Visual Studio 2010

  1. TF255027: You have changed the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a SharePoint site or a SQL Server Reporting Services ...
  2. TF255030: No templates for Team Foundation Server Extensions for SharePoint Products were loaded for the server that is hosting ...
  3. TF255031: An error was detected in the following application configuration file: {0}. The file contains the following URL: ...
  4. TF255032: Could not connect to the server that is running SQL Server Reporting Services at {0}. Verify that you have the ...
  5. TF255033: Could not complete the request to the server that is running SQL Server Reporting Services at {0}. Verify that ...
  6. TF255034: The following .asmx Web page could not be accessed: {0}. Verify that you have the required permissions set to allow ...
  7. TF255038: An error occurred during a Web call to SQL Server Reporting Services from the following WMI: {0}. The system will ...
  8. TF255039: Permissions for one or more service accounts could not be removed. You might need to manually remove permissions ...
  9. TF255040: Install SQL Reporting Services or at a minimum SQL Client Connectivity Tools on the application tier to ensure ...
  10. TF255040: Install SQL Server Reporting Services or at a minimum SQL Client Connectivity Tools on the application tier to ...
  11. TF255040: You must exit the Team Foundation Admin console and install SQL Server Reporting Services or at a minimum SQL Client ...
  12. TF255041: The warehouse is processing requests, and the requested operation cannot block the warehouse. Try your request ...
  13. TF255044: More segments exist than were expected for the following URL: {0}. Only the first segment of the path will be inspected. ...
  14. TF255045: The following template file for Team Foundation Server Extensions for SharePoint Products could not be found: '{0}'. ...
  15. TF255048:A connection cannot be made to the server that is running SQL Server Analysis Services. Verify that you have entered ...
  16. TF255049: A connection cannot be made to the server that is running SQL Server. Verify that you have entered the correct ...
  17. TF255050: A connection cannot be made to the Report Server WMI provider. Verify the following: 1. You have entered the correct ...
  18. TF255055: The connection to the following server that is running SQL Server Analysis Services could not be validated: {0}. ...
  19. TF255062: A connection cannot be made to the following SQL Server Instance: {0}. Verify that you have entered the correct ...
  20. TF255064: Warning: an unexpected value was found for the following Active Directory Service Interface schema (ADSI): {0}. ...
  21. TF255073: The following service account could not be added to the Team Foundation Build Services group: '{0}'. You might ...
  22. TF255074: The following service account could not be added to the Team Foundation Build Services group: '{0}'. The specified ...
  23. TF255078: The following port exception could not be added: {0}={1} - {2}. You might need to manually add this exception to ...
  24. TF255079: No Windows Firewall exceptions have been added because no Windows Firewall was detected on this computer. If you ...
  25. TF255080: Exceptions for the ports required by Team Foundation Server could not be added. The firewall is not configured ...
  26. TF255080: No information about the current authentication provider could be retrieved from Internet Information Services ...
  27. TF255081: Port exceptions could not be removed from the firewall configuration. The firewall is not configured to allow port ...
  28. TF255087: Client certificates are defined on the Web site, but the authentication method is not set to a mode that requires ...
  29. TF255092: A valid path to install Team Foundation Build could not be found in the following registry key value: HKLM\{0} ...
  30. TF255093: Instances of the following Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class could not be accessed: {0}. The class ...
  31. TF255095: Missing HRESULT from a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) method Web call. Continuing as if the call was ...
  32. TF255099: Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 could not be configured because the following resource could not be found: ...
  33. TF255100: Failed to register ASP.NET 2.0 with the following Web site: {0}. The virtual directory is {1}. The Web site ID ...
  34. TF255119: The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface cannot contact {0}. The following service cannot be verified ...
  35. TF255120: Compatibility mode for Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 is not enabled. Team Foundation Server requires ...
  36. TF255124: Internet Information Services (IIS) could not be reset. You will need to manually restart IIS using iisreset.exe ...
  37. TF255130: The value of the credential object was null. The ApplicationPool requires that the credentials object have a value ...
  38. TF255133: The service account for the application tier is not valid. The service account must be valid when applying a service ...
  39. TF255134: SQL Server Reporting Services could not be configured. The nodes in the configuration model were either missing ...
  40. TF255141: Windows Firewall is not installed. If you install and enable Windows Firewall after configuring Team Foundation ...
  41. TF255142: Windows Firewall is not enabled. If you enable Windows Firewall after configuring Team Foundation Server, you must ...
  42. TF255146: Team Foundation Server requires SQL Server 2008 (10.0) or greater. The SQL Server instance you supplied ({0}) is ...
  43. TF255148: The following server that is running SQL Server has the no count' setting turned on: {0}. This setting needs to ...
  44. TF255149: The following server that is running SQL Server does not have the full-text search feature installed: {0}. This ...
  45. TF255150: Team Foundation Server cannot allocate the following TCP port: {0}. The port is already in use by another application. ...
  46. TF255154: Team Foundation Server cannot be installed when FrontPage extensions are installed in Internet Information Services ...
  47. TF255156: Team Foundation Server does not support multi-server installation unless the servers are part of an Active Directory ...
  48. TF255157: The amount of RAM available on this computer is not sufficient to complete this process. You must have the following ...
  49. TF255166: The following locale identifier (LCID) is not valid: {0}. TheLCID was provided during the configuration of SQL ...
  50. TF255174: The user group in Internet Information Services (IIS) could not be determined. The following group does not exist: ...
  51. TF255176:The Log On As a Service permission could not be granted to the following service account: {0}\{1}. The result code ...
  52. TF255177: The Log On As a Service permission could not be removed from the following service account: {0}\{1}. The result ...
  53. TF255191: Either a security group or permissions could not be added for the following service accounts used by SharePoint ...
  54. TF255192: The following account cannot be used as the data sources account for SQL Server Reporting Services: {0}. The account ...
  55. TF255193: The following account is being used as both the service account for Team Foundation Server (TFSService) and as ...
  56. TF255200: The members of the service account group that you are trying to find could not be retrieved. Operations will continue ...
  57. TF255201: The following account could not be added to a role: {0}. The role is {1}. The database is {2}. The SQL Server instance ...
  58. TF255202: The following account could not be removed from a role: {0}. The role is {1}. The database is {2}. The SQL Server ...
  59. TF255205: The /force parameter was specified. The following account will be removed even though it is still in use on the ...
  60. TF255206: The /force parameter was specified. The following account will be removed: {0}. This account is still being used ...
  61. TF255208: The following account will not be removed: {0}. The account is still being used by at least one server on the following ...
  62. TF255209: The following user account will not be removed: {0}. The account is a member of the following roles: {3}. If you ...
  63. TF255210: The specified user in the role you searched for cannot be found. The user account is {0}. The role is {1}. The ...
  64. TF255211: The following service cannot be stopped: {0}. The current state is {1}. The attempt to stop the service will be ...
  65. TF255212: The owner of the administrator account sa' on the following database could not be found: {0}. The SQL Server instance ...
  66. TF255213: The following value for the service account in the database entry for the application tier {0} could not be set: ...
  67. TF255225: Team Foundation Server could not add a host group to the team project collection. The name of the host group is ...
  68. TF255226: Team Foundation Server could not add a library share to the team project collection. The library share is '{0}'. ...
  69. TF255227: Team Foundation Server could not retrieve the list of host groups from Virtual Machine Manager. In the Team Foundation ...
  70. TF255228: Team Foundation Server could not retrieve the list of library shares from Virtual Machine Manager. Open Virtual ...
  71. TF255230: Lab Management services are currently unavailable. The services might not be configured for this Team Foundation ...
  72. TF255231: The following name of the server running Virtual Machine Manager Server name cannot be changed because resources ...
  73. TF255231: You cannot change the following URL of the server that is running SCVMM because other resources depend on the current ...
  74. TF255232: Lab Management is currently not configured on this server. Open the Team Foundation Administration Console and ...
  75. TF255237: No servicing steps are available for the following operational mode: ({0}). You must change the operational mode ...