SQL Server 2016

  1. The EntityContainer name could not be determined. The provided EntitySet name must be qualified by the EntityContainer name, ...
  2. The EntityParameter '{0}' must have a value from which the DbType can be inferred, or a supported DbType must be set as the ...
  3. The EntityReference could not be initialized, because the relationship manager for object to which the entity reference belongs ...
  4. The EntitySet '{0}' has both a Table or Schema attribute and a DefiningQuery element. The Table and Schema attributes on ...
  5. The EntitySet '{0}' includes function mappings for AssociationSet '{1}', but none exists in element '{2}' for type '{3}'. ...
  6. The EntitySet '{0}' used for creating the Ref expression does not match the EntitySet '{1}' declared on the AssociationSetEnd ...
  7. The EntitySet '{0}' with schema '{1}' and table '{2}' was already defined. Each EntitySet must refer to a unique schema and ...
  8. The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined ...
  9. The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined ...
  10. The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}' was not specified, and cannot be inferred because none of the EntitySet ...
  11. The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}'was not specified, and cannot be inferred because the EntitySet is ...
  12. The EntitySet name '{0}.{1}' from the entity's EntityKey does not match the expected EntitySet name '{2}.{3}' from the '{4}' ...
  13. The EntitySet name cannot be null or empty, and must be qualified with an EntityContainer name that is not null or empty. ...
  14. The EntitySet name could not be determined. To attach an object, supply a valid EntitySet name and make sure that the object ...
  15. The EntitySetMapping in EntityContainerMapping for EntityContainer '{0}' must contain only mapping fragments and no query ...
  16. The EntityState value passed for the entity is not valid. The EntityState value must be one of the following: Added, Deleted, ...
  17. The EntityState value passed for the relationship is not valid. The EntityState value must be one of the following: Added, ...
  18. The EntityType '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' nor a derivation of the type of the EntitySet '{2}' for FunctionImport ...
  19. The EntityType '{0}' that the NavigationProperty '{1}' is declared on is not the same type '{4}' referred by the end '{3}' ...
  20. The EntityType or ComplexType '{0}' cannot be mapped by convention to the value type '{1}'. Value types are not allowed to ...
  21. The entry point class name "{1}" was found during the migration of "{0}". The class will be renamed to "{2}" in the migrated ...
  22. The enum '{0}' exposed as map '{1}' contains multiple members with the value '{2}'. Enums that are used as maps must contain ...
  23. The enumerator that defines how the client application generates a context-sensitive name for the attribute when the entity ...
  24. The enumerator that indicates the attribute's data type. If an Expression data type is also present, the Expression and DataType ...
  25. The enumerator that indicates whether this attribute should be sorted Ascending or Descending when the main attribute is ...
  26. The enumerator that overrides the ContextualName setting for attributes in the role's target entity when the role is used ...
  27. The error described above occurred when trying to delete this data at this location, possibly because the deletion violated ...
  28. The error described above occurred when trying to delete this data at this location, possibly because the deletion violated ...
  29. The error described above occurred when trying to delete this row. If you ignore this conflict, you should resolve it through ...
  30. The error described above occurred when trying to insert or update this data at the other server. If you ignore this conflict, ...
  31. The error log file could not be created. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions and that the ErrorLogFilePath is ...
  32. The error message id "%1!s!" is out of the allowed range of user defined error messages. User defined error message ids are ...
  33. The error occurred in SQL server service during the process execution. For more details, please refer to SQL server logs. ...
  34. The error output cannot receive any error rows. This occurs for several reasons: Input columns or output columns are not ...
  35. The error row disposition on "%1!s!" cannot be set to redirect the row when the fast load option is turned on, and the maximum ...
  36. The evaluation condition expression on the For Loop "%1!s!" is empty. There must be a Boolean evaluation expression in the ...
  37. The evaluation expression for the loop is not valid. The expression needs to be modified. There should be additional error ...
  38. The evaluation period for this instance of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services has expired. A license is now required. ...
  39. The evaluation period for this instance of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services has expired. A license is now required. ...
  40. The evaluation period for this instance of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services has expired. A license is now required. ...
  41. The event data stream was disconnected because there were too many outstanding events. To avoid this error either remove ...
  42. The event Id=%d{EventId/} does not contain the column Id=%d{ColId/}. Please refer to product documentation for a list of ...
  43. The event session could not be created. Click Cancel to close this wizard or Previous to make changes to the session and ...
  44. The event session option, "%1!s!", is set more than once. Remove the duplicate session option and re-issue the statement. ...
  45. The event stream source version is incompatible with the reader. The reader needs to be upgraded in order to consume events ...
  46. The event stream target in the '%{sessionname/}' XEvent session cannot be found. You can only subscribe to an XEvent session ...
  47. The exact lookup columns, "%1!s!" and "%2!s!", do not have equal data types or are not comparable string types. Exact joins ...
  48. The Excel workbook, file '%{XLSXPathname/}', does not contain embedded PowerPivot data, or a data corruption error was detected. ...
  49. The Exchange Spill event class indicates that communication buffers in a parallel query plan have been temporarily written ...
  50. The ExcludePartition option does not apply to the source object. This scripting option applies only to Database, Cube, and ...
  51. The ExcludePermissions option does not apply to the source object. This scripting option applies to only Database, Dimension, ...
  52. The ExcludePermissions option does not apply to the source object. This scripting option only applies to Database, Dimension, ...
  53. The executable "%1!s!" was pasted successfully. However a log provider that was associated with the executable was not found ...
  54. The executable has been added to the Executables collection of another container. This occurs when a client tries to add ...
  55. The executable, dtsdebughost.exe, cannot be run in standalone mode. It can be run only from within SQL Server Integration ...
  56. The Execute DTS 2000 Package Task and ActiveX Script Task have been removed in {0}. These tasks will no longer run after ...
  57. The Execute method on the task returned error code 1!8.8X! (%2!s!). The Execute method must succeed, and indicate the result ...
  58. The execution of this query requires the APPLY operator, which is not supported in versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL ...
  59. The execution settings returned by the report server are not recognized by this version of SharePoint. The "live data" option ...
  60. The Exhaustive option requires that the entire reference be loaded into main memory. Since a memory limit has been specified ...
  61. The existence of availability group data for the availability group '%1!s!' in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) ...
  62. The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the {0} state. Changes can only be applied when the existing object is in ...
  63. The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the {0} state. Original values can be changed when the existing object is ...
  64. The existing persisted queue snapshot CSN (%1!s!, %2!s!) at %3!s! is greater than the requested snapshot CSN (%4!s!, %5!s!) ...
  65. The existing property value specifies multiple directories. You can select only one directory in the Browse for Folders dialog ...
  66. The existing replication configuration is incomplete. Please complete the configuration by setting 'creation_script' values ...
  67. The existing text you want to replace. If the case of old_text does not match the case in the existing text, SUBSTITUTE will ...
  68. The Exists function was used with the third parameter (MeasureGroupName) specified. This is not supported for a data model ...
  69. The ExitCode property specifies a Win32 error code defining any problems encountered in starting or stopping the service. ...
  70. The expanded dynamic snapshot view definition of one of the articles exceeds the system limit of 3499 characters. Consider ...
  71. The expected starting point for synchronization at '%1' is invalid. This can occur when the publication or subscription database ...
  72. The explicit hierarchy cannot be saved. The entity is the target of a sync relationship, and a target entity cannot contain ...
  73. The expression "%1!s!" is not valid and cannot be parsed. The expression may contain invalid elements or it may not be well-formed. ...
  74. The expression "%1!s!" on "%2!s!" evaluated to NULL, but the "%3!s!" requires a Boolean results. Modify the error row disposition ...
  75. The expression "%1!s!" will always result in a truncation of data. The expression contains a static truncation (the truncation ...