SQL Server 2016

  1. If you resume mirroring for this database, and if transactions are committed at '{0}' but the log was not sent to the former ...
  2. If you save the view encrypted, you will no longer be able to alter the view definition. Do you want to save the view encrypted? ...
  3. If you select a non-key granularity attribute, the server will not be able to aggregate data properly unless you make sure ...
  4. If you select Yes, the replicated data remains on the Publisher and Subscribers; however, the data loses its synchronization ...
  5. If you want to change the current settings and disallow the creation of temporary mining models, clear the checkbox below. ...
  6. If your IIS and SQL Server installations are not on the same machine, Integrated Windows authentication is not supported ...
  7. If your information technology (IT) administrator is unable to run the Server Configuration Utility on the remote Analysis ...
  8. Ignoring trace flag %1!s! specified during startup. It is either an invalid trace flag or a trace flag that cannot be specified ...
  9. Ignoring trace flag %1!s!. It is either an invalid trace flag or a trace flag that can only be specified during server startup. ...
  10. Illegal use of user defined type method or property. Only a single property or method instance allowed in a set clause item. ...
  11. Images with external URL references will not display if the report is published to a report server without an UnattendedExecutionAccount ...
  12. Immediate Updating Subscriptions: The xml values inserted/updated by Subscriber will be replicated as NULL to publisher. ...
  13. Implicit conversion between XML types constrained by different XML schema collections is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function ...
  14. Implicit conversion of %1!s! value to %2!s! cannot be performed because the collation of the value is unresolved due to a ...
  15. Implicit conversion of %1!s! value to %2!s! cannot be performed because the resulting collation is unresolved due to collation ...
  16. Implicit user '%1!s!' creation is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Explicitly create the user before using it. ...
  17. Import cannot be completed, because an object with the name '%{objectname/}' or with the ID '%{objectid/}' already exists ...
  18. Import failed. Imported mining model was created on a server with DeploymentMode=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running ...
  19. Import" will import all the Full-text indexes, "Rebuild" will rebuild all the Full-text indexes, and "Reset" will reset all ...
  20. Import" will import all the Full-text indexes, "Rebuild" will rebuild all the Full-text indexes, and "Reset" will reset all ...
  21. Important information to enable Stretch : - You must have an administrator password for your SQL Server. - You must have ...
  22. IMPORTANT: Changing the subscription type drops and recreates the subscriptions between two nodes. If clean-up occurs during ...
  23. Important: Enabling temporary mining models might increase memory usage on your Analysis Services instance. It might also ...
  24. Imported calculations, actions, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will not be valid if they refer to dimensions or measures ...
  25. In a MERGE statement, a '%1!s!' clause with a search condition cannot appear after a '%2!s!' clause with no search condition. ...
  26. In a MERGE statement, a variable cannot be set to a column and expression in the same assignment in the SET clause of an ...
  27. In a MERGE statement, the source and target cannot have the same name or alias. Use different aliases for the source and ...
  28. In a write-enabled dimension, end users and administrators can change, move, add and delete members. They can also update ...
  29. In an ALTER TABLE REBUILD or ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement, when a partition is specified in a DATA_COMPRESSION clause, PARTITION=ALL ...
  30. In an ALTER TABLE REBUILD or ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement, when a partition is specified in a DATA_COMPRESSION clause, PARTITION=ALL ...
  31. In EntityContainer '{3}', FunctionImport '{0}' returns entities of type '{1}' that cannot exist in the declared EntitySet ...
  32. In EntityContainer '{4}', Role '{0}' in '{1}' and '{2}' AssociationSet refers to the same EntitySet '{3}'. Make sure that ...
  33. In EntityContainer '{4}', the Role for the End with the EntitySet '{0}' in the AssociationSet '{1}' was not supplied, and ...
  34. In EntityContainer '{4}', the Role for the End with the EntitySet '{0}', in the AssociationSet '{1}' was not supplied, and ...
  35. In most cases, contains the text of the Transact-SQL statement. For rows of type PLAN_ROW, contains a description of the ...
  36. In order to complete the installation of 2], you must restart the computer. Other users are currently logged on to this computer, ...
  37. In order to create a new Tabular model, you must select a compatibility level. The compatibility level must be compatible ...
  38. In order to enable this publication for non-SQL Server Subscribers, you must remove all existing subscriptions to this publication. ...
  39. In order to encrypt the database encryption key with an %1!s!, please use an %2!s! that resides on an extensible key management ...
  40. In order to run a trace against SQL Server you must be a member of sysadmin fixed server role or have the ALTER TRACE permission. ...
  41. In order to show changes to your PivotTable, all PivotTables need to be refreshed. Do you want to refresh all PivotTables? ...
  42. In order to start tuning application needs to create some objects in MSDB database. You have to be a member of sysadmin fixed ...
  43. In order to update the AssociationSet '{0}', the corresponding entity from EntitySet '{1}' must be available in the ObjectStateManager. ...
  44. In order to use a Bing Maps layer, please obtain an AppID from Bing and place it in the LocalReport.MapTileServerConfiguration.AppID ...
  45. In order to use azure storage blob in this wizard, you need to install Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Feature ...
  46. In order to use partition_options of 2 (non overlapping partitions with multiple subscriptions per partition) or 3 (non overlapping ...
  47. In relationship '{0}', the Principal and Dependent Role of the referential constraint refers to the same Role in the relationship ...
  48. In remote mode, the Report Viewer control requires session state be enabled or Report Server connection information specified ...
  49. In SQL Server 2000, when SERVERPROPERTY('LCID') is run on binary collation servers, the function always returns a value of ...
  50. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, choose to have the agent update the subscription "on demand only" in the Pull Subscription ...
  51. In SQL Server Express, Web, or Workgroup, you can run the package that the Import and Export Wizard creates, but cannot save ...
  52. In SSISDB, there are no customized logging levels. Please contact sys_admin or ssis_admin to create customized logging levels ...
  53. In the '%{detail/}' measure group, the '%{mmdim/}' many-to-many dimension references a missing lookup measure group with ...
  54. In the '%{model/}' mining model, a request to the '%{attribute/}' attribute for marginal statistics failed, because the attribute ...
  55. In the '%{modelname/}' mining model, the MODEL_EXISTENCE_ONLY modeling flag is not allowed in the '%{colname/}' key column. ...
  56. In the '%{parentStruct/}' mining structure, the '%{name/}' column is bound to a database column whose data type is set to ...
  57. In the '%{parentStruct/}' structure, the '%{name/}' column does not contain valid bindings to data and cannot be processed. ...
  58. In the case of format-number() and formatNumber(), you can use Transact-SQL. For the other unsupported functions listed earlier, ...
  59. In the following dialog box, specify how the jobs on the new secondary server instances will connect to the monitor server ...
  60. In the following packages, Execute Package tasks access child packages using connection managers. You can update the Execute ...
  61. In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS attributes cannot be generated as CDATA, XML, or ...
  62. In the mining model, '%{modelname/}', the '%{colname/}' column must be of a continuous type since the REGRESSOR modeling ...
  63. In the next page, you must make sure that the correct map layer type is selected based on the spatial data returned by your ...
  64. In the query/DML operation involving column set '%1!s!', conversion failed when converting from the data type '%2!s!' to ...
  65. In the query/DML operation involving column set '%1!s!', conversion failed when converting from the data type '%2!s!' to ...
  66. In the secondary role, this availability replica will allow all connections for read access, including connections running ...
  67. In the text editor below, you can input static text and any number of keywords. A keyword is a special formatted character ...
  68. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set '%1!s!', the '%2!s!' attribute on the element '%3!s!' is not valid. ...
  69. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set '%1!s!', the sqltypes:scale attribute value on the element '%2!s!' ...
  70. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set column '%1!s!', the '%2!s!' attribute value on the element '%3!s!' ...
  71. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set column '%1!s!', the sqlDBType:base64Encoded attribute on the element ...
  72. In the XML content that is supplied for the column set column '%1!s!, the '%2!s!' attribute on the element '%3!s!' is not ...
  73. In the XML content that is supplied for the sparse column set '%1!s!', the '%2!s!' attribute value on the element '%3!s!' ...
  74. In the XML that is supplied for the column set '%1!s!', the element '%2!s!' should reside in the global namespace. Remove ...
  75. In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving ...