SQL Server 2016

  1. The DataPoint {2} in the {0} {1}' has the name "{3}". DataValue names cannot be null and must be unique within the DataValues ...
  2. The DataPoints in the {0} {1}' has an invalid set of {2} items. {2} names must be unique within the {2} collection for the ...
  3. The dataset '{0}' has no spatial fields. Enter the name of a dataset with a field that is data type SqlGeography or SqlGeometry. ...
  4. The dataset cannot be generated. An error occurred while connecting to a data source, or the query is not valid for the data ...
  5. The dataset {1}' refers to the shared data set {3}', which is not published on the report server. The shared data set {3}' ...
  6. The dataset {1}' refers to the shared data source {3}', which is not published on the report server. The shared data source ...
  7. The datasource '%{datasource/}' requires an isolation level of SnapshotIsolation which is not supported by the database provider. ...
  8. The datasource in the current set of out-of-line bindings, '%{Datasource/}', contains an ImpersonationMode that cannot be ...
  9. The datasource name is not correctly formatted. The datasource name exceeds the maximum path length or does not adhere to ...
  10. The DataSource property of the specified DataGridView is not set to a BindingSource with a SupportsFiltering property value ...
  11. The datasource specifies the non-default perspective '{0}', but this version of Analysis Services does no support metadata ...
  12. The DataSourceID of the ReportDataSource '{0}' of the ReportViewer '{1}' must be the ID of a control of type IDataSource. ...
  13. The DataSourceID of the ReportDataSource '{0}' of the ReportViewer '{1}' must be the ID of a control of type IDataSource. ...
  14. The DatastoreDocumentCondition element cannot be the root element of a document, it can only be used as the child of a Condition ...
  15. The DatastoreFlagCondition element cannot be the root element of a document, it can only be used as the child of a Condition ...
  16. The DatastoreProperties element cannot be the root element of a document, it can only be used as the child of an Action element. ...
  17. The DataType element of the binding for a mining structure column, whose content type is set to Date, must be also set to ...
  18. The datatype of the identity column of table '%1!s!' is tinyint. tinyint does not have enough numbers available for merge ...
  19. The DataType property for the {0} is {2}, but the default value Expression for "{1}" returns the data type {3}. The data ...
  20. The DataType property for the {0} is {2}, but the Expression for "{1}" returns the data type {3}. The DataType property for ...
  21. The DataType property for the {0} is {2}, but the {1} has the data type {3}. The DataType property for the Attribute must ...
  22. The DataType property of column '%{column/}' in table '%{table/}' cannot be changed from Binary to non-Binary, or vice versa. ...
  23. The DataTypeCompatibility property of ADO type connection manager "%1!s!" was set to 80 for backward compatibility reasons. ...
  24. The DataTypeCompatibility property of ADO type connection manager "{0}" was set to 80 for backward compatibility reasons. ...
  25. The date frequency level is required. If you do not want it to be visible, you can hide this attribute in the dimension editor. ...
  26. The date part parameter specified for function "%1!s!" is not valid. It must be a static string. The date part parameter ...
  27. The date provided is before the start of the Hijri calendar which in Microsoft's 'Kuwaiti Algorithm' is July 15th, 622 C.E. ...
  28. The date/time is converted to the RFC1123 standard format. It follows the custom pattern 'ddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss G\MT'. ...
  29. The date/time is converted to the universal full format. Pattern is always the same regardless of culture or format provider. ...
  30. The date/time is converted to the universal sortable format. Pattern is always the same regardless of culture or format provider. ...
  31. The datum property for the column to be added (0=OriginalValue, 1=DataCorrectionValue, 2=DataCorrectionReason, 3=DataCorrectionVariance, ...
  32. The DAX expression for calculated table '%{table/}' results in a variant data type for column '%{column/}'. Please modify ...
  33. The DAX expression for the calculated table '%{table/}' results in a variant data type for the column '%{column/}'. Please ...
  34. The DAX formula for calculated column {1} in table {0} contains functions that are not supported for a model in DirectQuery ...
  35. The DBMS type or version of "%1!s!" is not supported. A connection to Microsoft SQL Server version 8.0 or later is required. ...
  36. The DDL operation is not supported for article '%1!s!'. If the column in the DDL operation is enabled for FILESTREAM or is ...
  37. The DDL statement with ABORT_AFTER_WAIT = BLOCKERS option cannot be completed due to a conflicting system task. The request ...
  38. The default buffer maximum rows must be larger than %1!d! rows. An attempt was made to set the DefaultBufferMaxRows property ...
  39. The default buffer size must be between %1!d! and %2!d! bytes. An attempt was made to set the DefaultBufferSize property ...
  40. The default column of Variation '%{variation/}' must be defined on the current table, when a relationship is not specified. ...
  41. The default column of Variation '%{variation/}' must be on the PrimaryKey End of the relationship, when both DefaultColumn ...
  42. The default constraint '{0}.{1}.{2}' will not be scripted for article '{3}' because it is defined on the unpublished column ...
  43. The default ETW session has already been started with the name '%ws'. Either stop the existing ETW session or specify the ...
  44. The default folder may not be accessible by synchronization agents running at the following Subscriber(s): {0}. The folder ...
  45. The default folder may not be accessible by synchronization agents running at the following Subscriber(s): {0}. The folder ...
  46. The default hierarchy of Variation '%{variation/}' must be defined on the current table, when a relationship is not specified. ...
  47. The default hierarchy of Variation '%{variation/}' must be on the PrimaryKey End of the relationship, when both are specified. ...
  48. The Default Measure for the {0} perspective is not valid because it refers to a measure that is not included in the perspective. ...
  49. The default report processing timeout value, in seconds, for all reports managed in the report server namespace. This value ...
  50. The default report processing timeout value, in seconds, for all reports managed in the report server namespace. This value ...
  51. The default session (progress report) trace cannot be subscribed to because the connection is not associated with an existing ...
  52. The default sort string for type "{0}" is invalid or contains references to non-existent identifier parts or property names. ...
  53. The default value Expression for the {0} contains one or more of the following: Path, Function, AttributeRef, EntityRef, ...
  54. The default value was attempted to be set for column %1!Iu!. Default values can not be set for InMemory Rowset columns. InMemory ...
  55. The DefaultAggregateAttributeID property for the {0} is specified, but the IsAggregate property is true. A default aggregate ...
  56. The DefaultAggregateAttributeID property for the {0} refers to the {2}, which is not a variation of "{1}". The default aggregate ...
  57. The DefaultContainerName property has already been set for this ObjectContext. This property cannot be changed after it has ...
  58. The defaults you have specified will initialize the properties of new articles as they are published. One or more {0} have ...
  59. The definition of the %1!s! '%2!s!' was refreshed as part of altering the containment option of the database '%3!s!' because ...
  60. The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. The report definition may ...
  61. The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. The report definition may ...
  62. The definition of this report is not valid. In this report, {0} refer to each other in a circular manner. Correct the circular ...
  63. The delete operation cannot be performed because the server has encountered more than one member in a parent-child dimension ...
  64. The delete operation involves more than 20 lines. Are you sure you wish to save the deleted text in the Undo buffer? Responding ...
  65. The delivery extension associated with this subscription is no longer installed in the system. Select a different extension ...
  66. The delivery extension associated with this subscription is not available on this report server. Verify that the delivery ...
  67. The dependencies reported for entity "%1!s!" might not include references to all columns. This is either because the entity ...
  68. The dependent column "{1}" is contained in the determinant columns. Please remove it from the determinant columns to correct ...
  69. The dependent object '{0}' will not be considered during per-article dependencies analysis because it is of the type '{1}' ...
  70. The deployment server name has not been specified. To set the server name, right click the project name in Solution Explorer, ...
  71. The derived hierarchy level cannot be saved. A level cannot be added on top of a recursive level when the hierarchy has member ...
  72. The derived hierarchy level cannot be saved. An explicit hierarchy level is not supported in a recursive derived hierarchy. ...
  73. The derived hierarchy was not deleted because a subscription view exists. To delete the hierarchy, you must first delete ...
  74. The description for Event ID {0} from source {1} cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed ...
  75. The description of the lock resource. The description depends on the type of lock. This is the same value as the resource_description ...