SQL Server 2016

  1. The configuration settings could not be applied to the '{0}' partition in the '{1}' measure group in the '{2}' cube because ...
  2. The Configuration table does not exist in FILESTREAM blob store . The data is corrupted. Restore from backup or reinstall ...
  3. The configuration that is associated with blob store ID in the database has the invalid EnumerationOptimizationLevel value: ...
  4. The configuration type for configuration "%1!s!" is not valid. This may occur when an attempt is made to set the type property ...
  5. The configuration type for the registry configuration was not found in key "%1!s!". Add a value called ConfigType to the ...
  6. The configuration type in one of the configuration entries was not valid. Valid types are listed in the DTSConfigurationType ...
  7. The configuration value for the registry configuration was not found in key "%1!s!". Add a value called Value to the registry ...
  8. The configurations settings could not be applied to the '{0}' data source because the data source does not exist in the database. ...
  9. The configurations settings could not be applied to the '{0}' dimension because the dimension is not present in the database. ...
  10. The configurations settings could not be applied to the '{0}' measure group in the '{1}' cube because the measure group is ...
  11. The configurations settings could not be applied to the '{0}' mining structure because the mining structure is not present ...
  12. The configured executable file '{0}' does not exist or External Activator service does not have the permission to access ...
  13. The configured value for Extended Protection is not valid. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration ...
  14. The configured value for the Accepted SPNs list is not valid. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration ...
  15. The configured working directory '{0}' does not exist or External Activator service does not have the permission to access ...
  16. The conflict resolver chose to delete this row at '%1' due to a conflict in the logical record between '%1' and '%2' in which ...
  17. The conflict resolver chose to update or insert this row at '%1' with the data from '%2' due to a conflict in the logical ...
  18. The connected user is not an Analysis Services server administrator. Only an administrator can make changes to server properties. ...
  19. The connection "%1!s!" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element ...
  20. The connection "%1!s!" specifies a SQL Server instance with a version that is not supported for transfer. Only versions 7, ...
  21. The connection between server instances '%1!s!' with id %2!s! and '%3!s!' with id %4!s! has been disabled because the database ...
  22. The connection failed because this instance of SQL Server is not supported. The editor cannot connect to SQL Server 2000 ...
  23. The connection has been dropped because the principal that opened it subsequently assumed a new security context, and then ...
  24. The connection has been lost with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Recovery of any in-doubt distributed ...
  25. The connection is already in a transaction and cannot participate in another transaction. EntityClient does not support parallel ...
  26. The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more ...
  27. The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The connection is marked by the client driver as unrecoverable. No ...
  28. The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The connection is marked by the server as unrecoverable. No attempt ...
  29. The connection is no longer usable because the server failed to respond to a command cancellation for a previously executed ...
  30. The connection is no longer usable because the server response for a previously executed statement was incorrectly formatted. ...
  31. The connection manager "%1!s!" has an unsupported type "%2!s!". Only "FILE" and "OLEDB" connection managers are supported. ...
  32. The connection manager "%1!s!" is an incorrect type. The type required is "%2!s!". The type available to the component is ...
  33. The connection manager "%1!s!" is not found. A component failed to find the connection manager in the Connections collection. ...
  34. The connection manager "%1!s!" will not acquire a connection because the connection manager OfflineMode property is TRUE. ...
  35. The connection manager "%1!s!" will not acquire a connection because the package OfflineMode property is TRUE. When the OfflineMode ...
  36. The connection manager file '{0}' is missing from the project directory. This connection manager has been skipped, and project ...
  37. The connection manager named "{0}" is not supported by this release. Only Ado.Net connections to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 ...
  38. The connection manager state information from the clipboard for the connection manager with moniker '{0}' could not be loaded. ...
  39. The connection resource identifier in the requested URI is invalid. Ensure that the connection type has the correct number ...
  40. The connection string cannot be found. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and, in the Analysis Server Properties ...
  41. The connection string components cannot contain unquoted semicolons. If the value must contain a semicolon, enclose the entire ...
  42. The connection string format is not valid. It must consist of one or more components of the form X=Y, separated by semicolons. ...
  43. The connection string is not valid. Press OK to build a new connection string, or press Cancel to edit the existing connection ...
  44. The connection to Database Engine of the selected SQL Server instance failed. To continue installing PolyBase on this instance, ...
  45. The connection to the Analysis Services server database using connection manager '{0}' failed to connect. Verify that the ...
  46. The connection to the current workbook has been closed because a newer version of the workbook exists in SharePoint. To continue, ...
  47. The connection to the database could not be created. Only connections to local database files (Sql .MDF and Jet .MDB) are ...
  48. The connection to the server on which the agent runs must impersonate the process account. The process account must be a ...
  49. The connection to the server on which the agent runs must impersonate the process account. The process account must be a ...
  50. The connection type "%1!s!" specified for connection manager "%2!s!" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. ...
  51. The connection type of the data source has changed. Connection managers that are based upon this data source are no longer ...
  52. The connection type specified for connection manager is not a valid connection manager type. This error occurs when an attempt ...
  53. The connection was recovered and rowcount in the first query is not available. Please execute another query to get a valid ...
  54. The consistency check operation for blob store took more than three times the maximum allowed wait time of {2} seconds. Trying ...
  55. The constraint "%1!s!" was not created because one or more columns in the constraint is not published. Either include all ...
  56. The constraint is used by merge replication for identity management and cannot be dropped directly. Execute sp_changemergearticle ...
  57. The constraints of %1!s! name, "%2!s!", have been violated. The object does not support binding to actions or predicates. ...
  58. The container can not be dropped because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER ...
  59. The container cannot be set to the offline state because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then ...
  60. The containment setting in the master database does not match the property of the database files. Use ALTER DATABASE to reset ...
  61. The containment state of database '%1!s!' does not match the value in master. Contained database functionality will not work ...
  62. The content model of type '%1!s!' contains two elements with the same name '%2!s!' and different types, nullability, or value ...
  63. The content type '{0}' of given data feed is invalid. The valid content types are: 'application/atom+xml', 'application/atomsvc+xml' ...
  64. The content type of the '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure can only be used to classify other columns. ...
  65. The content you are about to paste will replace the content of the selected cell and delete the existing measure or text ...
  66. The content you are about to paste will replace the content of the selected cell and will delete the existing measure or ...
  67. The contents of the attribute with Id of '%{attributeId/}', Name of '%{attributeName/}' cannot be updated because the dimension ...
  68. The contents of the file "%1!s!" are not consistent with a transition into the restore sequence. A restore from a backup ...
  69. The Context object cannot be used since there is no available server context. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer ...
  70. The context of the output column could not be retrieved. To add an output column, select either an output or another output ...
  71. The context transaction which was active before entering user defined routine, trigger or aggregate "%1!s!" has been ended ...
  72. The continuation type passed in is unexpected. Please verify that the correct continuation type is passed in. Expected {0}, ...
  73. The continuous content type cannot be determined due to the following problem: {0} You may manually change each mining structure ...
  74. The continuous key column reference (KEY TIME, KEY SEQUENCE) is not supported in a SELECT DISTINCT statement at line %d{Line/}, ...
  75. The conversation endpoint with conversation handle '%1!s!' is in an inconsistent state. Check the SQL Server error logs and ...