Visual Studio 2013

  1. Skipping the host would make it unusable for lab management. If you skip the host, it will be re-checked when you attempt ...
  2. Skipping update of SOAP subscriptions due to failure to find an existing value for appSetting {0} in the current application ...
  3. Skipping will prevent TFS proxy from removing references to the endpoints it can't connect to, but TFS will be unable to ...
  4. Slide {0}: Missing value for shape: '{1}'. Subshapes in the metadata are not found on the slide. To view subshape names on ...
  5. Slide {0}: Multiple shape groups are defined on the slide. Some layout properties defined on subshape '{1}' may not be applied. ...
  6. Slide {0}: No shapes or multiple shapes defined on the slide. Exactly one shape has to be defined. If using multiple shapes, ...
  7. Slide {0}: The subshape '{1}' defined for the Edit Shape property cannot be edited. Define another subshape for default editing. ...
  8. sln file exists, then the IDE looks for a single .sln file that references the project. If no such single .sln file exists, ...
  9. sln file exists, then the IDE looks for a single .sln file that references the project. If no such single .sln file exists, ...
  10. Smaller Type Check : Enable checking for conversion to smaller types, incompatible with any optimization type other than ...
  11. SnappedBackButtonStyle is used to style a Button for use in the title area of a snapped page. Margins appropriate for the ...
  12. Snapshot allows you to save the current state of the environment as it is, later you can access the same by using the restore ...
  13. Solution '%s' and its projects must be migrated to the formats used by this version of this application. If you choose to ...
  14. Solution and project files cannot be shared into existing solutions or projects. Consequently, %0 could not share all the ...
  15. Solution directory '{0}' does not exists. Please make sure solution directory specified in runsettings exists and have read ...
  16. Solution Explorer Mode : The default mode for Visual C++ projects in Solution Explorer. When set to "Show only files in project", ...
  17. Solution file '%s' cannot be migrated because it cannot be modified. To migrate the solution, change the permissions on the ...
  18. Solution file '%s' cannot be migrated because it is read-only on disk. To migrate the solution, change the permissions on ...
  19. Solution file '%s' cannot be migrated because the solution cannot be checked out from source code control. To migrate the ...
  20. Solution file '%s' is from a previous version of this application and must be migrated in order to build in this version ...
  21. Solution Folder names cannot: - contain any of the following characters: / ? : \ " < > | # % - contain Unicode control characters ...
  22. Solution folders are not supported in this version of the application. Solution folder '%s' will be displayed as unavailable. ...
  23. Some applications that work outside the browser (including Team Explorer Everywhere command line client and the git-tf utility) ...
  24. Some bindings are no longer valid as a result of this operation. Do you want to clear these bindings? Click 'Yes' to proceed ...
  25. Some build resources are enabled. If any builds are running during the servicing operation, they will be stopped by the system. ...
  26. Some bytes have been replaced with the Unicode substitution character while loading file {0} with {1} encoding. Saving the ...
  27. Some command line switches were read from the auto-response file "{0}". To disable this file, use the "/noautoresponse" switch. ...
  28. Some components required to run the Windows App Certification Kit remotely are missing. Click Continue to install the missing ...
  29. Some content on this page cannot be displayed because you have JavaScript disabled. To proceed, please enable active scripting ...
  30. Some fakes could not be generated. For complete details, set Diagnostic attribute of the Fakes element in this file to 'true' ...
  31. Some features have been installed but need to be configured. Click on Configure Installed Features to begin configuring the ...
  32. Some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. You can continue with a get silently and the local files will be deleted ...
  33. Some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. You can continue with the Checkin or perform instead a Get operation ...
  34. Some files have been deleted or renamed on the server. You will need to perform a Get operation in order to see those changes ...
  35. Some items at the new binding have different contents on your local disk than in the newly bound database. You should consult ...
  36. Some members of the given AD group could not be added. May be they belong to different domain or some other exception has ...
  37. Some messages did not display because they were not associated with any ProjectStarted events. Use diagnostic verbosity to ...
  38. Some of the data from the selected baseline is from a different process than the current view. Only data from the matching ...
  39. Some of the data represents a different instance of {0}' than the current view. Comparisons might not be valid. Would you ...
  40. Some of the files you are adding to your project are located outside of the project's binding root. These files cannot be ...
  41. Some of the files you are attempting to add to the solution cannot be added because they are used for source control tracking. ...
  42. Some of the files you are renaming or moving will be located outside of the project's binding root. The item(s) %1 will not ...
  43. Some of the items in the pending check-in list are not located in the solution that you have open. Double-click this message ...
  44. Some of the items that were modified while disconnected cannot be automatically checked out, possibly because these items ...
  45. Some of the items that you are adding to source control are stored in a file encoding (UTF-8) that your source control system ...
  46. Some of the items you are trying to checkout are both changed in memory and their on-disk version is different from the server's ...
  47. Some of the items you attempted to add to source control do not exist on disk and could not be added. If these items are ...
  48. Some of the items you have selected for this operation already have deferred source control operations pending. Do you want ...
  49. Some of the items you have selected for this operation have deferred source control operations pending. Because these items ...
  50. Some of the links you requested were created. However, you cannot create a link between a work item and itself. In those ...
  51. Some of the machines in the environment do not have the latest version of the test agent installed on them. Chose 'Upgrade ...
  52. Some of the project locations are not valid. %0 will continue the open from source control process, skipping projects with ...
  53. Some of the reviewers don't have permission to some of the files to review. Do you want to submit the code review anyway? ...
  54. Some of the selected database objects will not be deleted because they are open in designers. Are you sure that you want ...
  55. Some of the selected files are exclusive to %0. If you edit a file while it is exclusive, you may have to merge your changes ...
  56. Some of the selected type(s) cannot be added to the class diagram. Check the code for errors and ensure that all required ...
  57. Some of the selected type(s) cannot be added to the class diagram. This may be due to several limitations of the tool, click ...
  58. Some of your files have not been added to source control. They will appear in the Pending Checkins window as checked out. ...
  59. Some overloads here take an Async Function rather than an Async Sub. Consider either using an Async Function, or casting ...
  60. Some parameters in the action recording are not bound to any controls on application under test, this may interfere with ...
  61. Some parameters in this shared step set have not been mapped to controls in the application under test. This may interfere ...
  62. Some pre-requisite checks failed and install cannot continue until the checks pass. Resolve the issues and click Re-run Checks ...
  63. Some PrimaryKey column(s) contain invalid data. Can not perform safe delete/update with insufficient primary key information. ...
  64. Some programming languages do not support default parameters. Replace default parameters with method overloads that supply ...
  65. Some projects have been bound to server locations that may be incorrect. A location may be incorrect either because it does ...
  66. Some reload or shell operations were canceled or caused errors. You should close and reopen the solution before making further ...
  67. Some requested groups could not be added. Either the groups are outside your domain, or it does not follow LDAP protocol. ...
  68. Some shapes or connectors on the diagram are missing because their definitions do not exist in this project. Either the definitions ...
  69. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved in the current codepage. Do you want to resave this file as Unicode ...
  70. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved in the current codepage. Do you want to resave this file as Unicode ...
  71. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved. To save all the information in this file, press Cancel and then ...
  72. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved. To save all the information in this file, use 'Save As' and click ...
  73. Some Unicode characters in this file could not be saved. To save all the information in this file, use 'Save As' and select ...
  74. Some unsupported resources failed to load and they will be discarded on save. The reserved names are DESIGNINFO, HWB, and ...
  75. Some Visual Studio features may not work during debugging because the site {0} is not currently in the local intranet security ...