Visual Studio 2013

  1. Provides access to the current location, which is obtained from dedicated hardware like a GPS sensor in the device or derived ...
  2. Provides access to the current location, which is obtained from dedicated hardware like a GPS sensor in the PC or derived ...
  3. Provides access to the media library for apps that target Windows Phone OS 7.1 and previous versions only. Windows Phone ...
  4. Provides access to the phone's microphone. An app with this capability can record without a visual indication that the microphone ...
  5. Provides access to the user's appointment store. This gives read access to appointments obtained from the synced network ...
  6. Provides access to Wallet payment instruments such as credit and debit cards. Does not grant access to the secure element ...
  7. Provides inbound and outbound access to Intranet networks that have an authenticated domain controller, or that the user ...
  8. Provides inbound and outbound access to the Internet and the networks in Public places like airports and coffee shops. The ...
  9. Provides information about the FixedPage elements within a FixedDocument. The order of the PageContent elements within the ...
  10. Provides outbound access to the Internet and networks in public places like airports and coffee shops. For example, Intranet ...
  11. Provides read-only access to audio items, including lists of audio items, and audio item properties such as title and description, ...
  12. Provides read-only access to photos in the media library, and photo properties, such as category. It also gives an app the ...
  13. Provides read/write access to media items that are currently playing. It also gives an app the ability to add media items ...
  14. Provides the ability to receive push notifications from an internet service. This capability must be disclosed because an ...
  15. Provides the capability to add, change, or delete files on removable storage devices. The app can only access file types ...
  16. Provides the capability to add, change, or delete files on removable storage devices. The app can only access file types ...
  17. Provides the capability to connect devices in close proximity to the device via near field proximity radio or Wi-Fi Direct. ...
  18. Provides the capability to connect devices in close proximity to the PC via near field proximity radio or Wi-Fi Direct. Near ...
  19. Provides the capability to connect devices in close proximity to the PC via near field proximity radio. Near field proximity ...
  20. Provides the content for a high fidelity, fixed-format page, is typically used to provide the content for a page within a ...
  21. Provides the types to access a database with the schema in a DBML file, using a LINQ-to-SQL mapping The DBML file containing ...
  22. Provides the types to access a database with the schema in an EDMX file, using a LINQ-to-Entities mapping The EDMX file containing ...
  23. Provides the types to access a database, using a LINQ-to-Entities mapping The connection string for the database connection ...
  24. Provides the types to access a database, using a LINQ-to-SQL mapping The connection string for the database connection. If ...
  25. Provides the types to access a WSDL web service The Uri for the WSDL service The .wsdlschema file to store locally cached ...
  26. Provides the types to access an OData service The Uri for the OData service The local .csdl file for the service schema Require ...
  27. Provides the Visual Studio Debugger events about the debugged processes. The service will start automaticially when debugging ...
  28. PRXY0011: The body for the request or the response is not valid. Chunked transfer encoding was specified, but the chunk size ...
  29. PRXY0017: The request line for the request is not valid. Either no request method, URI, or HTTP version number was found. ...
  30. PRXY0021: An error occurred in the proxy managing requests to the Internet. The proxy can no longer process HTTP traffic. ...
  31. PRXY0022: When registering the proxy, another instance of the proxy was detected at end point '{0}'. Multiple instances of ...
  32. PRXY0023: When registering the proxy, another instance of the proxy was detected at end point '{0}', but it is no longer ...
  33. pS' : invalid %$[TEMPLATE GENERIC argument for '%$S', missing %$[TEMPLATE GENERIC argument list on class %$[TEMPLATE GENERIC ...
  34. pS' : template parameter '%$S' : '%$pS' : an expression involving objects with internal linkage cannot be used as a non-type ...
  35. pS' : template parameter list for class template '%$S' does not match template parameter list for template template parameter ...
  36. Publish Catalog must be Local SharePoint App during debugging. Please set the Publish Catalog of '{0}' to Local SharePoint ...
  37. Publishing test results shares them with your team and makes them available for inclusion in team project reports. To publish ...
  38. Queries are not supported on attached data sources in LightSwitch. Enter the base address of the service endpoint to use ...
  39. Queues the error report. When you log in with administrator privileges, a pop-up window is displayed and allows you to report ...
  40. quit: quits the application !: toggle multiline mode on and off (can be used to enter multiline javascript) help: this help ...
  41. Quotations cannot contain expressions that make member constraint calls, or uses of operators that implicitly resolve to ...
  42. Quotations cannot contain function definitions that are inferred or declared to be generic. Consider adding some type constraints ...
  43. r directives may only occur in F# script files (extensions .fsx or .fsscript). Either move this code to a script file, add ...
  44. RaiseEvent keyword Specifies the statements to run when the event is raised by the RaiseEvent statement. RaiseEvent( ).End ...
  45. Raising exceptions in exception clauses greatly increases the difficulty of debugging. Exceptions raised in finally and fault ...
  46. Randomized Base Address : Generate an executable image that can be randomly rebased at load-time by using the address space ...
  47. Range specified for 'Case' statement is not valid. Make sure that the lower bound is less than or equal to the upper bound. ...
  48. Range variable '|1' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression. ...
  49. Range variable '|1' hides a variable in an enclosing block, a previously defined range variable, or an implicitly declared ...
  50. Rather than have this wizard create a new configuration database, you can elect to pre-create an empty database and use that. ...
  51. Read the configuration file created by Visual Studio Test Controller 2010 and convert physical environments to standard environments ...
  52. Read the configuration file created by Visual Studio Test Controller 2010 and convert physical environments to standard environments ...
  53. Read-only comparison view. Edit local file](Opens the editable local file so that you can make changes based on the code ...
  54. Read-only comparison view. Edit local file](Opens the editable local file so that you can make changes based on the code ...
  55. Read-only comparison view. You can add comments by selecting code to comment on, right clicking and choosing Add Comment. ...
  56. Read-only fields that reference arrays might not give the intended effect. Setting a field which references an array to read-only ...
  57. Readiness checks passed but there are some warnings or messages. Carefully review the following messages, and then click ...
  58. Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. ...
  59. realloc' might return null pointer: assigning null pointer to '%1$ls', which is passed as an argument to 'realloc', will ...
  60. Rebuild resource file {0} with a released version of .NET. The '{1}' key specified an unrecognized version '{2}'. The version ...
  61. Reconfigure an existing code coverage session. Usage: config options Options: /config: required Override the configuration ...
  62. Record your UI actions to be played back later. In addition to an action recording, record the UI actions as text or images ...
  63. Recording action steps is not supported for Windows Store apps. To test desktop apps, use the Coded UI test project template ...
  64. recursive call to '%s': recursion is detected when compiling the call graph for the concurrency::parallel_for_each at: '%s' ...
  65. Recursive references to the object being defined will be checked for initialization soundness at runtime through the use ...
  66. Recursive references to the object being defined will be checked for initialization soundness at runtime through the use ...
  67. Recursive values cannot appear directly as a construction of the type '{0}' within a recursive binding. This feature has ...
  68. Recursive values cannot be directly assigned to the non-mutable field '{0}' of the type '{1}' within a recursive binding. ...
  69. Recursively defined values cannot appear directly as part of the construction of a tuple value within a recursive binding ...
  70. Redo move code operation completed in Coded UI Test Editor. However, you must manually redo the changes in the following ...
  71. Redoing the next action for this file will also cause intervening changes in other files to be redone. Do you wish to proceed? ...
  72. Refactoring the signature of a delegate which references a method may result in build errors. If other delegates reference ...
  73. Refactoring the signature of a delegate which references a method may result in build errors. Signatures of other delegates ...
  74. Refactoring the signature of a method referenced by a delegate may result in build errors. Signatures of delegates that reference ...
  75. Reference Assembly Output|Specifies that this assembly is used in the build process. If true, the assembly will be added ...