Name/value pairs in markup extensions must have the format 'Name = Value' with each pair separated by a comma. '{0}' does not follow this format.
Must specify binding flags describing the invoke operation required (BindingFlags.InvokeMethod CreateInstance GetField SetField ...
MustInherit' cannot be specified for partial type '|1' because it cannot be combined with 'NotInheritable' specified for ...
MustOverride' cannot be specified on '|1' because it is in a partial type that is declared 'NotInheritable' in another partial ...
Name of type parameter '|1' does not match '|2', the corresponding type parameter defined on the partial method declaration ...
Name/value pairs in markup extensions must have the format 'Name = Value' with each pair separated by a comma. '{0}' does ...
NameScopeProperty found within the content of a FrameworkTemplate, on a '{0}' object. Name scopes within templates are not ...
Namespace or type specified in the Imports '|1' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace ...
Namespace or type specified in the project-level Imports '|1' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make ...
Navigation Properties are not supported on derived entity types. Entity Set '{1}' has a instance of type '{0}', which is ...