Visual Studio 2010

  1. TF248013: The {0} and {1} links control elements are not compatible. Either do not set the {2} attribute of the {1} element ...
  2. TF248015: Your work item query could not be completed due to an unexpected error returned by the Microsoft SQL Server Full-text ...
  3. TF248016: You cannot use the In Group operator with the field '{0}'. You can use the In Group operator only with the Work ...
  4. TF248017: You cannot specify the "renamesafe" attribute for field '{0}'. You can only specify the "{2}" attribute for a field ...
  5. TF248018: You cannot change the "{1}" attribute of field '{0}' in a work item type definition. You can only change the value ...
  6. TF248020: You cannot specify the 'Reportable' attribute for field '{0}'. You can only define the reportable attribute for ...
  7. TF248021: You have specified a query string that is not valid when you use the query method for a flat list of work items. ...
  8. TF248022: You have specified a query string that is not valid when you use the query method for linked work items. You cannot ...
  9. TF249001: You have specified the URL for a project collection, but the application instance that contains the project collection ...
  10. TF249002: Your user account does not have permission to connect to the Team Foundation Server at {0}. Ask your server administrator ...
  11. TF249004: The reference to reports and dashboards for this site could not be changed. An error occurred while attempting ...
  12. TF249011: The specified site is not valid. You must specify a SharePoint site on a server that is running a version of SharePoint ...
  13. TF249016: Reports could not be configured for the server. The Visual Studio Team System cube does not point to the data warehouse ...
  14. TF249020: A SharePoint site could not be created at the following location: {0}. The user account does not have the required ...
  15. TF249021: The following relative path is not valid: {0}. The relative path must be a single subdirectory beneath the root ...
  16. TF249029: A list of reports could not be retrieved from the server. Either no reports are stored on the server, or the server ...
  17. TF249029: A list of reports could not be retrieved from the server. Either no reports are stored on the server, or the server ...
  18. TF249030: A folder with the following name already exists on the server: {0}. You must specify a different name for the folder. ...
  19. TF249031: A folder with the following name could not be created: {0}. The user account does not have permissions to create ...
  20. TF249032: A folder with the following name could not be accessed: {0}. Either that folder does not exist, or the user account ...
  21. TF249033: The site template is not available for the locale identifier (LCID). The site template name is: {0}. The LCID is: ...
  22. TF249034: A folder could not be created. The account might not have the required permissions to create a folder in this location. ...
  23. TF249035: The following file could not be uploaded: {0}. The file name contains one or more characters that are not allowed. ...
  24. TF249038: The following Web service is not available: {0}. This Web service is used for the Team Foundation Server Extensions ...
  25. TF249040: The catalog does not contain a team project with the following URL: {0}. Verify that the specified URL is correct. ...
  26. TF249044: A report can only be uploaded once to any location. The process template uploads the following report more than ...
  27. TF249046: The URL could not be resolved for the following service: {0}. Service zone and location information might not be ...
  28. TF249049: Team Foundation Server could not open the dialog because the threading model must be single-threaded apartment. ...
  29. TF249051: No URL can be found that corresponds to the following server name: {0}. Verify that the server name is correct. ...
  30. TF249053: Team Explorer cannot write to the project list configuration file. Free up space on the local hard disk. If the ...
  31. TF249053: The timeout limit for servicing the collection has been exceeded. The servicing job will continue to run, but no ...
  32. TF249058: The path that you specified for the report item, '{0}', is not valid. The path must not be empty, must begin with ...
  33. TF249059: The path that you specified for the report item, '{0}', is not valid as it contains one or more surrogate characters. ...
  34. TF249060: No report item with the following path could be found: {0}. Verify that the report item exists, that the path is ...
  35. TF249061: You cannot access the following report item: {0}. Access was denied because your account does not have one or more ...
  36. TF249063: The following Web service is not available: {0}. This Web service is used for the Team Foundation Server Extensions ...
  37. TF249064: The following Web service returned an response that is not valid: {0}. This Web service is used for the Team Foundation ...
  38. TF250001: The validation check failed for the following account: {0}. The account must be a member of the Farm Administrators ...
  39. TF250002: No content Web applications exist in this Web farm. You must create a new SharePoint Web application in SharePoint ...
  40. TF250003: The following path is not valid: {0}. The path contains one or more surrogate characters. Surrogate characters ...
  41. TF250004: The SharePoint Products installation is either corrupt or is not valid. Verify that SharePoint Products is a supported ...
  42. TF250008: This SharePoint site is not currently associated with a team project in Team Foundation Server. To ensure that ...
  43. TF250010: The following querystring parameter is not valid: {0}. It contains the following value, which is either not recognized ...
  44. TF250015: More than one team project is listed as the primary source of data for a team project in the catalog. You must ...
  45. TF250016: No access rights have been granted for the following site: {0}. You must grant access rights between the SharePoint ...
  46. TF250017: The following error occurred: {0}. Your account might not have the required permissions to store data in the database ...
  47. TF250019: The following path could not be deleted: {0}. You must manually delete this path from SharePoint Central Administration. ...
  48. TF250021: A SharePoint site cannot be created in the following location: {0}. Either the path is not valid, or Team Foundation ...
  49. TF250023: A SharePoint site cannot be created under the following location: {0}. Either the path is not valid, or Team Foundation ...
  50. TF250024: The SharePoint site at the following location cannot be deleted: {1}. The following user account does not have ...
  51. TF250025: The following URL does not point to a valid SharePoint site: {0}. Verify that you have the correct URL and that ...
  52. TF250034: An access grant could not be found between Team Foundation Server and the SharePoint Web application that you specified. ...
  53. TF250035: A feature for SharePoint Products could not be found with the following ID: {0}. Verify that the feature is installed ...
  54. TF250036: A feature for SharePoint Products could not be activated for the team project site. The feature ID is {0}. The ...
  55. TF250039: The following URL is an unexpected type: {0}. The following type was found: {2}. The following type was expected: ...
  56. TF250041: The following Web site cannot be created: {0}.The Web application does not allow the creation of this type of site ...
  57. TF250042: A SharePoint site cannot be created in the following location: {0}. The SharePoint Web application administrator ...
  58. TF250043: The permissions required to retrieve information about the service account have not been granted to the following ...
  59. TF250044: A SharePoint site cannot be created at the following location: {1}. The following user account does not have the ...
  60. TF250046: A SharePoint site cannot be created at the following location: {1}. The following user account does not have the ...
  61. TF250047: The functionality that you specified is not available in SharePoint Central Administration. Verify that the Web ...
  62. TF250048: The functionality that you specified is only available in SharePoint Central Administration. Verify that the Web ...
  63. TF250049: The following URL for Team Foundation Server could not be verified: {0}. The following error was received: {1}. ...
  64. TF250052: Grant access rights already exist for the following Team Foundation Server URL: {0}. You should modify the existing ...
  65. TF250053: A redirection already exists for the report server at the following path: {0}. Update the existing redirection, ...
  66. TF250054: An error occurred while attempting to modify access rights between Team Foundation Server and the SharePoint Web ...
  67. TF250056: The string is not valid and cannot be parsed. Either the XML is badly formed, or the XML did not match access rights ...
  68. TF250057: No access rights were found for the following SharePoint Web application: {0}. The Team Foundation Server ID is: ...
  69. TF250058: A SharePoint Web application has been granted access to Team Foundation Server, but the version of the access rights ...
  70. TF250060: The specified SharePoint site does not exist. The following Web page must be called on an existing SharePoint site: ...
  71. TF250061: The following site could not be attached to Team Foundation Server: {0}. The site is already associated with a ...
  72. TF250063: The following user account does not have the required permissions to manage the properties of the Web site: {0}. ...
  73. TF250065: The following user group could not be found on the SharePoint Web application: {0}. Verify that the following URL ...
  74. TF250067: No connection could be made to Team Foundation Server at the following address: {0}. Either the specified URL does ...
  75. TF251001: You must specify an existing relative path. Either the path that you specified is not relative, or it does not ...