SQL Server 2016

  1. The full-text index cannot be created because filegroup '%1!s!' does not exist or the filegroup name is incorrectly specified. ...
  2. The full-text index is in an inconsistent state because the search property list of the full-text index was reconfigured ...
  3. The full-text index on table '{0}.{1}' will not be scripted for article '{2}' because it references the unpublished unique ...
  4. The full-text indexing pipeline could not be initialized. This might be because the resources on the system are too low to ...
  5. The full-text population on table '%1!s!' cannot be started because the full-text catalog is importing data from existing ...
  6. The full-text protocol handler component '%1!s!' used to populate catalog '%2!s!' in a previous SQL Server release is not ...
  7. The full-text query did not use the value specified for the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint. Only single terms are allowed as values ...
  8. The full-text query has a very complex NEAR clause in the CONTAINS predicate or CONTAINSTABLE function. To ensure that a ...
  9. The Full-Text Upgrade server property controls whether full-text indexes are imported, rebuilt, or reset for the restored ...
  10. The full-text word-breaker component '%1!s!' used to populate catalog '%2!s!' in a previous SQL Server release is not the ...
  11. The fulltext catalog upgrade failed because of an inconsistency in metadata between sys.master_files and sys.fulltext_catalogs ...
  12. The fulltext filter daemon host (FDHost) process has stopped abnormally. This can occur if an incorrectly configured or malfunctioning ...
  13. The fulltext query did not use the value specified for the OPTIMIZE FOR hint because the query contained more than one type ...
  14. The fulltext stoplist '%1!s!' already exists in the current database. Duplicate stoplist names are not allowed. Rerun the ...
  15. The fulltext stoplist '%1!s!' does not exist or the current user does not have permission to perform this action. Verify ...
  16. The function "%1!s!" does not support the data type "%2!s!" for parameter number %3!d!. The type of the parameter could not ...
  17. The function "%1!s!" requires %2!d! parameter, not %3!d! parameters. The function name was recognized, but the number of ...
  18. The function "%1!s!" requires %2!d! parameters, not %3!d! parameter. The function name was recognized, but the number of ...
  19. The function "%1!s!" requires %2!d! parameters, not %3!d! parameters. The function name was recognized, but the number of ...
  20. The function %{function/} takes an argument that evaluates to numbers or dates and cannot work with values of type %{datatype/}. ...
  21. The function LOG cannot operate on zero or negative values, and a zero or negative value was passed to the LOG function. ...
  22. The function mapping cannot produce an entity from the '{0}' type hierarchy. Ensure that conditions unambiguously imply some ...
  23. The function mapping cannot produce an entity of type '{0}'. Ensure that conditions unambiguously imply the type. See line(s) ...
  24. The functionality you're trying to execute is disabled inside SQLCLR, if you still want to execute this functionality you ...
  25. The functions IsInNode or IsDescendant should be used only once and no OR operator should be used together at line %d{Line/}, ...
  26. The fuzzy lookup specified between input column "%1!s!" and reference column "%2!s!" is not valid because fuzzy joins are ...
  27. The Generate In-Memory OLTP Migration Checklists Wizard assists you in evaluating incompatibilities for memory optimization. ...
  28. The generated script file path '%1' has exceeded the length limit of %2!d! characters imposed by the Snapshot agent. Reducing ...
  29. The geometry index n ({0}) passed to STGeometryN is less than 1. The number must be greater than or equal to 1 and should ...
  30. The geometryType argument in InstanceOf ('{0}') is not valid. This argument must contain one of the following types: Geometry, ...
  31. The GetDependentInputs method of component (ID: %1!d!) returned a list that contains an input ID (%2!d!) that already reached ...
  32. The GetDependentInputs method of the component (ID: %1!d!) returned a list that contains invalid number of input IDs (%2!d!). ...
  33. The GetDependentInputs method returned a list that contains an invalid input ID {0}. The list must contain valid IDs. Check ...
  34. The GetDependentInputs method returned a list that contains duplicate IDs {0}. The list cannot contain duplicates. Check ...
  35. The GetDependentInputs method returned a list that contains the input ID that was passed in as the blockedID argument. The ...
  36. The GetDependentInputs method returned a list that contains too many input IDs. The number of IDs in the list cannot contain ...
  37. The GetEnumerator method of the ForEach Enumerator has failed with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs when the ForEach Enumerator ...
  38. The given data feed does not return a valid content type. The valid content types are: 'application/atom+xml', 'application/atomsvc+xml' ...
  39. The given date/time/datetime data value provided has higher precision {0} than the maximum characters {1} allowed in the ...
  40. The given datetime data provided by the client has higher scale {0} than the target column scale {1}. Conversion is disallowed ...
  41. The given network name is unusable because there was a failure trying to determine if the network name is valid for use by ...
  42. The given XML instance is not valid because the top-level tag is {0}. The top-level element of the input Geographic Markup ...
  43. The Goal Seek tool provides useful recommendations when you know the desired value for a column of the current row (the Target ...
  44. The granularity attribute and intermediate granularity attribute should have same number of key columns (the granularity ...
  45. The granularity attribute has key column #{0} with data type '{1}' different than '{2}' from intermediate granularity attribute. ...
  46. The granularity attribute of the intermediate dimensions that are used to resolve many-to-many relationships should generally ...
  47. The graphical query designer is not available when connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 data source using the Microsoft ...
  48. The group {3}' in the {0} {1}' is marked to create page break for each group. Page breaks are not supported for column groupings ...
  49. The group {3}' in the {0} {1}' is marked to create page break for each group. Page breaks are not supported for {2} in charts. ...
  50. The group {3}' in the {0} {1}' is marked to create page break for each group. Page breaks are not supported for {2} in gauges. ...
  51. The group {3}' in the {0} {1}' is marked to create page break for each group. Page breaks are not supported for {2} in maps. ...
  52. The GroupAffinity configuration setting for the '%{PoolName/}' ThreadPool is incorrectly formatted. The setting must contain ...
  53. The GroupAffinity configuration setting for the thread pool is incorrectly formatted. The setting must contain a comma-separated ...
  54. The grouping '{3}' in the {0} '{1}' has DataSet '{4}' as its domain scope. Only DataRegions and Grouping are allowed for ...
  55. The grouping '{3}' in the {0} '{1}' has {2} '{4}' and Parent defined. Domain scope is only allowed if Parent is not defined. ...
  56. The grouping '{3}' in the {0} '{1}' has {2} '{4}' with Parent defined. Grouping with parent defined cannot be a domain scope ...
  57. The handle ID %1!s! is opened against the server root share and cannot be killed. The lifetime of the handle is controlled ...
  58. The hash value is not a one-dimensional array of bytes (error: %1!s!). This occurs in CPackage::LoadUserCertificateByHash. ...
  59. The hash_value field can be used to track RPC cache behavior by relating it to the hash_value field in other cache related ...
  60. The Header or Footer is too complex to export to Word. Please group the ReportItems together into rectangles to simplify. ...
  61. The Health based load balancer did not find a healthy server to handle this request. Please add more resources to the farm. ...
  62. The heterogeneous log reader was unable to enter a tracer token into the distribution database: article ID = %1, publication ...
  63. The hidden field {0} is included in the query. Hidden fields cannot be hidden from the list browser when hidden fields are ...
  64. The hierarchy referenced by the PerspectiveHierarchy '%{persphierarchy/}' in table '%{persptable/}' in perspective '%{persp/}' ...
  65. The hierarchy with ID of '%{hierarchyid/}', Name of '%{hierarchyname/}' referenced by the %{detaildimension/} measure group ...
  66. The hierarchy with ID of '%{hierarchyid/}', Name of '%{hierarchyname/}' referenced by the '%{cubedimension/}' cube dimension, ...
  67. The highest incompatible Management Data Warehouse version number "%s" is incorrectly formatted. Please contact your system ...
  68. The highest incompatible Management Data Warehouse version number "%s" stored in the configuration store is invalid. Please ...
  69. The Highlight Exceptions tool detects rows in your table that do not conform to the rules and generalizations that govern ...
  70. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can remove files ...
  71. The HISTORIC_MODEL_COUNT parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', is not valid. The count must not be negative and ...
  72. The HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', is not valid. The gap between the mining models must ...
  73. The History Cleanup task deletes historical data about Backup and Restore, SQL Server Agent, and Maintenance Plan operations. ...
  74. The History Cleanup task deletes historical data about Backup and Restore, SQL Server Agent, and Maintenance Plan operations. ...
  75. The history queue has reached maximum capacity before the history connection is set, the history connection should have been ...