TfsConfig changeServerID /sqlInstance: /databaseName: /projectCollectionsOnly | /configDBOnly /usesqlalwayson Initializes ...

TfsConfig   changeServerID /sqlInstance: 
                         [[/projectCollectionsOnly] | [/configDBOnly]]
            Initializes the Team Foundation Server Instance and all of
            its collections with a new instance id.

            The sqlInstance parameter is required and should indicate
            the sql instance that the configuration database lives on.
            The databaseName parameter is required and should be the
            name of the configuration database.

            If the projectCollectionsOnly switch is used then the
            operation will create new instance ids for the 
            project collections only.
            If the configDBOnly switch is used then the operation
            will create a new instance id for the TFS Instance
            but none of the collections.
            The UseSqlAlwaysOn option should be used if your databases are
            on a Sql Server High Availability AlwaysOn Availability Group.  
            This option sets MultiSubnetFailover in the connection string.