SQL Server 2016

  1. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Cached folder 2 not defined in internal cache folder ...
  2. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Called InstallFinalize when no install in progress. ...
  3. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Cannot begin transaction. Global mutex not properly ...
  4. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Cannot execute an error dialog if the Errorstring ...
  5. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Cannot write script record. Transaction not started. ...
  6. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Configuration information for product 2 is corrupt. ...
  7. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Control 3 on billboard 2 extends beyond the boundaries ...
  8. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Control 3 on dialog 2 extends beyond the boundaries ...
  9. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Control 3 on dialog 2 must have a property linked ...
  10. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. ControlCondition table has a row without condition ...
  11. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not access custom action 2], entry 3], library ...
  12. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not access IStorage object from installation ...
  13. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not access JavaScript run time for custom ...
  14. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not access VBScript run time for custom action ...
  15. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not apply update to file 2]. GetLastError: ...
  16. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not create a random subcomponent name for ...
  17. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not create file 2 from script data. Error: ...
  18. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not create secure security descriptor. Error: ...
  19. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not create security descriptor for object. ...
  20. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not create summary info for transform 2]. ...
  21. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not create thread for update application. ...
  22. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not determine publishing root. Error: 2]. ...
  23. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not execute custom action 2], location: 3], ...
  24. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not find required file IMAGEHLP.DLL to validate ...
  25. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not get file time for file: 3 GetLastError: ...
  26. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not initialize cabinet file server. The required ...
  27. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not open transform 2 stored as child storage ...
  28. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not remove directory: 3 GetLastError: 2]. ...
  29. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not schedule file 2 for removal on restart. ...
  30. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not set file time for file: 3 GetLastError: ...
  31. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not update resource for file: 3 GetLastError: ...
  32. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not update resource for file: 3], Missing ...
  33. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Could not update resource for file: 3], Resource ...
  34. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Creating the window for the control 3 on dialog ...
  35. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Custom action '[2]' has caused an unhandled exception ...
  36. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Custom action 2 not found in Binary table stream. ...
  37. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Custom action 2 script error 3], 4]: 5 Line 6], ...
  38. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 GenerateTransform/Merge: Column type ...
  39. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 GenerateTransform/Merge: Number of primary ...
  40. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 GenerateTransform: More columns in base ...
  41. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform stream read/write failure. ...
  42. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform: Cannot add existing row. ...
  43. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform: Cannot add existing table. ...
  44. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform: Cannot delete row that does ...
  45. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform: Cannot delete table that ...
  46. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform: Cannot update row that does ...
  47. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform: Column with this name already ...
  48. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2 Transform: Too many columns in base ...
  49. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Cannot open database file. System ...
  50. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Code page 3 not supported by the system. ...
  51. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Code page conflict in import file: ...
  52. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Column '[3]' not present or ambiguous ...
  53. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Could not create column 3 for table ...
  54. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Could not create database table 3]. ...
  55. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Could not load table '[3]' in SQL ...
  56. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Data access failed, out of memory. ...
  57. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Database object creation failed, mode ...
  58. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Databases are the same. No transform ...
  59. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Exceeded number of expressions limit ...
  60. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. GenerateTransform/Merge: Column name ...
  61. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. GenerateTransform: Database corrupt. ...
  62. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Import file format error: 3], Line ...
  63. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Initialization failed, out of memory. ...
  64. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Insufficient parameters for Execute. ...
  65. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Insufficient values in INSERT SQL ...
  66. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Intent to modify read-only table: ...
  67. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Invalid identifier '[3]' in SQL query: ...
  68. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Invalid Installer database format. ...
  69. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Invalid Installer transform format. ...
  70. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Invalid operator '[3]' in SQL query: ...
  71. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Invalid or missing query string: 3]. ...
  72. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Invalid type specifier '[3]' in SQL ...
  73. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Invalid update data type in column ...
  74. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Merge: The column count differed in ...
  75. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 1]. Database: 2]. Merge: There were merge conflicts ...