Visual Studio 2013

  1. Sorry, some part of our code decided to throw a fit. We are onto it and will make sure this will not happen again in the ...
  2. Sorry, we were unable to merge the conflicting content changes and using the configured merge tool is not supported for this ...
  3. Source Code Control Project Name : Specifies the project name for the source code control associated with the current solution. ...
  4. Source control information and build report URL could not be added to build information because of the following error while ...
  5. Source file: %1 Module: %2 Process: %3 The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger ...
  6. Source server support in the debugger is not currently enabled. If symbol files that support source server are found, source ...
  7. SP324081: Check that your Internet Explorer security settings will allow JavaScript and cookies. If enabled, please contact ...
  8. Spaces before and after member-access operators (. and ->), pointer-to-member operators (.* and ->*), and scope resolution ...
  9. Specified file does not exist: {0}. Verify the value of MergedSearchConfigurationPath property in CreateAppPackage task. ...
  10. specified without for the culture '{2}', both should be specified. is used to display the item in lists and if left unspecified ...
  11. Specifies a child element whose children will be shown as the children of the current node. Use when you need to generate ...
  12. Specifies a child element whose value is not backed by an expression. The value of the node can be specified using a 'DisplayString' ...
  13. Specifies a list of localized strings that can be referenced by natvis elements. Define localized strings in a satellite ...
  14. Specifies a matching module name and version for all visualizers which do not explicitly specify a module name and version ...
  15. Specifies a more generalized form of array view of a variable. Use when your data elements are not contiguous in memory and ...
  16. Specifies a name for a compiler-generated PDB file; also specifies base name for the required compiler-generated IDB file; ...
  17. Specifies a semi-colon-delimited list of views in which this element should be hidden. The view of the object is controlled ...
  18. Specifies a semi-colon-delimited list of views in which this element should be shown. The view of the object is controlled ...
  19. Specifies a single child element. It only accepts expressions and no arbitrary strings. If the expression produces a complex ...
  20. Specifies a System.Version-compliant representation of the version of the Feature. This can be up to four numbers delimited ...
  21. Specifies a UI hint that indicates whether a filter string is evaluated in a case-sensitive manner or in a case-insensitive ...
  22. Specifies a UI hint that indicates whether to use this filter by default. This property is used by an external item picker ...
  23. Specifies a UI visualizer which can handle objects of this type. The UI visualizer must be previously defined in the natvis ...
  24. Specifies an activation string to pass to the app when a device arrives. Examples of activation strings include "Import" ...
  25. Specifies an optional expression to match one or more capabilites see ...
  26. Specifies an optional group identifier, as a string, for the template. Some kinds of projects require this for the item template ...
  27. Specifies an optional unique identifier, as a string, for the template. If none is specified, the Name will be used as the ...
  28. Specifies any custom parameters which should be passed to the template wizard when it is run to do parameter replacement. ...
  29. Specifies details of a UI visualizer which creates its own interface to display an object. Visualizer entry for a type needs ...
  30. Specifies how date/time values are stored. When StorageTZ is set to UTC, the date/time is handled as Coordinated Universal ...
  31. Specifies how internal tool errors should be reported back to Microsoft. The default in the IDE is prompt. The default from ...
  32. Specifies how or if the BDC uses cached data when creating, deleting, updating or reading instances of an Entity when data ...
  33. Specifies how the lifecycle of the roles are related. Composition = the other role forms part of this element and no other, ...
  34. Specifies how the multi-dimensional array indices should be unrolled. Use 'Forward' for row-major arrays and 'Backward' for ...
  35. Specifies how to order the results for a BDC method. This property applies to Limit filters and Page filters. This property ...
  36. Specifies how Visual Studio inserts the code snippet. A value of SurroundsWith allows the code snippet to be placed around ...
  37. Specifies if the project should be saved upon creation. Not all project types support this and this value may be ignored ...
  38. Specifies one or more directories (separate directory names with a semicolon) to be searched to resolve names passed to a ...
  39. Specifies one or more names of default libraries to ignore; separate multiple libraries with semi-colons. (/NODEFAULTLIB:[name, ...
  40. Specifies that Project Server tasks that are mapped to Team Foundation Server work items are not assigned the Fixed Work ...
  41. Specifies that proxy/stub code be merged into your main project. By default, the proxy/stub marshaling code is contained ...
  42. Specifies that the function takes a variable number of arguments. To accomplish this, the last argument must be a safe array ...
  43. Specifies that the linker should use the profile data created after running the instrumented binary to create an optimized ...
  44. Specifies that the template should not appear in the New Project / Add New Item dialog. If specified, no other elements inside ...
  45. Specifies that this design instance is created from the selected type, and not an automatically generated substitute type ...
  46. Specifies that your application contains Active documents within its frame, and allows servers to merge their user interface ...
  47. Specifies that your application is an OLE local server with the ability to create and manage Active documents. Requires a ...
  48. Specifies the action to take when deploying a project item whose properties are identical to those of an item already on ...
  49. Specifies the assembly-qualified name for the implementation of the secure store provider that is used to access the external ...
  50. Specifies the condition under which this element is active. The expression should produce a boolean value when evaluated. ...
  51. Specifies the data formats supported by the app; for example: "Text", "URI", "Bitmap", "HTML", "StorageItems", or "RTF". ...
  52. Specifies the data formats supported by the app; for example: "Text", "URI", "Bitmap", "HTML", "StorageItems", or "RTF". ...
  53. Specifies the debugger type to use. When set to Auto, the debugger type will be selected based on contents of the exe file. ...
  54. Specifies the default character type of the C compiler that will be used to compile the generated code. (/char signed|unsigned|ascii7) ...
  55. Specifies the default language of the project. Unlike most fields in the manifest designer, this value is persisted in the ...
  56. Specifies the default value of the literal or object for an IntelliSense Code Snippet. This text specifies the default value ...
  57. Specifies the dependency information file used by Visual Studio to track build dependency information for the manifest tool. ...
  58. Specifies the destination file for exporting the global list XML. When it is not specified, the XML is output to the display. ...
  59. Specifies the destination file for exporting the link type XML. When it is not specified, the XML is output to the display. ...
  60. Specifies the destination file for exporting the work item type category XML. If not specified, the XML is output to the ...
  61. Specifies the document template for the content type. This is the file which SharePoint Foundation opens as a template when ...
  62. Specifies the emulator to use for debugging. If no emulators are installed please use 'Download Emulator 8.1.' in the debug ...
  63. Specifies the expression that points to the first element of the array. The expression must be a pointer of the element type ...
  64. Specifies the file types supported by the app; for example, ".jpg". The Share target declaration requires the app support ...
  65. Specifies the file types supported by the app; for example, ".jpg". The Share target declaration requires the app support ...
  66. Specifies the fully qualified name of the type to be visualized. If the type is a template class, it might contain '*' as ...
  67. Specifies the icon image appearing in the Windows shell for protocols that match the app. If none is specified, the app's ...
  68. Specifies the ID of the work item to destroy. Supports multiple IDs delimited by commas such as 12,15,23 (with no whitespace). ...
  69. Specifies the kind of code the snippet contains. This attribute filters out snippets based on the current location in the ...
  70. Specifies the list of child elements to be shown when a variable of the visualized type is expanded in the debugger windows. ...
  71. Specifies the location of the auto-save settings file, team settings file, and the default location to save settings files. ...
  72. Specifies the lower bound of each dimension of the array. For multi-dimensional arrays, you can specify an expression that ...
  73. Specifies the maximum size of the itrace file, in megabytes. This will supersede the value specified in the collection plan. ...
  74. Specifies the maximum size of the itrace file, in megabytes. This will supersede the value specified in the collection plan. ...
  75. Specifies the Microsoft Project local text custom field to use to display the value of the Team Foundation work item type. ...