Visual Studio 2013

  1. TF50635: This group cannot be removed. Team Foundation requires the existence of this Service Accounts group for its operation. ...
  2. TF51215: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. Dimension {0} does not exist. Use Team ...
  3. TF51218: Reporting for Team Foundation Server contains metadata which is not valid. Fact {1} does not contain field {0}. ...
  4. TF51229: The measure {1} cannot be added to measure group {2} because measure type {0} is not supported by the Analysis Services ...
  5. TF51230: The measure {2} cannot be added to measure group {3} because measure type {0} cannot be converted to {1}. Use Team ...
  6. TF51309: Cannot upload the file because the value for Area Node URI is missing. Check and make sure the work item version ...
  7. TF51316: The maximum attachment size exceeds the allowable maximum of {0} bytes. Upload a smaller file, or change the maximum ...
  8. TF51516: The field name contains characters that are not supported. Field names can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, ...
  9. TF51548: There are no metadata row versions provided, or the versions do not match the number of metadata tables requested. ...
  10. TF51582: The column name you entered contains unsupported characters. Enter a column name using only alphanumeric characters. ...
  11. TF51589: The ExcludeLower attribute is not supported. It must be a Boolean string "True" with a value of "1" for true or ...
  12. TF51590: The ExcludeUpper attribute is not supported. It must be a Boolean string "True" with a value of "1" for true or ...
  13. TF51592: The ExpandConstant attribute is not supported. It must be a Boolean string "True" with a value of "1" for true or ...
  14. TF51643: The column name you entered contains unsupported characters. Enter a column name using only alphanumeric characters. ...
  15. TF52001: The name of the Team Foundation data-tier server in the Web Services web.config file is {0}, which matches the new ...
  16. TF52002: The Team Foundation Server web site could not be found in Internet Information Services (IIS). Make sure that IIS ...
  17. TF52003: The section in the web.config file is missing a required element: {0}. You must add this required element to the ...
  18. TF52004: The web.config file cannot be opened for the following Web site: {0}. You might not have appropriate permissions ...
  19. TF52005: The web.config file could not be saved to the following directory: {0}. Make sure that you have read and write permissions ...
  20. TF53010: An unexpected condition has occurred in a Team Foundation component. The information contained here should be made ...
  21. TF53012: A crash report is being prepared for Microsoft using the Watson Crash Reporting Mechanism. The prepared report will ...
  22. TF53014: A crash report for this problem was recently created; a new crash report for this occurrence of the problem is not ...
  23. TF53015: A crash report has been prepared for Microsoft using the Watson Crash Reporting Mechanism. The prepared report has ...
  24. TF55030: Register Data Tier failed. Verify that the supplied Data Tier name is a valid Team Foundation Data Tier name, that ...
  25. TF55033: The old account {0} was not member of the role {1} in analysis database {2} on instance {3} when we went to remove ...
  26. TF55049: The old account, {0}, is not recognized as a service account by Team Foundation Server - continuing with operation ...
  27. TF55051: The Team Foundation Server settings of the old account, {0}, could not be transferred to the new account, {1}. Most ...
  28. TF56045: The group, {0}, resolved as a Windows identity. If an application group with the same name exists on the server, ...
  29. TF56045: The group, {0}, resolved as a Windows identity. If an application group with the same name exists on the server, ...
  30. TF602213: The image, '{0}', inserted in the '{1}' field could not be uploaded. Verify that you have a network connection ...
  31. TF700001: Visual Studio Product Registration cannot be launched. Install Visual Studio or repair the installation and try ...
  32. TF80006: Team Foundation needs a work item type to publish work items. Select a work item type for the work items you have ...
  33. TF80012: The document cannot be opened because there is a problem with the installation of the Microsoft Visual Studio Team ...
  34. TF80043: Could not connect to Team Foundation Server. Check that you have a network connection and that your Team Foundation ...
  35. TF80066: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Contact your Team Foundation administrator to acquire additional ...
  36. TF80067: An error occurred on the Team Foundation Server while attempting to perform this operation. Operation was cancelled. ...
  37. TF80070: Team Foundation encountered an error while performing the operation. It is recommended that you save your work and ...
  38. TF80071: Team Foundation encountered an error while accessing the work item database. Contact the Team Foundation Server ...
  39. TF80072: Could not connect to Team Foundation Server. Check that you have a network connection and that your Team Foundation ...
  40. TF80074: Team Foundation was unable to load the document because the document properties are corrupted. The document will ...
  41. TF80075: Work item was already modified on Team Foundation Server. Refresh the document, reapply your changes, and then try ...
  42. TF80076: The data in the work item is not valid or you do not have permissions to modify the data. Correct the problem and ...
  43. TF80078: Unable to retrieve data from the work items database server. The network connection might be lost or the server ...
  44. TF80083: Team Foundation could not retrieve the work item from the database because either the work item no longer exists ...
  45. TF82010: This field does not exist or is read only for the work item type "{0}". If you modified the field within the Task ...
  46. TF82022: The new Microsoft Project field mapping is incomplete or contains unrecognized fields. The mapping file must include ...
  47. TF82023: The following fields could not be mapped because the field type of the destination field is incompatible with the ...
  48. TF82026: The mapping file contains an unsupported project field name for {0} : {1}. All project field names must begin with ...
  49. TF82031: An area or iteration path field is not mapped to a field that can contain a hierarchical tree view. The following ...
  50. TF82032: You have entered data into the following fields, which are used by Team Foundation and will be overwritten: {0} ...
  51. TF82033: The initialization of the document to connect with Team Foundation Server was not successful. This document will ...
  52. TF82036: Cannot access native Project field: {0}. Contact your administrator to ensure that the field is mapped to a valid ...
  53. TF82038: Process Guidance cannot be launched. Please check if MSDN Help is installed properly and the portfolio project is ...
  54. TF82041: Team Foundation does not support editing tasks in a subproject from within the master project. Open the subproject ...
  55. TF82043: The new value is an Invalid work item type. Please close this message and then press the ESC key to select the work ...
  56. TF84005: Could not insert a new column. There may be data to the right of this work item list that could not be moved automatically. ...
  57. TF84006: The work item list has been corrupted and Team Foundation could not correct the error. The work item list has been ...
  58. TF84011: Could not connect to team project {0}. The team project may no longer exist or is not accessible. See your Team ...
  59. TF84012: Stored data for the work item list could not be found or it is corrupted. This work item list will not be connected ...
  60. TF84013: You cannot modify a field that is read-only or a work item that restricts updates to valid users based on current ...
  61. TF84025: A hidden worksheet required to make the work item list work correctly is corrupted or not working properly. You ...
  62. TF84026: There is not enough space to store all possible values for fields with drop-down lists. Remove 1 or more fields ...
  63. TF84028: Help topic cannot be displayed because Visual Studio Help is not installed. Install Visual Studio Help and try again. ...
  64. TF84032: Team Foundation could not insert the work item list because there is data in the worksheet that cannot be moved. ...
  65. TF84033: Team Foundation was unable to modify the list. It is likely that this is caused by data in the worksheet that cannot ...
  66. TF84034: The initialization of the workbook to connect to Team Foundation Server was not successful. This document will no ...
  67. TF84036: Process Guidance cannot be launched. Check to see if Visual Studio Help is installed properly and that the team ...
  68. TF84043: Team Foundation could not find the query associated with this work item list. The query may have been deleted, or ...
  69. TF84044: One or more work items have fields that exceed the maximum cell length limit of 32,767 characters in Microsoft Excel. ...
  70. TF84045: The column {0} could not be added to the list. One or more work items contain data in the column that exceed the ...
  71. TF86001: Team Foundation was unable to load the Office Add-in. This may be caused by a Team Foundation Client installation ...
  72. TF86002: Team Foundation was unable to initialize the Office Add-in. This may be caused by a Team Foundation Client installation ...
  73. TF86002: Team Foundation was unable to initialize the Office Add-in. This may be caused by a Team Foundation Client installation ...
  74. TF87008: Your user account does not have sufficient permissions to access the file. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator ...
  75. TF87012: The Team Foundation Server URL is not valid. Verify that the server name is valid and that the port number and protocol ...