SQL Server 2016

  1. The file "%1!s!" is selected. At the time of backup it was known by the name "%2!s!". RESTORE will continue operating upon ...
  2. The file "%1!s!" was not fully restored by a database or file restore. The entire file must be successfully restored before ...
  3. The file "%1!s!" was not relocated using a relative path during the RESTORE step. A relative location is required when restoring ...
  4. The file %1!s! has been expanded to allow recovery to succeed. After recovery completes, you can increase the size of the ...
  5. The file %1!s! is being removed from the database, but is not being removed from the filesystem because file snapshots are ...
  6. The file '%1!s!' of restored database '%2!s!' is being left in the defunct state because the database is being upgraded from ...
  7. The file '%1!s!' of restored database '%2!s!' is being left in the defunct state because the database is using the simple ...
  8. The file '%1' is open in an editor with unsaved changes. Do you want to save your changes before invoking Open With on this ...
  9. The file '[2]' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '[3]'. This could indicate a network ...
  10. The file '{0}' does not exist. The file is expected to exist to set permission on it. Examine why the file does not exist. ...
  11. The file '{0}' is not copied to the alternate snapshot location because the alternate snapshot location is configured to ...
  12. The file 2][3 is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: 4], Id: 5], Window Title: '[6]'}. Close that application ...
  13. The file cannot be opened for reading the metadata. If the file does not exist, and the component has already defined external ...
  14. The file header in '%1!s!' does not match the expected contents for file '%2!s!' of database '%3!s!'. The mismatch is possibly ...
  15. The file name "%1!s!" is invalid as a backup device name for the specified device type. Reissue the BACKUP statement with ...
  16. The file name contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Invalid characters include the following: {0}. The ...
  17. The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property ...
  18. The file or filegroup "%1!s!" is not in a valid state for the "Recover Data Only" option to be used. Only secondary files ...
  19. The file path '{0}' contains invalid characters, is empty, contains only white spaces or contains a wildcard character. Specify ...
  20. The file size, max size cannot be greater than 2147483647 in units of a page size. The file growth cannot be greater than ...
  21. The file specified in the For Each File enumerator is not valid. Check that the file specified in the For Each File enumerator ...
  22. The file {0} already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Click Yes to overwrite the existing file. Click No to cancel this ...
  23. The file {0}' contains one or more custom report items (CRIs) that have unsupported features that might not render in the ...
  24. The file, "%1!s!", could not be opened for writing. The file could be read-only, or you do not have the correct permissions. ...
  25. The filegroup "%1!s!" has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, text columns, ntext columns, and image columns cannot ...
  26. The filegroup "%1!s!" is ambiguous. The identity in the backup set does not match the filegroup that is currently defined ...
  27. The filegroup "%1!s!" is selected. At the time of backup it was known by the name "%2!s!"'. RESTORE will continue operating ...
  28. The FILESTREAM column cannot be used with method %1!s! because the associated ROWGUIDCOL of the base table is nullable or ...
  29. The FILESTREAM configuration is not the same for each cluster node. FILESTREAM must be set to the same access level and share ...
  30. The FILESTREAM container '%1!s!' does not exist or cannot be processed. Supply a valid FILESTREAM container name. To see ...
  31. The FILESTREAM database configuration cannot be changed for database '%1!s!'. The database is either a mirror database in ...
  32. The FILESTREAM file system log record that has the LSN '%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!' is missing. Log folder '%4!s!' is corrupted. Restore ...
  33. The FILESTREAM filegroup '%1!s!' has no files assigned to it. FILESTREAM data cannot be populated on this filegroup until ...
  34. The FILESTREAM share can only be changed when FILESTREAM is enabled for file I/O access. You should disable FILESTREAM file ...
  35. The FileTable object '%1!s!' contains system defined constraints that cannot be modified as long as the FILETABLE_NAMESPACE ...
  36. The Fill from Example tool extends examples in one partially filled column to all the rows of the table. This tool uses expert ...
  37. The filter contains an operator that is not supported for the content type of the operand column (at line %d{Line/}, column ...
  38. The filter expression contains a model field reference that's not valid. A field reference must be in the form '[ ].[ ]' ...
  39. The Filter Expression for the {0} returns a set of values for each instance of the {1}. This expression must return a single ...
  40. The filter for {0} {1}' has an incorrect number of filter values for the operator. The operator {3}' requires exactly {4} ...
  41. The filter predicate '%1!s!' for table '%2!s!' cannot be replaced with '%3!s!' because conditions necessary to perform the ...
  42. The filtered index tuning option -fi is not supported when -fa is IV or with the -fx option. The -fi option is valid for ...
  43. The filtered replica is not a subset of the primary replica. This is only possible for table groups without a partition key. ...
  44. The final argument to the PathItem or PathItemReverse functions should be 0 for TEXT or 1 for INTEGER. It is also possible ...
  45. The final feature state for package '{0}' has already been received via a notification. Reporting the final feature state ...
  46. The final value of the output parameter was null, and could not be sent to a 6.5 client expecting the parameter to be non-nullable. ...
  47. The first argument of the 'Rank' function, a tuple expression, should reference the same hierarchies as the second argument, ...
  48. The first column of the table specified in the call to function '%{function/}' is not of type DATE or NUMERIC. This is not ...
  49. The fixed length property was attempted to be set for column %1!Iu! which can not be of fixed length. InMemory Rowset creation ...
  50. The folder "{0}" cannot be moved to the target location. The destination folder "{1}" is a subfolder of the source folder ...
  51. The folder '{0}' does not exist. The folder is expected to exist to set permission on it. Examine why the folder does not ...
  52. The folder '{0}' you specified for {1} does not exist. {1} should no longer be used; use UpdateSource instead. If {1} must ...
  53. The folder or path for the report resource '{0}' does not exist or is not valid. Verify that the resource is available on ...
  54. The folder path, '{0}', for the UpdateSource parameter does not exist or access is denied. Specify a folder path that exists ...
  55. The folders which are accessible through the network share is displayed. Select the folder location of the database files ...
  56. The following actions will be used to upgrade the DAC. Warnings for actions that may result in data loss are provided for ...
  57. The following admin operations are not supported when server is running in Diskless mode: Backup/Restore, Synchronize, Attach/Detach ...
  58. The following applications are using files that must be updated as part of this installation. To continue, close the applications ...
  59. The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this installation. Close these applications and click ...
  60. The following chart contains the top candidate stored procedures for migration to in-memory OLTP. To see detailed usage statistics ...
  61. The following chart contains the top candidate stored procedures for migration to In-Memory OLTP. To see detailed usage statistics ...
  62. The following chart contains the top candidate tables for memory optimization based on the access patterns of your workload. ...
  63. The following chart contains the top candidate tables for memory optimization based on the contention situation of your workload. ...
  64. The following columns cannot be mapped: {0} One or more columns do not have supported data types, or their data types do ...
  65. The following conflicts were detected during the download phase of message processing. These will be resolved during the ...
  66. The following credentials are used by the report server to connect to the report server database. Use the options below to ...
  67. The following cube attributes have been selected to be used by the mining structure and have their attribute hierarchy disabled: ...
  68. The following custom properties cannot be updated due to ambiguity when referencing input columns: {0} If the component does ...
  69. The following data type properties of column ' ' do not match those of ' '. Select a column with the same data type properties ...
  70. The following databases will be upgraded to the current SQL Server Reporting Services database schema. Click OK to continue: ...
  71. The following error occurred because the filter expression is not valid: '{0}' Correct the filter expression and try again. ...
  72. The following error occurred while a table was being created in a data source view: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
  73. The following error occurred while a table was being dropped from a data source view: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
  74. The following error occurred while the '%{pathfrom/}' file was being copied to the '%{pathto/}' file: %1[ %{External/}%]%[, ...
  75. The following error occurred while the '%{pathfrom/}' file was being moved to the '%{pathto/}' file: %1[ %{External/}%]%[, ...