Visual Studio 2013

  1. Removing the formula from the column leaves it with a data type that is disallowed in indexes and relationships. Do you want ...
  2. Removing the reference to '{0}' will make the following My Namespace extensions stop functioning. Do you want to remove them ...
  3. Rename namespace {0} so that it no longer conflicts with the reserved language keyword '{1}'. Using a reserved keyword as ...
  4. Rename type {0} so that it no longer conflicts with the reserved language keyword '{1}'. Using a reserved keyword as the ...
  5. Rename virtual/interface member {0} so that it no longer conflicts with the reserved language keyword '{1}'. Using a reserved ...
  6. Renames an existing work item type. Changes the display name of a work item type within a specific project. Also, the work ...
  7. Renaming this control might break some of the formulas in your worksheet. Any cells that reference broken formulas will display ...
  8. Render Transform Mode Layout changes made in the designer will be stored as render transforms. This allows for changes to ...
  9. Replace with a Boolean value. False to reset form fields to their default values; true to retain the current form field values ...
  10. Replace with a Boolean value. False to reset form fields to their default values; True to retain the current form field values ...
  11. Replace with a Boolean value. True if all users that log on to a computer can access and use the new schema. The default ...
  12. Replace with a Boolean value. True if all users that log on to a computer can access and use the new schema. The default ...
  13. Replace with a Boolean value. True to append the document to the file specified by the OutputFileName argument; false to ...
  14. Replace with a Boolean value. True to append the document to the file specified by the OutputFileName argument; false to ...
  15. Replace with a Boolean value. True to delete the command bar when the workbook is closed. Word ignores this parameter. Set ...
  16. Replace with a Boolean value. True to delete the menu item when the workbook is closed. Word ignores this parameter. Set ...
  17. Replace with a Boolean value. True to display the AutoFilter drop-down arrow for the filtered field. False to hide the AutoFilter ...
  18. Replace with a Boolean value. True to ignore words that are ALL UPPERCASE. If this argument is omitted, the current value ...
  19. Replace with a Boolean value. True to print all pages of the document before printing the next copy, when printing multiple ...
  20. Replace with a Boolean value. True to print the document in the background. Use System.Type.Missing to omit this optional ...
  21. Replace with a Boolean value. True to search the supplied command bar and all sub-command bars. This parameter is ignored ...
  22. Replace with a Boolean value. True to send printer instructions to a file. Make sure to specify a file name with outputFileName. ...
  23. Replace with a Boolen value. True for Word to always suggest alternative spellings. If this argument is omitted, the current ...
  24. Replace with a data source to bind to. Can be any type that can be bound to, including datasets and data tables, as well ...
  25. Replace with a number that indicates the position of the new control on the command bar. The new control is inserted before ...
  26. Replace with a reference to the form that is the parent of the MDI child form. That form needs to have IsMDIContainer = True. ...
  27. Replace with a string variable that contains the path and file name of the schema. This can be a local file path, a network ...
  28. Replace with a value that specifies how Word sizes tables. Can be: wdAutoFitContent, wdAutoFitFixed, or wdAutoFitWindow. ...
  29. Replace with a value that specifies whether to use Information Rights Management (IRM) when protecting the document from ...
  30. Replace with a value that specifies whether Word resizes cells in tables to fit the cells' contents. Can be: wdWord8TableBehavior ...
  31. Replace with either an expression that returns a Dictionary object or the file name of the custom dictionary. Optional. Leave ...
  32. Replace with either an expression that returns a Dictionary object or the file name of the custom dictionary. Optional. Leave ...
  33. Replace with either an expression that returns a Dictionary or the file name of an additional custom dictionary. You can ...
  34. Replace with the criteria as a string. Use "=" for blanks, "<>" for nonblanks. Default is "All". If Operator is xlTop10Items, ...
  35. Replace with the first field of the data member to display in the ListObject. Optional. If field names are omitted, all fields ...
  36. Replace with the height to which you want Word to scale printed pages, in twips (20 twips = 1 point; 72 points = 1 inch). ...
  37. Replace with the identifier of the control, for built-in items. For custom menu items, use the ID at creation or leave empty. ...
  38. Replace with the index of the command in the TableAdapter _commandCollection. Hint: Select Go To Definition on the existing ...
  39. Replace with the index of the parameter that you wish to return. Hint: Use the DataSet designer to determine the index of ...
  40. Replace with the integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter (from the left of the list; the leftmost ...
  41. Replace with the integer value for the Bold attribute. Use -1 for true, 0 for false, and Word.WdConstants.wdToggle to toggle ...
  42. Replace with the integer value for the Italic attribute. Use -1 for true, 0 for false, and Word.WdConstants.wdToggle to toggle ...
  43. Replace with the integer value for the Underline attribute. Use one of the Word.WdUnderline constants to specify the underline ...
  44. Replace with the member of the data source to bind to, if needed. Can also be set as the second parameter of the SetDataBinding ...
  45. Replace with the names of columns in the data member that you want to display in the ListObject control. To add an unmapped ...
  46. Replace with the namespace Uniform Resource Indicator as specified in the schema. The xmlnsURI parameter is case-sensitive ...
  47. Replace with the number of pages you want Word to fit horizontally on one page. Can be 1, 2, 3, or 4, or leave blank to omit. ...
  48. Replace with the operator. From the XlAutoFilterOperator enum, choose xlTop10Items, xlBottom10Items, xlTop10Percent, xlBottom10Percent, ...
  49. Replace with the page numbers and page ranges to be printed, separated by commas. For example, "2, 6-10" prints page 2 and ...
  50. Replace with the page numbers and page ranges to be printed, separated by commas. For example, "2, 6-10" prints page 2 and ...
  51. Replace with the password string used to protect the document. Passwords are case-sensitive. If the document is protected ...
  52. Replace with the position for the command bar. Use one of the Office.MsoBarPosition constants. msoBarLeft, msoBarTop, msoBarRight, ...
  53. Replace with the second criteria as a string. Used with criteria1 and operator to construct compound criteria when operator ...
  54. Replace with the type of the instance (as a String) that you want to copy to the clipboard. Note that the type must be serializable. ...
  55. Replace with the XMLNamespace object to attach to the document. Can be newly created, or a member of the XMLNamespaces collection. ...
  56. Replace with true to have Excel suggest a list of alternative spellings, false to have Excel wait for the user to correct ...
  57. Replace with true to have Excel suggest a list of alternative spellings, false to have Excel wait for the user to correct ...
  58. Replace with true to ignore words that are all uppercase, false to spell check them, and System.Type.Missing to use Excel's ...
  59. Replaced build with another build that has the same definition. {0} New build: '{1}' {2} Previous build: '{3}' {4} Build ...
  60. Reporting Services are installed, but not configured on this computer. Configure Reporting Services before continuing the ...
  61. Reporting Services are installed, but not configured on this computer. Configure Reporting Services before continuing the ...
  62. Reporting Services are not installed on this computer. You need to either specify a remote Reporting Services instance to ...
  63. Reporting Services are not installed on this computer. You need to install Reporting Services to complete TFS installation ...
  64. Reports and dashboards on this SharePoint site currently report data for the following team project: {0}. Are you sure that ...
  65. Reports are not enabled for this project collection. This deployment of Team Foundation Server is not configured to use a ...
  66. Represents a button that can be selected, but not cleared, by a user. The IsChecked property of a radio button can be set ...
  67. Represents a control primitive that handles the positioning and sizing of a Thumb control and two RepeatButton controls that ...
  68. Represents a Menu control that contains a pop-up menu. The ContextMenu allows a control to expose functionality through the ...
  69. Represents a selection control in a drop-down list form. The items in the combo box can be shown and hidden by clicking the ...
  70. Represents a single frame in the system. This can be a method call or just a control flow frame such as an if statement or ...
  71. Represents the base class for classes that define the layout for a row of data where different data items are displayed in ...
  72. Represents the base class for elements that have a specific range. Examples of such elements are ScrollBar, ProgressBar, ...
  73. Represents the control that enables you to hierarchically organize elements that are associated with commands and event handlers. ...
  74. Represents the element that is used within the style of a ContentControl to specify where in the visual tree of the control ...
  75. Represents the master work item for a feedback session. Child work items should be created of the type Feedback Response. ...