SQL Server 2016

  1. The designer cannot display calculations because there are one or more syntax errors in the MDX script. To display these ...
  2. The designer must be reloaded for the change to the workspace server setting to take effect. After the designer has reloaded, ...
  3. The designer window cannot be closed while a package is running. Stop the debugger before attempting to close the window. ...
  4. The destination object in a property mapping has no parent. The destination object is not a child of any sequence container. ...
  5. The destination table of the newly created relationship has no primary key defined. Would you like to define a logical primary ...
  6. The detail dimension with ID of '%{dimensionid/}', Name of '%{dimensionname/}' referenced by the '%{detail/}' measure group ...
  7. The Detect Categories tool automatically detects the rows in a table that share similar properties, then groups them into ...
  8. The device information is invalid because the closing tag for the element '{0}' was expected but not found (rrExpectedEndElement). ...
  9. The device information is invalid because the opening tag for a parameter was expected but not found (rrParameterExpected). ...
  10. The diagram cannot be opened because the current owner of the diagram no longer exists. Do you want to take over ownership ...
  11. The diagram cannot be opened because the current owner of the diagram no longer exists. Do you want to take over ownership ...
  12. The dialog lifetime value of %1!s! is outside the allowable range of %2!s! to %3!s!. Specify a valid dialog lifetime value. ...
  13. The dialog will backup metadata for ROLAP partitions, metadata and aggregations for HOLAP partitions, metadata, source data ...
  14. The dialog {0}:{1} could not create the target endpoint because the EXECUTE AS failed for user {2} with the following error: ...
  15. The differential backup is not allowed because it would be based on more than one base backup. Multi-based differential backups ...
  16. The differential base attribute for file '%1!s!' of database '%2!s!' has been reset because the file has been restored from ...
  17. The differential partial backup is including a read-only filegroup, '%1!s!'. This filegroup was read-write when the base ...
  18. The dimension '%{dimname/}' cannot have relationship object when database property 'StorageEngineUsed' is set to 'Traditional'. ...
  19. The dimension '%{dimname/}' has two relationships with the same ToRelationshipEnd Role name: '%{rolename/}', which is not ...
  20. The dimension (table), '%{IMBITableId/}', cannot be created in Tabular mode because the attribute (column), '%{IMBIColumnId/}', ...
  21. The dimension cannot be browsed. Either structural changes have been made that require the dimension to be reprocessed, or ...
  22. The dimension contains multiple non-aggregatable attributes: {0}. Consider having just one to avoid non-intuitive query results. ...
  23. The dimension has been reprocessed on the server. To prevent possible browsing errors, click *$*Reconnect*$*. To hide this ...
  24. The dimension has been updated on the server. To prevent possible browsing errors, click *$*Reconnect*$*. To hide this message, ...
  25. The dimension is write-enabled, but not all attribute bindings are in a single table (dimension writeback is only possible ...
  26. The dimension property '%{ColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{TableId/}', has the corresponding attribute hierarchy not optimized ...
  27. The dimension property '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{IMBITableId/}', binds to a column of Binary data type, which ...
  28. The dimension property '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{IMBITableId/}', has the corresponding attribute hierarchy ...
  29. The dimension property '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{IMBITableId/}', has the corresponding attribute hierarchy ...
  30. The dimension property '%{TableId/}'['%{ColumnId/}' in the sharded dimension has attribute hierarchy enabled. Set ColumnUsage ...
  31. The dimension should be materialized (set the 'Materialize' property to 'Regular') because the intermediate dimension '{0}' ...
  32. The dimension table and the measure group table are the same for a fact relationship. The granularity attribute is the key ...
  33. The dimension table is joined to an intermediate fact table. The intermediate fact table is joined, in turn, to an intermediate ...
  34. The dimension type changed from linked to regular while the dialog box was open. You must close and reopen the dialog box. ...
  35. The dimension type changed from regular to linked while the dialog box was open. You must close and reopen the dialog box. ...
  36. The dimension with ID of '%{dimensionid/}', Name of '%{dimensionName/}' referenced by the '%{cube/}' cube, does not exist. ...
  37. The dimension writeback operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to modify the contents of the read only database ...
  38. The dimension writeback statement contains syntax that is not valid. The last component of a new member definition must be ...
  39. The dimension, '%{IMBITableId/}', cannot be created in Tabular mode because the attribute, '%{IMBIColumnId/}', binds to a ...
  40. The direct cell writeback operation cannot be committed, because the '%{measuregroup/}' measure group has no direct write-enabled ...
  41. The direction of the self-join from the column '{1}' to the column '{2}' in '{0}' is not consistent with the logical key ...
  42. The directory {0} is not a valid path. Analysis Services on WFC cluster cannot have files on Clustered Shared Volume (CSV) ...
  43. The DirectQuery partition {0} cannot be processed using the {1} command. Only Process Clear is supported for this partition ...
  44. The DirectQueryUsage property of '%{partition/}' partition cannot be set to 'DirectQueryOnly' or 'InMemoryWithDirectQuery' ...
  45. The DISCOVER_ENUMERATORS schema rowset returns the supported enumerators for a provider, including data types and values. ...
  46. The DISCOVER_LITERALS schema rowset returns the information about supported literals for a provider, including data types ...
  47. The DISCOVER_PROPERTIES schema rowset returns information about the properties supported by an XML for Analysis provider. ...
  48. The DISCOVER_SCHEMA_ROWSETS schema rowset returns a list of all RequestTypes enumeration values that are supported by the ...
  49. The discretization method specified for the '%{property/}' attribute is not valid because this attribute is bound to a non-numeric ...
  50. The discretization parameters (DiscretizationMethod and DiscretizationBucketCount) of the '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' ...
  51. The discretized attribute with ID of '%{propertyId/}', Name of '%{propertyName/}'in the '%{dimension/}' dimension has a name ...
  52. The disk resource '{0}' could not be found on the SQL Server failover cluster. Ensure that the name you provided is correct, ...
  53. The disk resource '{0}' is already in use by resource '{1}'. To use a disk in a new SQL Server failover cluster instance, ...
  54. The DisplayIndex for the DataGridColumn with Header '{0}' is out of range. DisplayIndex must be greater than or equal to ...
  55. The DisplayName property indicates the display name of the service. This string has a maximum length of 256 characters. The ...
  56. The distance from the range to the scale in percentage of the size of the gauge (height for horizontal gauges, width for ...
  57. The distributed transaction associated with UOW %1!s! is in PREPARE state. Use KILL UOW WITH COMMIT/ROLLBACK syntax to kill ...
  58. The distributed transaction associated with UOW %1!s! is not in PREPARED state. Use KILL UOW to kill the transaction instead. ...
  59. The distributed transaction with UOW %1!s! was forced to commit. MS DTC became temporarily unavailable and forced heuristic ...
  60. The Distribution Agent encountered an error and was unable to write a tracer token to the MStracer_history table in the distribution ...
  61. The Distribution Agent is using the OLEDB streaming optimization for replicating binary large objects greater than %1!d! ...
  62. The Distribution Agent reached the end of current command (transaction: 1 command %2!d!), but the number of bytes read (%3!d!) ...
  63. The Distribution Agent was unable to update the cached log sequence numbers (LSNs) for Originator %1!s!, OriginatorDB %2!s!, ...
  64. The distribution database '%1!s!' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files. The database will be dropped, but distribution ...
  65. The distribution database '%1!s!' has a compatibility level of %2!s!, which is different from that of the master database. ...
  66. The distribution database '{0}' cannot be deleted until all Publishers using this distribution database have been disabled. ...
  67. The distribution database for the contacted Oracle instance does not match the expected name of the distribution database. ...
  68. The distribution database stores changes to transactional publications until Subscribers can be updated. It also stores historical ...
  69. The distribution Publisher property, 'distributor_password', has no usage and is not supported for a Distributor running ...
  70. The distributor login of the logreader agent must be a member of the sysadmin role or db_owner role in distribution database. ...
  71. The DMK protects confidential data in a database. Remember to store the password you created to protect the DMK as you might ...
  72. The DMX statement, INSERT INTO .COLUMN_VALUES, is not supported since the '%{structure/}' mining structure has one or more ...
  73. The DNS search list on computer {0} does not match. To correct this, synchronize the Public, not Private/heartbeat, network's ...
  74. The document cannot be created because the '{0}' type does not have an appropriate constructor. Make sure that the product ...
  75. The document cannot be created because the '{0}' type is not inherited from DocumentObject. Make sure that the product is ...