SQL Server 2016

  1. The instance selected for installation is already installed and clustered on computer {0}. To continue, select a different ...
  2. The instance specified is either not installed, or not prepared for use with failover clustering. Confirm that the correct ...
  3. The INSTANCENAME parameter is required but was not found. To continue, specify the parameter to indicate the SQL Server instance ...
  4. The interactive cleansing configuration has been changed by another user, Your changes cannot be saved. The new settings ...
  5. The interface '{0}' in assembly '{1}' could not be loaded. The factory '{2}' must be able to load an implementation of the ...
  6. The intermediate dimension '{0}' is also included as reference in measure group '{1}' and should be materialized (set its ...
  7. The internal Clone Addressability syntax extensions is only allowed on user tables. The target (in the FROM claus) is '%1!s!'. ...
  8. The internal procedure sp_MStran_is_snapshot_required must be executed at the Distributor if the @run_at_distributor parameter ...
  9. The internal value of memory for entry count pressure, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an ...
  10. The intersectionPatternMatrix argument to STRelate is not valid. This argument must contain exactly 9 characters, but the ...
  11. The IP Address '{0}' has an invalid network name '{1}'. To continue, specify an IP address with a valid network name and ...
  12. The IPC request '{0}' is not supported. The only support IPC request types are 'sp_executesql', 'sp_prepare', 'sp_prepexec', ...
  13. The IPv6 address specified is not supported. Only addresses that are in their numeric, canonical form are supported for listening. ...
  14. The IPv6 address specified is not supported. The server may not be configured to allow for IPv6 connectivity, or the address ...
  15. The IsAggregate property for the {0} is true, but a Column binding is specified. IsAggregate cannot be true if a Column binding ...
  16. The IsDescendant function returns a value of true if the input case is considered to be a descendant of the specified node. ...
  17. The IsDescendent function returns a value of true if the input case is considered to be a descendent of the specified node. ...
  18. The IsOnOrAfter function is a boolean function that emulates the behavior of Start At clause and returns true for a row that ...
  19. The IsRoot property cannot be set to True for this dimension writeback operation, because only parent attributes can be inserted ...
  20. The IsSnapshotRequired method failed to determine if a new snapshot must be applied during the next synchronization. This ...
  21. The IsSnapshotRequired method is only supported on Distributors and Subscribers running on SQL Server 2005 or later versions. ...
  22. The IsSorted property of %1!s! is set to TRUE, but the absolute values of the non-zero output column SortKeyPositions do ...
  23. The item cannot be saved. You do not have permission to add items to the specified folder. To continue, choose a folder for ...
  24. The item cannot be saved. You either do not have permission to add files to the library, or the location you specified is ...
  25. The Item function expects an array of members as a parameter that match the dimensionality of the object on which the function ...
  26. The item in the Lookups collection was not found. References to the Lookups collection in an expression are not supported. ...
  27. The item you selected is not a report definition (.rdl) file. Choose a report definition from the current library to use ...
  28. The item, '{0}', cannot be found. Make sure that the name of the item is correct, and if the item is on a server, there is ...
  29. The items for this operation {0} and {1} cannot be located on different SharePoint sites. If you are moving an item, select ...
  30. The iteration expression is not an assignment expression: "%1!s!". This error usually occurs when the expression in the assignment ...
  31. The job (%s) has been queued because the maximum number of working threads (%ld) are already running. This job will be executed ...
  32. The job step contains tokens. For SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 or later, you must use the appropriate ESCAPE_xxx macro ...
  33. The job step(s) could not be read (see the %s errorlog at the target server for details), or the job doesn't have any steps. ...
  34. The job_login provided must match the Publisher login specified when adding the distribution Publisher (sp_adddistpublisher). ...
  35. The JoinType custom property for the %1!s! contains a value of %2!ld!, which is not valid. Valid values are 0 (full), 1 (left), ...
  36. The JoinType property specified for input column '%1!s!' differs from the JoinType specified for the corresponding reference ...
  37. The key attribute of the %{dimension/} data mining dimension does not have the required, related attribute named ATTRIBUTE_NAME. ...
  38. The key columns of the %{detailproperty/} measure group attribute do not match in either number or data types to the key ...
  39. The key columns of the '%{parentproperty/}' parent attribute must have the same composition and data types as those of the ...
  40. The key constraint '{0}.{1}.{2}' will not be scripted as an index for article '{3}' because it references a user-defined ...
  41. The key constraint '{0}.{1}.{2}' will not be scripted for article '{3}' because it references a user-defined type column ...
  42. The key size limit of %1!s! bytes for nonclustered indexes on memory optimized tables has been exceeded. Please simplify ...
  43. The Knowledge Base contains unpublished knowledge from previous process. Changing data source mapping will cause losing this ...
  44. The Knowledge Base contains unpublished matching policy. Changing the data source mapping will cause all this data to be ...
  45. The Knowledge Base contains unsaved analysis data from the last analyze operation. Running the analyze operation will cause ...
  46. The Knowledge Base contains unsaved analysis data from the last analyze operation. Running the analyze operation will cause ...
  47. The knowledge base that is used for this project has been updated with new published knowledge. However, there are conflicts ...
  48. The knowledge base that is used for this project has been updated with new published knowledge. Would you like to use the ...
  49. The label {0} in the input well-known text (WKT) is not valid. Valid labels are POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, ...
  50. The language of SQL Server instance {2} does not match the language expected by the SQL Server update. The installed SQL ...
  51. The language of the original media does not match the language of the service pack. Either SQL Server Product Update discovered ...
  52. The last column of the table specified in the function call '%{function/}' is not of type NUMERIC such as INTEGER, DOUBLE ...
  53. The last row in the sampled data is incomplete. The column or the row delimiter may be missing or the text is qualified incorrectly. ...
  54. The layer wizard cannot run because the value for the layer DataSetName property is blank. Specify a valid dataset name and ...
  55. The layer wizard cannot run because the value for the spatial data DataSetName property is an expression. Expressions are ...
  56. The layer wizard cannot run because the value for the spatial data DataSetName property is blank. Specify a valid dataset ...
  57. The layer wizard cannot run because the value for the spatial data DataSetName property is not valid. Specify a valid dataset ...
  58. The layer wizard cannot run because the value for the spatial data Source property is an expression. Expressions are not ...
  59. The layer wizard cannot run because the value for the spatial data Source property is blank. Specify a valid file source ...
  60. The lease between availability group '%1!s!' and the Windows Server Failover Cluster has expired. A connectivity issue occurred ...
  61. The lease worker of availability group '%1!s!' is now sleeping the excess lease time (%2!s! ms) supplied during online. This ...
  62. The length %1!d! is not valid for function "%2!s!". The length parameter cannot be negative. Change the length parameter ...
  63. The length (%1!Iu!) provided for a text/ntext/image column of a Table-Valued Parameter Rowset exceeded the SQL Server limit ...
  64. The length of input column '%1!s!' is not equal to the length of the reference column '%2!s!' that it is being matched against. ...
  65. The length of string column '%1!s!' exceeds 4000 characters. A conversion from DT_STR to DT_WSTR is necessary, so a truncation ...
  66. The length of the private key for the security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!) is incompatible with the ...
  67. The length of the public key for the security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %1!s!) is incompatible with the ...
  68. The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating an error. ...
  69. The length ~0 was specified for type "%1" for column %2!Iu!. ~0 is only a valid length for varchar(max)/nvarchar(max)/binary(max) ...
  70. The lengths of parameter names, types, and descriptions arrays are not equal. The lengths must be equal. This occurs when ...
  71. The level of the index. Level 0 is the leaf (or data) level of the index. Level number increases moving up the tree toward ...
  72. The level with ID of '%{levelid/}', Name of '%{levelname/}' referenced by the '%{cubehierarchy/}' cube hierarchy does not ...
  73. The license for the installation of SQL Server on '{0}' permits the server to use only itself as a Distributor. Refer to ...
  74. The license for this installation of SQL Server does not permit the creation of transactional publications. Refer to your ...
  75. The lineage ID of the output column that will receive the value from this input column. Or -1 if column's value is not used ...