SQL Server 2016

  1. Hungarian-Technical-100, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  2. Hungarian-Technical-100, case-sensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  3. Hungarian-Technical-100, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  4. Hungarian-Technical-100, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-sensitive, supplementary characters ...
  5. Hungarian-Technical-100, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-sensitive, width-insensitive, supplementary characters ...
  6. H[elp option_name Optional. Displays a list of options and their associated arguments unless the option_name argument is ...
  7. H[elp option_name Optional. Displays a list of options and their associated arguments unless the option_name argument is ...
  8. I created the peer database manually, or I restored a backup of the original publication database which has not been changed ...
  9. I have downloaded and installed Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2010 on my machine {2}. These add-ins ...
  10. I restored a backup of the original publication database, and the publication database was changed after the backup was taken ...
  11. I Specify the SQL Server instance from which to read the packages (if this is provided then connection is created to SERVER\Instance ...
  12. I/O affinity turned on, processor mask 1!s!. Disk I/Os will execute on CPUs per affinity I/O mask/affinity64 mask config ...
  13. I/O is frozen on database %1!s!. No user action is required. However, if I/O is not resumed promptly, you could cancel the ...
  14. IAM page %1!s! for object ID %2!s!, index ID %3!s!, partition ID %4!s!, alloc unit ID %5!s! (type %6!s!) controls pages in ...
  15. Icelandic, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
  16. ID for the index on the object affected by the event. To determine the index ID for an object, use the indid column of the ...
  17. ID of the database specified by the USE database statement, or the default database if no USE database statement has been ...
  18. ID of the stats collection generated for the input. This same ID will also appear in ShowplanXml as an attribute of the RelOp ...
  19. ID/IDREF validation consumed too much memory. Try reducing the number of ID and IDREF attributes. Rearranging the file so ...
  20. Identifiers in the fact table are unavailable because the fact table(s) do not have a reference to the currency dimension. ...
  21. Identifies a subset of columns specified in the call to SUMMARIZE function that should be used to calculate groups of subtotals. ...
  22. Identifies a subset of columns specified in the call to SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function that should be used to calculate groups ...
  23. Identifies a table with override data points specified in the call to DEFINETIMESERIES function that should be used to calculate ...
  24. Identifies potential duplicate rows and helps standardize the data by selecting canonical replacements. For example, reduce ...
  25. Identifies the node ID of the operation that caused the hash warning. This corresponds to the Node ID in Showplan output. ...
  26. Identifies the node ID of the operation that caused the hash warning. This corresponds to the Node ID in Showplan XML output. ...
  27. Identifies the node ID of the operation that caused the sort warning. This corresponds to the Node ID in Showplan output. ...
  28. Identity column '%1!s!' must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, unencrypted, ...
  29. Identity column '{0}' must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, and constrained ...
  30. Identity column '{0}' must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, and constrained ...
  31. identity_range, @pub_identity_range, and @threshold must be NULL when @identityrangemanagementoption is set to 'none' or ...
  32. If all Subscribers are servers running SQL Server, you can also verify the data in each row by comparing checksum values. ...
  33. If an EntitySet mapping includes a function binding, function bindings must be included for all types. The following types ...
  34. If an EntitySet or AssociationSet includes a query view, all related entity and association sets in the EntityContainer must ...
  35. If Kerberos delegation is not configured, the EffectiveUserName property in the connection string must be the same as the ...
  36. If management data warehouse is not on the local instance and SQL Server Agent is not running under a domain account that ...
  37. If multiplicity of the relationship needs to be One-One then create twin One-One relationships in both directions between ...
  38. If one or more column groups is specified, all fields in the Values field list must have an aggregate function specified. ...
  39. If ShowColumnAs is Histogram then this property defines the histogram interval width. Setting this value to 0 will result ...
  40. If ShowColumnAs is Histogram then this property indicates the percent frequency should be displayed using the secondary Y ...
  41. If ShowColumnAs is Histogram, then this property defines the number of intervals the data range is divided into. This property ...
  42. If some of the EntitySet or the AssociationSet mapped to the same store EntitySet, and one of the sets includes a function ...
  43. If source is specified for dimension attribute's '%{IMBIColumnId/}' KeyColumn it can only be ColumnBinding or RowNumberBinding. ...
  44. If source is specified for dimension attribute's '%{IWColumnName/}' KeyColumn it can only be ColumnBinding or RowNumberBinding. ...
  45. If the column you are adding is from a different table, the current column list will be cleared. Do you want to continue? ...
  46. If the constrained task has multiple constraints, you can choose how the constraints interoperate to control the execution ...
  47. If the FailOnFixedAttributeChange property is set to TRUE, the transformation will fail when a fixed attribute change is ...
  48. If the machine is not ServerCore.The Specified value EnableUIOnServerCore for setting 'UIMODE' is invalid. The expected values ...
  49. If the Maximum Rows property is set to 0, cross-validation uses all the rows in the data set. Therefore, the time needed ...
  50. If the report server is configured to use SharePoint integrated mode, verify that the server is joined to a SharePoint farm ...
  51. If the secondary database will be created when the backup is restored, you can specify the folders in which the log and data ...
  52. If the server restarts unexpectedly, PowerPivot System Service creates minidump files that contain useful information about ...
  53. If the upgrade process encounters a failure, the upgrade will be rolled back. If this option is not selected, you may need ...
  54. If the user requested scenario is edition upgrade, the specified value AutoAdvance for the setting 'UIMODE' is invalid. The ...
  55. If this is a large table or view, or if the chosen full-text catalog has indexed or other large tables, consider assigning ...
  56. If this service fails to start during startup, the ErrorControl property specifies the severity of the error. The value indicates ...
  57. If true, columns containing null will have null inserted at the destination. If false, columns containing null will have ...
  58. If true, each input record will be directly compared against EVERY other input record. This may produce slightly better results, ...
  59. If true, each input record will be directly compared against EVERY record in the reference table. This may produce slightly ...
  60. If true, Fuzzy Lookup will partially load the error-tolerant index and the reference table into main memory before execution ...
  61. If true, this property will set auto minimum value to zero if all data point values are positive. Otherwise, minimum value ...
  62. If true, values supplied for identity columns will be inserted at the destination. If false, values for identity columns ...
  63. If you are certain that you have added all the necessary full-text catalogs, click OK. To add more catalogs, click Cancel. ...
  64. If you are using the graphical user interface, limit the tuning time in Tuning Options tabbed page; (2) If you are using ...
  65. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, you must install Service Pack 2 or later and the Windows Platform ...
  66. If you choose not to configure all of the server instances now, you can configure them later by running this wizard again. ...
  67. If you choose to continue, you will not be able to process the partition until the filter statement is fixed. Do you want ...
  68. If you choose to show subtotals and grand totals, you can place them above or below the group. Stepped reports show hierarchical ...
  69. If you continue, this operation will delete the database, all the federations, and all the federation members in the database. ...
  70. If you delete the service application, you will not be able to access the encrypted content in this database unless you back ...
  71. If you plan to change the snapshot properties, do not start the Snapshot Agent until after you change the properties in the ...
  72. If you plan to deploy your database into an existing Microsoft Azure VM, you must also know: The DNS name of the cloud service ...
  73. If you proceed with upgrade, SQL Server Setup will move the SQL Server resource group {0}' from the current node to a node ...
  74. If you proceed with upgrade, SQL Server Setup will move the SQL Server resource group {0}' to a node that has already been ...
  75. If you remove this server instance, Database Mirroring Monitor will not be able to fully monitor the databases for which ...