Visual Studio 2013

  1. Review the list of tasks the wizard has performed. Click Finish to complete the wizard or click Previous to make changes. ...
  2. Review the query string passed to {0} in {1} for possible SQL injection attacks. If the string is composed using any user ...
  3. Right-click on a member name in the Code Editor, and then click View Call Hierarchy to view the member's call hierarchy in ...
  4. Rolls back the changes in a single or a range of changesets: tf rollback /changeset:changesetfrom~changesetto itemspec /recursive ...
  5. Root Namespace : Specifies the root namespace for this project. Used in managed projects for code and resource generation. ...
  6. Rotation The amount in degrees the plane should be rotated in each of the three principle axes around the center of rotation. ...
  7. Rplace with an integer that specifies a built-in control. If the value of this argument is 1, or if this argument is omitted, ...
  8. Rule set to be used for the analysis. It can be a file path to the rule set file or the file name of a built-in rule set. ...
  9. Run the remote debugger (msvsmon.exe) on the computer that you want to debug to. See the setup help for more information. ...
  10. Run Visual Studio as administrator, make sure the Excel add-in named Load Test Report is installed and enabled, and try this ...
  11. Running a compare operation in the background. Once the operation has completed, the results will be displayed in the compare ...
  12. Running a website under profiling or code coverage requires that the controller be running under session 0 or run with administrative ...
  13. Running multiple instances of the remote debugger - How do multiple users run the remote debugger on the same shared computer? ...
  14. Running Test Impact, Code Coverage or IntelliTrace diagnostic data adapters affects performance. It is recommended that these ...
  15. Running tests in ASP.NET requires full trust (trust level="Full"), but the Web site at '{0}' is not configured to run at ...
  16. Running tests that require a Web server is only supported on NT-based platforms. The current platform, {0}, is not supported. ...
  17. Running the remote debugger as a service causes it to always run and listen on the network. It is not recommended to run ...
  18. Running this text template can potentially harm your computer. Do not run it if you obtained it from an untrusted source. ...
  19. Runs a task process - assigns multiple tasks to multiple people in series or parallel, waits for tasks to complete, and calculates ...
  20. s encountered a problem and was shut down. We are sorry for the inconvenience. %s can try to recover the following information ...
  21. s has detected a configuration issue. To correct this, please restart as Administrator. For more information please visit: ...
  22. s has detected that an operation is blocking user input. This can be caused by an active modal dialog or a task that needs ...
  23. s is used in more than once cannot be modified. To change, you must edit the symbol header file manually. 'Edit->Resource ...
  24. s is waiting for a response from '%s'. This may be because '%s' is busy and unable to respond at this time. Click '%s' to ...
  25. s is waiting for an operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage please report this problem ...
  26. s is waiting for an operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage please report this problem ...
  27. s item's name cannot be mapped to the source control provider. The item will be ignored from the source control operation. ...
  28. s Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: %s Check the documentation index for 'Just-in-time ...
  29. s The file name is not correct. The name must conform to the rules for valid Windows file names. Consult your Windows documentation ...
  30. s The item changed on disk and has also been modified in an editor. You must select which version to keep. If you select ...
  31. s The Just-In-Time debugger was launched without necessary security permissions. To debug this process, the Just-In-Time ...
  32. s These files are currently not checked out. We recommend that you check out your resource file and any related subfiles ...
  33. s This file has been modified outside of Microsoft Visual Studio. Do you want to reload it and lose the changes made from ...
  34. s This file is currently not checked out. We recommend that you check out your resource file and any related subfiles before ...
  35. s This location already contains a code snippet with this name. To rename the code snippet to %s and save it, click Rename. ...
  36. s This resource has been modified outside of Microsoft Visual Studio. Do you want to reload %s and lose the changes made ...
  37. s was automatically closed during the installation of an update. %s can try to recover the following information for you. ...
  38. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  39. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  40. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  41. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has an illegal size_is attribute. The size_is attribute is only allowed on variable length ...
  42. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has more than size_is parameter. Only one dimensional variable length arrays are supported. ...
  43. s" parameter of method "%2$s" has more than size_is parameter. Only one dimensional variable length arrays are supported. ...
  44. S' : A '[WebHostHidden]' type should not be used on the published surface of a public type that is not '[WebHostHidden]' ...
  45. S' : cannot inherit from '%$S', a %$^[GC_CLASS REF_CLASS can only inherit from a %$^[GC_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE REF_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE] ...
  46. S' : cannot introduce a new virtual method as 'public'. Consider making the method non-virtual, or change the accessibility ...
  47. S' : class contains explicit override '%$*' but does not derive from an interface that contains the function declaration ...
  48. S' : class has virtual functions, but destructor is not virtual%$N instances of this class may not be destructed correctly ...
  49. S' : DefaultOverload cannot be specified on both '%$D' and '%$D'. Remove one specification or rename the function during ...
  50. S' : if you pass a NULL object instance to a delegate constructor you must also pass the address of a static member function ...
  51. S' : matches base ref class method '%$S', but is not marked 'virtual', 'new' or 'override'; 'new' (and not 'virtual') is ...
  52. S' : public type cannot be at global scope. It must be in a namespace that is a child of the name of the output .winmd file. ...
  53. S' : the meaning of dereferencing a handle can change, when a user-defined '%$L' operator exists; write the operator as a ...
  54. S' : zero-sized array in stack object will have no elements (unless the object is an aggregate that has been aggregate initialized) ...
  55. S' an unsealed ref class cannot have a public visible constructor. Seal the class, or specify constructor as 'internal', ...
  56. s' cannot be opened because its project type (%s) is not supported by this version of the application. To open it, please ...
  57. S' derives from default interface '%$S' on type '%$S'. Use a different default interface for '%$S', or break the base/derived ...
  58. s' is a compiler predefined library helper. Library helpers are not supported with /GL; compile object file '%s' without ...
  59. S' is overloaded by more than the number of input parameters without having DefaultOverload specified. Picking '%$D' as the ...
  60. s' precompiled header file is from a previous version of the compiler, or the precompiled header is C++ and you are using ...
  61. s': use of tile_static memory detected when compiling the call graph for the non-tiling concurrency::parallel_for_each at: ...
  62. S': virtual function overrides '%$pS', previous versions of the compiler did not override when parameters only differed by ...
  63. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain length %s// values for the corresponding fields in the column map. ...
  64. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain length %s// values for the corresponding fields. %s// NOTE: For variable-length ...
  65. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain status %s// values for the corresponding fields in the column map. ...
  66. s// The following wizard-generated data members contain status %s// values for the corresponding fields. You %s// can use ...
  67. s: Some folders have names that are incompatible with the current system ANSI codepage. The files in these folders cannot ...
  68. s: Some of the files or folders in your project have names incompatible with the current system ANSI codepage. These files ...
  69. Sample data files in the project (that is, a XAML file with a Build Action of DesignData or DesignDataWithDesignTimeCreatableTypes) ...
  70. Sample SRGS Grammar to show syntax. The rule element defines a grammar rule. A rule element contains text or XML elements ...
  71. Sampling is a profiling technique that involves taking snapshots of program execution at intervals. Sampling collects less ...
  72. Save operation failed due to conflicts, but there was a problem retrieving the current values. Please try to save again. ...
  73. Saving Definition Changes to tables with large amounts of data could take a considerable amount of time. While changes are ...
  74. Saving the change set has terminated to prevent potential stack overflow. There have been entity changes and/or creates that ...
  75. Saving these changes will remove any formatting that existed on this description in Visual Studio Online. Are you sure you ...