SQL Server 2016

  1. The attempt to create the network name and IP address for the listener failed, and the attempt to roll back the resources ...
  2. The attempt to create the network name and IP address for the listener failed. The WSFC service may not be running or may ...
  3. The attempt to delete file "%1!s!" failed. This may occur when the file does not exist, the file name was spelled incorrectly, ...
  4. The attempt to join database '%1!s!' to the availability group was rejected by the primary database with error '%2!s!'. For ...
  5. The attempt to load the XML checkpoint file "%1!s!" failed with error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". Check that the file name specified ...
  6. The attempt to maintain the indexed view "%1!s!" failed because it contains an expression on aggregate results, or because ...
  7. The attempt to maintain the indexed view "%1!s!" failed because of the ignore_dup_key option on index "%2!s!". Drop the index ...
  8. The attempt to read column "%2!d!" data from the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator failed with error code 2!8.8X!. ...
  9. The attempt to set the failure condition level for availability group '%1!s!' failed. The specified level value is out of ...
  10. The attempt to set the health check timeout value for availability group '%1!s!' failed. The specified timeout value is less ...
  11. The attempt to update or delete a DAO object of type '{0}' with id {1} has failed because the object is not up to date or ...
  12. The attempted insert or update failed because the target view either specifies WITH CHECK OPTION or spans a view that specifies ...
  13. The attempted insert or update of the partitioned view failed because the value of the partitioning column does not belong ...
  14. The attempted operation failed because the target object '%1!s!' has a block predicate that conflicts with this operation. ...
  15. The attempted operation is not valid. The nested data reader has been implicitly closed because its parent data reader has ...
  16. The attribute '%{attrName/}' in the dimension '%{dimName/}' is outside the granularity of the measure group '%{mgName/}' ...
  17. The attribute 'MustUnderstand' in namespace 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006' contains the following ...
  18. The attribute '{0}' has one or more incoming relationships. Would you like to rename these incoming relationships to match ...
  19. The attribute '{0}' is not a valid Rdl attribute. Attributes in the namespace '{1}' are not allowed. '{0}' at line {2}, position ...
  20. The attribute cannot be deleted. The entity is the target of a sync relationship. You use the sync process to change the ...
  21. The attribute cannot be inserted because the dimension already contains a member with the same keys as the ones specified ...
  22. The attribute cannot be updated. The attribute filter is not compatible with one or more current attribute values. First ...
  23. The attribute change cannot be saved. The entity is the target of a sync relationship. You use the sync process to change ...
  24. The attribute hierarchy for the %{property/} attribute cannot be created because a hierarchy with the same ID or name already ...
  25. The attribute hierarchy must be enabled for the AccountType attribute. Set the AttributeHierarchyEnabled property to True. ...
  26. The attribute ID of '%{attrId/}' for linked subcube with the ID of '%{cubeId/}' and dimension ID of '%{dimId/}' can not be ...
  27. The attribute key cannot be found when processing: %1[Table: '%{Table/}', Column: '%{Column/}', Value: '%{Value/}'%]%[; Table: ...
  28. The attribute key was converted to an unknown member because the attribute key was not found. Attribute %{Property/} of Dimension: ...
  29. The attribute value cannot be saved. The attribute participates in a filter relationship and an incompatible value was found ...
  30. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name '%{propertyname/}' of referenced by the '%{cubedimension/}' cube dimension, ...
  31. The attribute with ID of '%{PropertyId/}', Name of '%{PropertyName/}' cannot be discretized because there are too few distinct ...
  32. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' in the %{aggregationdimension/} aggregation dimension ...
  33. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referenced by the %{aggregationdimension/} aggregation ...
  34. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referenced by the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group ...
  35. The attribute with ID of '%{propertyid/}', Name of '%{propertyname/}' referred to by the '%{aggregationdimension/}' aggregation ...
  36. The attribute, '%s{attribute/}', is not valid in the current procedure call because the attribute is not a PREDICT or a PREDICT_ONLY ...
  37. The attribute, '%{Attribute/}', of the mining model ,'%{Model/}', has a content type, '%{Content/}', that is not supported ...
  38. The authoring tool has returned a Null value for an item marked with the msmConfigItemNonNullable attribute. Module table: ...
  39. The AUTODETECT_MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. AUTODETECT_MINIMUM_SUPPORT must be greater ...
  40. The AUTOGROW_ALL_FILES or AUTOGROW_SINGLE_FILE property cannot be modified on a FILESTREAM or MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. ...
  41. The AUTO_DETECT_PERIODICITY parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', is not valid. AUTO_DETECT_PERIODICITY should ...
  42. The availability database %1!s! in availailability group %2!s! failed to complete a reconfiguration. Refer to the error code ...
  43. The availability database %1!s! in availailability group %2!s! is in an invalid state to perform an internal operation. Refer ...
  44. The availability group '%1!s!' already exists. This error could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP ...
  45. The availability group '%1!s!' already has a listener with DNS name '%2!s!'. Availability groups can have only one listener. ...
  46. The availability group '%1!s!' and/or its local availability replica does not exist. Verify that the specified availability ...
  47. The availability group '%1!s!' is being asked to stop the lease renewal because the availability group is going offline. ...
  48. The availability group is in a state that prevents adding databases. Verify that the availability group is online and that ...
  49. The availability group is in a state that prevents adding replicas. Verify that the availability group is online and that ...
  50. The availability group is not ready for automatic failover. The primary replica and a secondary replica are configured for ...
  51. The availability group is offline, and is unavailable. This issue can be caused by a failure in the server instance that ...
  52. The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!', DNS name '%2!s!', ...
  53. The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!', DNS name '%2!s!', ...
  54. The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!', DNS name '%2!s!', ...
  55. The availability group listener does not conform to SQL Server configuration guidelines and cannot be modified within SQL ...
  56. The availability group listener with DNS name '%1!s!' is configured to use DHCP. For listeners with this configuration, IP ...
  57. The availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID '%1!s!' and/or its local availability replica ...
  58. The availability replica '%1!s!' specified in the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST for availability replica '%2!s!' does not exist. ...
  59. The availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica ...
  60. The availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica ...
  61. The availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica. ...
  62. The availability replica of the specified availability group '%1!s!' is being dropped. Wait for the completion of the drop ...
  63. The AVAILABILITY_MODE option has not been specified for the replica '%1!s!'. Reenter the command, specifying an availability ...
  64. The Axis function was indirectly referenced from the context of a statement other than SELECT. Evaluation of expressions ...
  65. The Back Up Database (Differential) task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite ...
  66. The Back Up Database (Full) task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite options ...
  67. The Back Up Database (Transaction Log) task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite ...
  68. The Back Up Database task allows you to specify the source databases, destination files or tapes, and overwrite options for ...
  69. The background checkpoint thread has encountered an unrecoverable error. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the ...
  70. The background thread running lazy writer encountered an I/O error. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...
  71. The backup cannot be performed because '%1!s!' was requested after the media was formatted with an incompatible structure. ...
  72. The backup data at the end of "%1!s!" is incorrectly formatted. Backup sets on the media might be damaged and unusable. To ...
  73. The backup files of the FULL RESTORE command do not match with the segments of the existing database. Copy the correct backup ...
  74. The backup files of the RESTORE command do not match with the segments of the existing database. Copy the backup files to ...
  75. The backup media on "%1!s!" is part of media family %2!s! which has already been processed on "%3!s!". Ensure that backup ...