for the product 2 is out of sync with the client package. Try the installation again using ...
  73. The source of query operation '{0}' must be a member expression node which contains either a query operation or an entity ...
  74. The specified address '{0}' is an invalid IPv4 address because it contains {1} segments. An IPv4 address must consist of ...
  75. The specified base address '{0}' and subnet mask '{1}' are of different address families. They must both be IPv4 or IPv6 ...