SQL Server 2016

  1. The expression contained a token that was not recognized. The expression could not be parsed because it contains invalid ...
  2. The expression contains an invalid reference to the scope '{0}'. Expressions may only refer to datasets with a relationship ...
  3. The expression contains an unexpected equal sign (=). This error usually occurs when a double equals sign (=) is needed. ...
  4. The expression contains an unrecognized token that appears to be an input column reference, but the input column collection ...
  5. The expression contains an unsupported data type conversion. The source type cannot be converted to the destination type. ...
  6. The expression contains multiple columns, but only a single column can be used in a True/False expression that is used as ...
  7. The expression contains unrecognized token "%1!s!". If "%1!s!" is a variable, it should be expressed as "@%1!s!". The specified ...
  8. The expression evaluated to NULL, but a Boolean result is required. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat ...
  9. The Expression for the {0} is not an aggregate expression, but the IsAggregate property is true. An aggregate expression ...
  10. The Expression for the {0} returns a set of values for each instance of the {1}. This expression must return a single value ...
  11. The expression invokes an object that was defined by using an MDX calculated member or script. Such objects are not supported ...
  12. The expression referenced a relationship between '%{FKTable/}'[%{FKColumn/} and '%{PKTable/}'[%{PKColumn/}], which does not ...
  13. The expression referenced column '%{table/}'[%{column/} which does not hold any data because it needs to be recalculated ...
  14. The expression references an item '{0}', which does not exist in the Globals collection. Letters in the names of Globals ...
  15. The expression references an item '{0}', which does not exist in the User collection. Letters in the names of User collection ...
  16. The expression references the data source '{0}', which does not exist in the DataSource collection. Letters in the names ...
  17. The expression references the dataset '{0}', which does not exist in the DataSets collection. Letters in the names of datasets ...
  18. The expression references the field '{0}', which does not exist in the Fields collection. Expressions can only refer to fields ...
  19. The expression references the parameter '{0}', which does not exist in the Parameters collection. Letters in the names of ...
  20. The expression references the report item '{0}', which does not exist in the ReportItems collection. Expressions can only ...
  21. The expression references the variable '{0}', which does not exist in the Variables collection. Expressions can only refer ...
  22. The expression specified for path '%1!s!' is not allowed for selective XML index '%2!s!'. It is only allowed to index simple ...
  23. The expression that is being aggregated must either be a simple aggregate field, or a filter applied to an aggregate field. ...
  24. The expression that specifies the binding field '{3}' for layer '{2}' in the {0} '{1}' is not valid. The data type does not ...
  25. The expression that you specified as the argument to the ALLEXCEPT function includes all columns in the table; therefore, ...
  26. The expression used for calculated field '{1}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in calculated ...
  27. The expression used for parameter '{1}' in the dataset '{3}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used ...
  28. The expression used for parameter {1}' in the dataset {3}' includes the RowNumber function. RowNumber cannot be used in query ...
  29. The expression used for parameter {1}' in the dataset {3}' refers to a report item. Report items cannot be used in query ...
  30. The expression used for the calculated field '{1}' includes an aggregate, RowNumber, RunningValue, Previous or lookup function. ...
  31. The expression used for the language of '{1}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in report language ...
  32. The expression used for the language of '{1}' includes an aggregate or lookup function. Aggregate and lookup functions cannot ...
  33. The expression used for the language of '{1}' refers to a data source. Data sources cannot be used in report language expressions. ...
  34. The expression used for the language of '{1}' refers to a dataset. Datasets cannot be used in report language expressions. ...
  35. The expression used for the language of '{1}' refers to a report item. Report items cannot be used in report language expressions. ...
  36. The expression used for the language of '{1}' uses the Previous aggregate function. Previous cannot be used in report language ...
  37. The expression used for the language of '{1}' uses the RowNumber function. RowNumber cannot be used in report language expressions. ...
  38. The expression used for the language of '{1}' uses the RunningValue aggregate function. RunningValue cannot be used in report ...
  39. The expression used for the parameter '{1}' in the dataset '{3}' includes an aggregate or lookup function. Aggregate and ...
  40. The expression used for the parameter {1}' in the dataset {3}' refers to a data source. Data sources cannot be used in query ...
  41. The expression used for the parameter {1}' in the dataset {3}' refers to a dataset. Datasets cannot be used in query parameter ...
  42. The expression used for the parameter {1}' in the dataset {3}' refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in query parameter ...
  43. The expression used for the parameter {1}' in the dataset {3}' uses the Previous aggregate function. Previous cannot be used ...
  44. The expression used for the parameter {1}' in the dataset {3}' uses the RunningValue aggregate function. RunningValue cannot ...
  45. The expression will not be evaluated because it contains sensitive parameter variable "%1!s!". Verify that the expression ...
  46. The expression will not be evaluated because it contains the variable "%1!s!" that references sensitive parameter variables ...
  47. The Extended Event engine could not be initialized. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information ...
  48. The Extended Event engine has been disabled by startup options. Features that depend on Extended Events may fail to start. ...
  49. The Extended Events session named "%1!s!" was modified during the upgrade and one of the bucketizer targets was excluded ...
  50. The extension id {2} given in the {0} element which defined the {1} package for the localized description is not a valid ...
  51. The extension interface '{1}' defined for the extension type '{2}' in the assembly '{0}' is not an interface type. Extension ...
  52. The extension interface '{1}' defined for the extension type '{2}' in the assembly '{0}' is not implemented by '{2}'. Check ...
  53. The extension interface '{1}' defined in the assembly '{0}' does not implement the base interface '{2}'. Modify the mutable ...
  54. The extension type '{1}' defined in the assembly '{0}' as a '{3}' extension does not extend the base class '{2}'. Modify ...
  55. The extension type '{1}' defined in the assembly '{0}' does not implement any extension interfaces. Modify the type to implement ...
  56. The extension type '{2}' in the assembly '{0}' cannot be defined as a default extension for all '{1}'. Default extensions ...
  57. The extension, "%1!s!", was implicitly upgraded to "%2!s!". Add a mapping for this extension to the UpgradeMappings directory. ...
  58. The extension, "{0}", was implicitly upgraded to "{1}". Add a mapping for this extension to the UpgradeMappings directory. ...
  59. The external column "%1!s!" of "%2!s!" has a data type that cannot be mapped to a Data Flow task data type. The Data Flow ...
  60. The external metadata collection is improperly used by this component. The component should use external metadata when appending ...
  61. The factory type '{1}' defined in the assembly '{0}' does not implement the interface '{2}'. Modify the type to implement ...
  62. The factory type '{2}' defined for the extension type '{1}' defined in the assembly '{0}' cannot be found in the assembly. ...
  63. The failed attempt by sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher to refresh publisher '%1!s!' did not alter any meta data at the ...
  64. The failover cluster group is already owned by the upgraded nodes of the SQL Server instance, so it is not possible to transfer ...
  65. The failover instance name could not be retrieved. The settings cannot be updated. Check whether the Active Node is accessible ...
  66. The FAILOVER_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%1!s!'. Reenter the command, specifying a failover mode ...
  67. The fast load destination is not valid. To use fast load, a table or a view must be selected or an SQL statement of the form ...
  68. The FastAppend loading mode does not support the use of transactions. If this is the desired load mode, uncheck the "Rollback ...
  69. The feature state notification message received from the MSI has an invalid number of arguments. Each feature must include ...
  70. The FeatureUpgradeIncompleteCondition element cannot be the root element of a document, it can only be used as the child ...
  71. The field with the name {1}' in the dataset {3}' has both or neither of the following properties: DataField and Value. Fields ...
  72. The file "%1!s!" has been modified in the system catalog. The new path will be used the next time the database is started. ...
  73. The file "%1!s!" is ambiguous. The identity in the backup set does not match the file that is currently defined in the online ...
  74. The file "%1!s!" is missing. Roll forward stops at log sequence number %2!s!. The file is created at log sequence number ...
  75. The file "%1!s!" is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with application of this backup set. RESTORE cannot continue. ...