SQL Server 2016

  1. The database '%1!s!' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the check constraint '%2!s!' on table ...
  2. The database '%1!s!' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the computed column '%2!s!' on %3!s! ...
  3. The database '%1!s!' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the schema bound %2!s! '%3!s!' depends ...
  4. The database '%1!s!' does not exist or does not support FILESTREAM. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, ...
  5. The database '%1!s!' does not exist or the database format is not valid. Provide a valid semantic language statistics database ...
  6. The database '%1!s!' has been detached as it was marked as a shared disk instance and was not started. This is an informational ...
  7. The database '%1!s!' has reached its size quota. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for ...
  8. The database '%1!s!' is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted ...
  9. The database '%1!s!' is currently joined to an availability group. Before you can drop the database, you need to remove it ...
  10. The database '%1!s!' is enabled for database mirroring. Database mirroring must be removed before you drop the database. ...
  11. The database '%1!s!' is not accessible. Ensure that the remote database exists. If you believe that your database should ...
  12. The database '%1!s!' is not enabled for Change Data Capture. Ensure that the correct database context is set and retry the ...
  13. The database '%1!s!' is offline. The credential was created but SQL Server is unable to determine if the credential can decrypt ...
  14. The database '{0}' already exists on the target instance of SQL Server. Specify a database name that does not already exist. ...
  15. The database '{0}' does not exist or is not available on the server '{1}'. Verify spelling of the database name and make ...
  16. The database , '%{Database/}', contains no Impersonation mode or an ImpersonationMode that is not supported for processing ...
  17. The database backup file contains an unknown signature in its metadata. This could indicate a corrupt or invalid backup file ...
  18. The database can not be brought online because file '%1!s!' is currently restored to LSN %2!s! but must be restored to LSN ...
  19. The database can not be created or altered as its definition contains circular dependency between regular and linked cubes. ...
  20. The database cannot be attached because an error occurred while loading the detach log from the file '%1'. One possible reason ...
  21. The database cannot be attached because an error occurred while loading the detach log from the file '%{db_detach_log/}'. ...
  22. The database cannot be attached because an error occurred while loading the detach log from the file '%{filename/}'. One ...
  23. The database cannot be attached because an error occurred while loading the detach log from the file '%{strRef/}'. One possible ...
  24. The database cannot be attached because it was detached from a server with ConnStringEncryptionEnabled=%d{BLSet/} and the ...
  25. The database cannot be attached because it was detached from a server with EnableCompression=%d{BLSet/} and the current server ...
  26. The database cannot be attached because it was detached from a server with EnableXMLMetadata=%d{BLSet/} and the current server ...
  27. The database cannot be attached because the detach log is corrupted. An error occurred when locating or processing the node ...
  28. The database cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because it contains a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See Books ...
  29. The database configuration requires a newer version of the client library ({1}). The current library is ({0}). Install the ...
  30. The database copy link from '%1!s!.%2!s!' to '%3!s!.%4!s!' is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation ...
  31. The database copy link from '%1!s!.%2!s!' to '%3!s!.%4!s!' was not successfully created or was deleted before the data copy ...
  32. The database default collation '%1!s!' is case sensitive and cannot be used to create a FileTable. Specify a case insensitive ...
  33. The Database Email feature is not turned on for this SQL Server instance. To turn on the feature and create a new database ...
  34. The Database Engine instance you selected is not valid for this edition of Reporting Services. The Database Engine does not ...
  35. The Database Engine is attempting to release a group of locks that are not currently held by the transaction. Retry the transaction. ...
  36. The Database Engine received a floating point exception from the operating system while processing a user request. Try the ...
  37. The Database Engine service could not resolve the specified file location. Either the location does not exist, or the current ...
  38. The Database Engine service could not resolve the specified folder location. Either the location does not exist, or the current ...
  39. The database file "%1!s!" is already used by the source database. Source and destination databases cannot use the same database ...
  40. The database file with name '{0}' already exists in directory '{1}'. Make sure there is no existing database file with the ...
  41. The database folder '%{detach_log_location/}' does not exist, is too long, or contains characters that are not valid or are ...
  42. The database has been rolled forward to the end of this backup set and beyond the specified point in time. RESTORE WITH RECOVERY ...
  43. The Database ID %1!s!, Page %2!s!, slot %3!s! for LOB data type node does not exist. This is usually caused by transactions ...
  44. The database is attached from a subscription copy file without using sp_attach_subscription. Drop the database and reattach ...
  45. The database is currently being used by another thread under the same workspace in exclusive mode. The operation failed. ...
  46. The database is not valid due to the following errors: {0} Aggregation can only be designed for a valid database. Please ...
  47. The database is using the simple recovery model. The data in the backup it is not consistent with the current state of the ...
  48. The database mail profile, {0}, does not exist on the selected database server. The profile has been removed from the system ...
  49. The database maintenance plan {0} contains log shipping settings. Those settings were not migrated to the new maintenance ...
  50. The database management system (DBMS) %1!s! %2!s! does not exist. Verify the supported DBMS and versions by querying msdb.dbo.MSdbms. ...
  51. The database mirroring safety level must be FULL to manually failover database "%1!s!". Set safety level to FULL and retry. ...
  52. The database mirroring service cannot be forced for database "%1!s!" because the database is not in the correct state to ...
  53. The database name is missing. To add the name, right click on the Project name, select Properties, and then enter a database ...
  54. The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database '%1!s!'. ...
  55. The database principal '%1!s!' cannot be used in a remote service binding because it cannot own certificates. Remote service ...
  56. The database principal '%1!s!' cannot be used in a remote service binding because it cannot own certificates. This is a special ...
  57. The database principal is set as the execution context of one or more procedures, functions, or event notifications and cannot ...
  58. The Database Publishing Wizard allows you to generate scripts for databases and objects inside of databases. This wizard ...
  59. The database schema requires a newer version of the client library ({1}). The current library is ({0}). Install the required ...
  60. The database schema version for the FILESTREAM blob store is . This version is earlier than version , which is the minimum ...
  61. The database snapshot for online checks could not be created. Either the reason is given in a previous error or one of the ...
  62. The database to be restored was named '%1!s!'. Reissue the statement using the WITH REPLACE option to overwrite the '%2!s!' ...
  63. The database was backed up on a server running version %1!s!. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running ...
  64. The database with ID '%{dbid/}' cannot be altered from ReadWrite to ReadOnly or vice versa. The ReadWriteMode property cannot ...
  65. The database with ID '%{dbid/}' cannot be created with ReadWriteMode set to ReadOnly. A database can only be created in ReadWrite ...
  66. The database with name '%{DBName/}', ID '%{DBId/}' cannot be restored since it already exists on the server and is read-only. ...
  67. The database with name '%{DBName/}', ID '%{DBId/}' cannot be synchronized since it already exists on the target server and ...
  68. The database with name '%{DBName/}', ID '%{DBId/}' is is in read-only exclusive mode and can only be overwritten by a server ...
  69. The database with name '%{DBName/}', ID '%{DBId/}' is not in ReadWrite mode (either read-only or read-only exclusive) and ...
  70. The database with name '%{DBName/}', ID '%{DBId/}' is not in ReadWrite mode (either read-only or read-only exclusive) and ...
  71. The database with the name '%{name/}' and ID '%{id/}' has pending model changes. Run the SequencePoint command before executing ...
  72. The database within this workbook was created by a newer version of PowerPivot (version: '%{compLevel/}') and cannot be opened. ...
  73. The database you have selected is configured for Reporting Services SharePoint mode. Please select a SQL Server database ...
  74. The database you have selected is not a report server database. Please select a SQL Server database that contains report ...
  75. The database {0} exists on the SQL Server. You must choose a different database or install Reporting Services into existing ...