SQL Server 2016

  1. The document could not be opened for editing. A compatible application could not be found to edit the document. Please install ...
  2. The DOM parser failed to load and parse the stream. URL:'%{strURL/}' Reason: '%{strReason/}' Source:'%{strSource/}'. File ...
  3. The domain group '{0}' failed to convert to the security identifier (SID). A reason can be the domain group is not a valid ...
  4. The Domain or one of its linked Domains is a part of the following Composite Domains. Deleting the domain and its linked ...
  5. The domain {0} is attached to reference data service provider, analyzing its contents will be useless since domain's data ...
  6. The drive selected does not have enough space. Please select another drive with at least {0} megabytes of available space. ...
  7. The DTS upgrade analyzer utility analyzes DTS packages and lists issues that are likely to prove problematic while migrating ...
  8. The DTUs (%1!s!) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in gigabytes (%2!s!) are inconsistent for service tier '%3!s!'. ...
  9. The DTUs (%1!s!) for the elastic pool and the storage limit in megabytes (%2!s!) are inconsistent for service tier '%3!s!'. ...
  10. The DTUs or storage limit for the elastic pool '%1!s!' cannot be decreased since that would not provide sufficient storage ...
  11. The dynamic filters property for publication '%1!s!' has been incorrectly set. Use sp_changemergepublication to reset the ...
  12. The edition for database '%1!s!' is invalid. Only the Azure SQL Stretch edition is supported as a target for Stretch database. ...
  13. The edition for the SQL Server Analysis Services feature is not the same on all nodes. The edition on computer {0} is not ...
  14. The edition for the SQL Server Database Services feature is not the same on all nodes. The edition on computer {0} is not ...
  15. The edition of Reporting Services that you are using only supports SQL Server relational databases for report data sources. ...
  16. The edition of Reporting Services that you are using requires that you use local SQL Server relational databases for report ...
  17. The edition of SQL Server installed on the instance does not support Master Data Services databases. Connect to a different ...
  18. The edition of SQL Server installed on the instance does not support Master Data Services databases. Connect to a SQL Server ...
  19. The edition of the Analysis Services instance to which a project will be deployed. This provides the default for new projects. ...
  20. The edition of the currently installed instance is different from the specified edition. When you add features to an existing ...
  21. The edition of the currently installed remote node cannot be determined. All failover cluster nodes must be the same SQL ...
  22. The edition of the currently installed remote node cannot be determined. All failover cluster nodes must be the same SQL ...
  23. The edition of the selected SQL Server instance is not supported in this SQL Server edition downgrade scenario. The source ...
  24. The EDMVersion of the item collection {0} is not an EDMVersion that the runtime supports. The supported versions are {1}. ...
  25. The elastic pool '%1!s!' has reached its database count limit. The database count for the elastic pool cannot exceed (%2!s!) ...
  26. The element "{0}" in the ElementPath contains a reference to its value and a subelement. References to both value and subelement ...
  27. The element '{0}' is not a valid Rdl element. Elements in the namespace '{1}' are not allowed. '{0}' at line {2}, position ...
  28. The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh has a null EntityKey property value or is not attached to ...
  29. The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh is a duplicate of an object that is already in the collection. ...
  30. The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh is in the added state. Objects in this state cannot be refreshed. ...
  31. The element cannot be found in a collection. This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on ...
  32. The element indicates whether the client application displays the role's target entity fields and field folders when the ...
  33. The element name "{0}" cannot be used as a DataTable TableName since it only differs from the TableName of another DataTable ...
  34. The element that indicates the attributes that the client application should use to identify an instance of the entity to ...
  35. The element type '{0}' and the CollectionType '{1}' are not compatible. The IN expression only supports entity, primitive, ...
  36. The element was specified for the parent condition type '{0}'. This is not supported for Conditions as output properties ...
  37. The element {1} in namespace {0} was unexpected for the root element. The expected Schema in one of the following namespaces: ...
  38. The element {3} named '{2}' is not valid for {0} '{1}'. The Writable flag can only be specified for the {3} collection on ...
  39. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Pleaes contact customer support. Configuration of the embedded ...
  40. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Embedded data failed consistency ...
  41. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Embedded data may be missing ...
  42. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Format of the embedded ...
  43. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Information about the ...
  44. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Information about the ...
  45. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Structure of the embedded ...
  46. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded data may ...
  47. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded log may be ...
  48. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded metadata ...
  49. The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded metadata ...
  50. The encoded address '{0}' contains too many sections '{1}'. Sections are semicolon-delimited (;), and an encoded address ...
  51. The encoded address '{0}' does not have enough sections '{1}'. IPv4 and IPv6 sections are semicolon-delimited (;), and an ...
  52. The encoded IPv4 address '{0}' does not have enough sections'{1}. IPv4 sections are type, address, network, and subnet mask, ...
  53. The encrypted data in package failed to load. The package is corrupted or if the package is password protected, the specified ...
  54. The encrypted data in project manifest failed to load. The project manifest is corrupted or if the project is password protected, ...
  55. The encrypted data in project manifest failed to load. The project manifest is corrupted or the project was encrypted by ...
  56. The encrypted value for the column encryption key cannot be added. There can be no more than two encrypted values for each ...
  57. The encrypted value for this column encryption key cannot be dropped. Each column encryption key must have at least one encrypted ...
  58. The end of the data file was reached while reading header rows. Make sure the header row delimiter and the number of header ...
  59. The endpoint "%1!s!" is a built-in endpoint and cannot be dropped. Use the protocol configuration utilities to ADD or DROP ...
  60. The endpoint '%1!s!' has been established in metadata, but HTTP listening has not been enabled because HTTP support did not ...
  61. The endpoint of the line {1}' is negative. The value for Left plus the value for Width of a line cannot result in a negative ...
  62. The endpoint of the line {1}' is negative. The value for Top plus the value for Height of a line cannot result in a negative ...
  63. The endpoint URL was not specified for the availability replica hosted by server instance '%1!s!'. Reenter the command, specifying ...
  64. The endpoints of the server instances you have specified have conflicting port numbers. Endpoints for instances on the same ...
  65. The endpoints of the server instances you have specified have conflicting port numbers. Endpoints for instances on the same ...
  66. The Endpoints tab lists at least one endpoint that uses only Windows Authentication. However, the server instance might be ...
  67. The Enroll Instance Wizard will guide you through the process of enrolling an instance of SQL Server with the currently connected ...
  68. The entered value is not a proper hexadecimal value because it does not begin with 0x and will be converted to varbinary({0}). ...
  69. The entered value is out of the allowed range for the "{0}" data type. The valid values are greater than or equal to {1} ...
  70. The entire result set must be returned before this row can be updated. This operation is in progress and might take a long ...
  71. The entity '{0}' in type '{1}' and the entity '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they do not share a common super-type. ...
  72. The entity change cannot be saved. It is the target of a sync relationship. You use the sync process to change the target ...
  73. The entity of type '{0}' references the same complex object of type '{1}' more than once. Complex objects cannot be referenced ...
  74. The entity was created but not all members were added. The request took too long to process. To add the remaining members ...
  75. The EntityCollection could not be initialized because the relationship manager for the object to which the EntityCollection ...