Visual Studio 2013

  1. TF401101: This command is not supported on Team Foundation Server 2012 or older. Use agileprocessconfig or commonprocessconfig ...
  2. TF401102: To update the project configuration in this version of Team Foundation Server, you need to use the new project ...
  3. TF401103: The following plural name contains invalid characters: {0}. The following characters are not valid: @ ~ ; ' + = ...
  4. TF401131: The Team Foundation Server web application was previously configured with one or more bindings that are not currently ...
  5. TF401133: Your account doesn't have permissions to enter this Team Room. To get the permissions have an administrator grant ...
  6. TF401145: The selected database {0} is a TFS 2008 database. These databases cannot be upgraded to TFS 2013 directly. You ...
  7. TF401145: The Team Foundation Server web application was previously configured with one or more bindings that have ports ...
  8. TF401148: None of the previously configured ports (including the TFS default {0} port) are availble. See the log for additional ...
  9. TF401149: None of the previously configured ports were available. Using the default TFS port ({0}). See the log for additional ...
  10. TF401150 - None of the previously configured ports are available on the server. If you continue, TFS will be configured using ...
  11. TF401151 - Port {0} is currently unavailable. If you continue, TFS will be configured using the default {1} port. Afterwards, ...
  12. TF401155: The selected database is only compatible with a newer major version of Team Foundation Server. You need to cancel ...
  13. TF401158: Team Foundation Server requires SQL Server 2012 SP1 (11.00.3000) or greater. The SQL Server instance {0} you supplied ...
  14. TF401158: The SQL Server instance you specified ({0}) is version {1}, which cannot be used in place or upgraded. Either uninstall ...
  15. TF401159: Team Foundation Server requires SQL Server 2012 SP1 (11.00.3000) or greater. The SQL Server instance {0} you supplied ...
  16. TF401159: The SQL Server instance you specified ({0}) is version {1}, which cannot be used in place or upgraded. For more ...
  17. TF401160: The following SQL instance is not supported by the local SharePoint Foundation 2013 installation: {0}. SharePoint ...
  18. TF401172: The team you have selected in the mapping panel has been deleted. To update the list of available teams refresh ...
  19. TF401173: The team you have selected in the mapping panel has invalid configuration settings. Before you can use this team, ...
  20. TF401174: The item '{0}' could not be found in the repository '{1}' at the version specified by '{2}' (resolved to commit ...
  21. TF401178: You lack the permission(s) required for the operation you are attempting. You need to have '{0}'. Please contact ...
  22. TF401190: The local workspace {0} has {1} items in it, which exceeds the recommended limit of {2} items. To improve performance, ...
  23. TF401191: A version control folder for the team project '{0}' could not be created because another source control system ...
  24. TF401196: The upgrade will create {0} new system fields, but there is only space for {1} of them in Team Project Collection: ...
  25. TF401196: The upgrade will create {0} new system fields, but there is only space for {1} of them in the Team Project Collection. ...
  26. TF401200 : Team Foundation Server SharePoint Extensions has detected that this version of Windows is a client operating system. ...
  27. TF401201 : Team Foundation Server SharePoint Extensions has detected that this version of Windows is a Domain Controller. ...
  28. TF401202 : Team Foundation Server SharePoint Extensions has detected that this is not a supported version of Windows Server. ...
  29. TF401203: You cannot use a custom template stored in a Git repository for {0}. To use a custom template stored in a Git repository, ...
  30. TF401210: TFS cannot configure a stand-alone installation of SharePoint. Re-install SharePoint in farm or web front end mode. ...
  31. TF401213: You are trying to view a chart that contains links or a tree of work items. Charts can only be rendered for queries ...
  32. TF401222: TFS has detected that you have SQL Server installed on this machine. SharePoint Foundation 2013 includes a new ...
  33. TF401223: An error occurred while installing the prerequisites for SharePoint Foundation 2013. For more information, review ...
  34. TF401226: Cannot save service definition with type {0} identifier {1} because parent definition with type {2} identifier ...
  35. TF401252 : You cannot reuse your previous installation path when performing a major upgrade of Team Foundation Server. To ...
  36. TF401255: This element defines the fields that appear on the add panel for your product backlog. Fields must be one of the ...
  37. TF401270: Validation of the newly installed version of SQL Express failed. See the configuration logs for additional details. ...
  38. TF401293: The specified SQL Server instance '{0}' is invalid. A port number and a named instance cannot be specified simultaneously. ...
  39. TF401300: The specified SQL Server instance '{0}' is invalid. The specified port number does not fall within the valid range ...
  40. TF401312: The Work Item Chart Transform uses an AssignedToMe query, but the chart owner identification does not match the ...
  41. TF401313: The Work Item Chart Transform uses an AssignedToMe query, but information to identify the owner could not be found ...
  42. TF401317: An error occurred while recording the collation of the following database: {0}. The server hosting the database ...
  43. TF42006: The build service could not get the project file for build definition {0}. Ensure the project file exists and the ...
  44. TF42008: The test case management package could not be loaded. Verify that Visual Studio Test Tools is installed and try ...
  45. TF42015: The build definition file TfsBuild.proj for build definition {0} could not be read. The format of the file is invalid, ...
  46. TF42017: Unable to create the build definition specified because the connection to the server timed out. Wait for few minutes ...
  47. TF42018: The DoNotDownloadBuildType flag in configuration file of TFSBuildService.exe is set to true but {0} does not exist. ...
  48. TF42018: The DoNotDownloadBuildType property is set to true but {0} does not exist. Set the DoNotDownloadBuildType property ...
  49. TF42022: The workspace {0} does not have any working folder mappings. Verify the working folder mappings of selected workspace ...
  50. TF42023: Failed to get test metadata (.vsmdi) file for the selected workspace {0}. Verify that the workspace contains one ...
  51. TF42024: Failed to start the wizard. The workspace {0} is preventing the wizard from creating temporary workspace required ...
  52. TF42025: The wizard could not check the build definition files into source control. Verify the network connection and try ...
  53. TF42026: Failed to start the wizard. The temporary workspace {0} needed for this operation already exists. Delete this workspace ...
  54. TF42027: Team Build could not get the solution files for the team project. Verify that the {0} workspace mapping is correct ...
  55. TF42036: There is no build definition available to build the team project {0}. Create a new build definition and try again. ...
  56. TF42043: Team Foundation Build could not load the correct editor. Verify that the Team Foundation Client is installed and ...
  57. TF42050: Invalid build directory: {0}. The build directory cannot be a UNC path, relative path or drive name. Specify the ...
  58. TF42052: The file system on the build machine does not support access control lists. Specify build directory on a file system ...
  59. TF42053: The build machine is not configured to build for server {0}. The build machine is configured for one Team Foundation ...
  60. TF42054: Invalid drop location: {0}. The drop location must be a UNC path or a valid TFS server path under a team project. ...
  61. TF42058: The build process was not able to set access control on {0}. Grant the user account running the build process full ...
  62. TF42067: The configuration '{0}' contains characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include ' ', ...
  63. TF42092: A work item could not be created for a failure in build '{0}'. Verify that the work item type '{1}' is supported ...
  64. TF42092: A work item could not be created for a failure in build '{0}'. Verify that the work item type '{1}' is supported ...
  65. TF42093: The work item {0} could not be updated with build information. The field {1} is not available on this work item. ...
  66. TF42094: A work item could not be created for build failure. Verify valid properties are specified as name=value pairs separated ...
  67. TF42098: A work item could not be created for build failure. The build service account does not have the permissions to save ...
  68. TF500223: The Compare Labels command cannot be used with this version of the database. Please compare labels with another ...
  69. TF500224: The maximum allowed server path length has been decreased on the server which is not supported. Please contact ...
  70. TF50233: A cyclic group containment error occurred when adding a group member. The group {1} already has the group {0} as ...
  71. TF50241: The following Team Foundation group name is not valid: '{0}'. For more information about valid naming conventions ...
  72. TF50364: The following distinguished name (DN) is not formatted correctly or contains an empty string: '{0}'. Make sure that ...
  73. TF50621: The Team Foundation group that you wish to manage is not owned by service host {0}, it is owned by {1}. Please target ...
  74. TF50633: This group cannot be removed. Team Foundation requires the existence of this Administrators group for its operation. ...
  75. TF50634: This group cannot be removed. Team Foundation requires the existence of this Valid Users group for its operation. ...