Visual Studio 2013

  1. TF294020: Team project collection '{0}' is already mapped to the following PWA: {1}. You must first unmap this collection ...
  2. TF294021: The following team project collection is not mapped to a PWA instance: {0}. Check the mapping for the team project ...
  3. TF294026: The following work item field does not exist: {0}. Contact your administrator for Team Foundation Server to add ...
  4. TF294028: The work item type '{0}' could not be found in the following team project: {1}. Check that you have specified the ...
  5. TF294029: The following PWA instance is not registered: {0}. If you just registered this PWA instance, wait a few minutes ...
  6. TF294031: The following team project is not associated with an enterprise project plan: {0}. You can only map work item types ...
  7. TF298000: Could not connect to the remote device: "{0}". Verify that the device name is correct, the Microsoft Test Tools ...
  8. TF298000: You cannot import global workflow. To import global workflow, the feature must be enabled on the application-tier ...
  9. TF298001: The network connection to the following remote device has been lost: {0}:{1}. Make sure the device is not switched ...
  10. TF298002: Cannot establish a testing session with the device since a session is already in progress from the computer: {0}. ...
  11. TF298003: A problem has occurred with the following message type: {0}. Messages of that type cannot be serialized or deserialized. ...
  12. TF298007: The operation could not be completed because the following user doesn't have permission to connect to Microsoft ...
  13. TF298008: Could not connect to the remote device "{0}". Verify the following and try again: 1. The device is reachable over ...
  14. TF298009: Microsoft Test Manager could not connect to the following remote device because Microsoft Test Tools Adapter process ...
  15. TF298009: You do not have sufficient permissions to map, unmap, or check the mapping of an enterprise project to a project ...
  16. TF298010: The connection to Microsoft Test Tools Adapter running inside the simulator session has been lost. Diagnostic data ...
  17. TF298012: The following file does not have an .appx extension: {0}. Select a file with {1} extension and try the operation ...
  18. TF298014: The following user could not be authenticated: {0}'. This operation can be performed by the user who is currently ...
  19. TF298015: The operation could not be completed because the following user doesn't have permission to connect to Microsoft ...
  20. TF298017: Could not initialize and connect to the Microsoft Test Tools Adapter inside the Simulator's session. Please close ...
  21. TF298018: Microsoft Test Manager could not connect to the following remote machine because there is currently no active desktop ...
  22. TF298020 : The assembly wmvcore.dll could not be found. If you are running Windows Server 2008 or later, make sure the Desktop ...
  23. TF298020: The session you are reconnecting to no longer exists on the remote device. This can happen if the remote device ...
  24. TF298021: Failed to add {0} to the list of firewall exceptions. Add {0} to the list of firewall exceptions manually and start ...
  25. TF298024: Microsoft Test Tools Adapter Service could not stop Microsoft Test Tools Adapter process. Restart the machine to ...
  26. TF298026: Microsoft Test Tools Adapter Service encountered an error while opening a WCF endpoint to listen to requests. Detailed ...
  27. TF298030 : Could not login to the Developer license server using the credential provided. Either the Developer license server ...
  28. TF298030: Cannot start a new testing session on the device '{0}' since a session is already in progress for the user: '{1}'. ...
  29. TF298033 : Could not load the assembly to perform the operations for Developer Licensing. Make sure Windows 8 is installed ...
  30. TF298040 : Install application has timed out. Either the connection to the remote device was lost or the user did not perform ...
  31. TF298047: Could not connect to the remote device "{0}:{1}". Verify the device is reachable and Microsoft Test Tools Adapter ...
  32. TF298500 : There was an error in capturing voice. Voice and screen recording will be disabled for this session. Error: {0} ...
  33. TF298502 : Could not locate the default voice recording device. Voice recording will be disabled for this session. Make sure ...
  34. TF298503 : Could not locate the default voice recording device for the remote session. Voice and screen recording will be ...
  35. TF298504 : Voice recording is not supported on this operating system. Voice recording will be disabled for this session. ...
  36. TF298506 : You cannot create a screen recording when there is content displayed that is protected by Office Information Rights ...
  37. TF298509 : An error occurred while starting the screen recorder. Media will not be recorded. Review the log file for more ...
  38. TF300003: You cannot link to a storyboard that is already linked: {0}. Either modify the existing link, or modify your link ...
  39. TF300005: To link to storyboards, you must connect to a version of Team Foundation Server that supports storyboard links. ...
  40. TF30001: Team Explorer could not retrieve a list of projects from the Classification Service. Contact your Team Foundation ...
  41. TF300102: The storyboard shapes file is not valid because it contains multiple controls that use the following reference ...
  42. TF300105: Cannot load the storyboard shape because its definition is invalid. The storyboard shapes file is: '{0}'. The path ...
  43. TF300106: Cannot load PowerPoint template shape for storyboard shape: '{0}'. The storyboard shapes file is: '{1}'. The shape ...
  44. TF30017: Cannot connect to Team Foundation Server at {0}. The security certificate is either not installed, not properly ...
  45. TF30024: Work Item Tracking could not retrieve data from the work items database server. This error occurs when either the ...
  46. TF30024: Work Item Tracking could not retrieve data from the work items database server. This error occurs when either the ...
  47. TF30048: The file {0} specified to store the trace output could not be found or created. Confirm that the file name is correct ...
  48. TF30070: An unexpected condition has occurred in the Team Foundation server. Information about the condition has been gathered. ...
  49. TF30079: A list, survey, discussion board, or document library cannot have the same name as another list, survey, discussion ...
  50. TF30108: Team Foundation does not support some of the characters you entered in the work item ID. Type an ID containing only ...
  51. TF30109: Team Foundation does not support non-ASCII double-wide digits in a work item ID. Type an ID using only numbers ({0}-{1}), ...
  52. TF30110: One or more values in the IDs text box are larger than the maximum allowable value of {0}. Change the values and ...
  53. TF30111: The query you specified could not be found. Make sure that the query {0} exists in the selected team project on ...
  54. TF30135: The Process Template Manager can not upload the process template from '{0}' because the folder does not contain ...
  55. TF30136: The Process Template Manager can not download the template to '{0}' because there is already a subfolder with the ...
  56. TF30144: The New Team Project Wizard attempted to roll back all of the steps taken to this point but was unsuccessful. Contact ...
  57. TF30146: The New Team Project Wizard could not retrieve the confirmation values from the plug-in. Close the wizard and try ...
  58. TF30147: The New Team Project Wizard could not retrieve the confirmation values because of the error: {0} Close the wizard ...
  59. TF30171: The {0} plug-in used to create the new team project could not be initialized and returned the following error: {1}. ...
  60. TF30172: You are trying to create a team project without required permissions. Contact your project administrator to check ...
  61. TF30185: The action {0} you requested is not available for the object {1}. This error usually occurs when a process template ...
  62. TF30186: The XML in the process template is malformed. The process template must contain a single Groups node. Contact the ...
  63. TF30188: The team project URI returned from {0} is either a null or empty string or not a recognized URI. Try again. If the ...
  64. TF30198: Engine failure while processing the completion of the task "{0}" from group "{1}". No further tasks will be executed ...
  65. TF30217: New Team Project Wizard discontinued due to the following error and is removing the partially created team project ...
  66. TF30218: Out of memory while processing the completion of task "{0}" from group "{1}", no further tasks will be executed. ...
  67. TF30224: Failed to retrieve projects from the report server. Please check that the SQL Server Reporting Services Web and ...
  68. TF30247: The New Team Project Wizard cannot continue because it cannot load a plug-in for the selected process template. ...
  69. TF30261: Invalid project name - project names: must be less than {0} for this TFS Server, cannot contain any of the following ...
  70. TF30270: The following team project site cannot be created because it already exists: {0}. Either specify another location ...
  71. TF30282: The file or folder you are copying or moving has the same name as the target folder and is a child of that folder. ...
  72. TF30290: There was a problem accessing the database on the server. See the Event log on the Team Foundation Server for details. ...
  73. TF30321: The name you typed is already used for another team project on the Team Foundation Server. Type a unique name for ...
  74. TF30325: Team Explorer encountered an unexpected error while refreshing the {0} plug-in. The following error message was ...
  75. TF30326: The team project name you typed is not valid. A project name cannot: - contain more than {0} characters for this ...